Today, I will try to explain making pastry for 'pita', that is still home made in many Eastern European countries. This technique is mostly used in Bosnia, although other countries (Greece, Serbia, Turkey,...) have very similar techniques.
Pita with minced meat and sauteed onions is called Burek in Bosnia.
For a simplified method of making pita (for beginners) click here.
2 cups plain flour
200 ml(+,-)water
1/2 teas salt
Cheese-spinach filling-
500g ricotta
1 egg
1 teas salt
250 g spinach (blanched, frozen)
Other ingredients-
Oil, in a cup (cca 100ml)
Flour for dusting
Also needed -
tablecloth big enough to cover the entire table, rolling pin.
Make a soft dough from flour, salt and water. Dust with flour and let it rest for at least 25 min.
Prepare the filling by combining cheese, spinach, egg and salt (I always add a tbs of lemon juice, as I find European cheese is more sour, that ricotta I usually by in Australia.)
Prepare the working surface by dusting the tablecloth with flour.
Place the dough on the table, dust with flour and start rolling out until 55-60 cm diameter. Dust with flour all the time, this will prevent sticking.
When you've achieved wanted size, spoon 3 tbs of oil around the dough, and spread with your fingers.
Now slowly and gently pull the pastry from the centre to the edge (Back of your hand is better to use - go around the dough. Round tables are perfect for this!)
Dot the fillings around edges, turn dough from outside edge to cover the filling.
With a spoon add some extra oil around the edges, and centre of pastry.
Start rolling the pastry towards centre, pulling gently at the same time towards your self - this will additionally stretch your pastry, ensuring thin, crisp appearance.
Cut the pastry in the middle and continue to roll inwards, until all is rolled up.
You will get a circle of made pastry/pita, which you need to cut and start rolling into a spiral form.
Oil the top of pita - spray is fine, and bake for 25-30 min.
Bosanska pita
Za jednostavniji metod (maslenica ) mozete pogledati ovdje.
2 solje (250 ml) brasna (250 +gr)
1/2 kasicice soli
200 ml + vode
500 gr sira
1 kasicica soli
1 jaje
250 gr spinata (blansiran ili smrznut)
Jos potrebno-
ulje, oko 1 dl
brasno za posipanje
Umijesite mekano, glatko tijesto, pobrasnite i ostavite odmarati najmanje 25 min.
Ukljucite rernu na 190*C, nauljite tepsiju u kojoj cete peci.
Pobrasnite solnjak na kojem cete razvlaciti jufke.
Odmoreno tijesto razvucite na cca 55-60 cm precnika.
Pospite 3 kasike ulja po povrsini - prstima razmazite, pa rukama pocnite razvlaciti od sredine prema krajeviam.
Rasporedite filovanje po ivici tijesta; prebacite kraj jufke prema sredini, pa pocnite 'rolati' prema sredini, razvlaceci blago prema sebi.
Pospite sa jos ulja.
Razrezite jufku po sredi, zavrsite 'rolanje'.
Napravite spiralu - ili bilo koji oblik, nauljite povrsinu - pecite 25-30 min.
Home » Archive for Juli 2010
Milk rolls
Makes 32 rolls (freezable!)
850 g bakers flour
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1 tbs sugar
2 teas salt
2 teas yeast
1/2 cup oil
1 egg, beaten for glazing
Put all ingredients (except egg) into a bread making machine, and let it work for you (or do it by hand)!
When ready, divide dough into 4 balls. Roll out a circle (25cm)from each ball, divide into 8 (like pizza slices), roll each slice from wider part to narrower.
Let it double in a warm spot, brush with beaten egg and bake 10 min at 180-200*C.
Suitable for filling; ham and cheese, spinach and ricotta...
Mlijecne kifle
850 gr brasna
250 ml mlijeka
250 ml vode
125 ml ulja
1 kasika secera
2-3 kasicice soli
2 kasicice kvasca
1 jaje, umuceno - za premazivanje
Umijesite tijesto od svih sastojaka, rucno ili uz pomoc masine.
Kada nadodje, podijelite u 4 jednake loptice, koje cete zatim razvaljati na krugove velicine 25 cm, a potom i isjeci na 8 dijelova (kao pica).
Zarolajte od sire strane prema uzoj. U ovoj fazi kifle mozete i puniti.
Premazite svaku kiflu sa umucenim jajetom i pecite 10 min na 180-200*C.
at 21.25,
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"Ants' colony" Torte
Perfect for Summer - No baking involved!
500 g Milk coffee biscuits (or similar)
1/2 l milk
1-2 tea Rum (or Grand Marnie, Kahlua...)
250 g butter, very soft
3 egg yolks
6 tbs icing sugar
130 g chocolate (65%), melted
130 g hazelnuts, ground
3 egg whites
9 tbs sugar
3 tbs water
Grated chocolate, for sprinkling
Break biscuits into quarters, put them in a bowl and spoon milk and rum over them, mixing gently.
In another bowl, mix butter, egg yolks and sugar until smooth and fluffy. Add chocolate and nuts. Fold in milk-biscuit mix gently.
Spoon it out on a serving dish, shaping a dome. Refrigerate.
For icing-
Put sugar and water to heat, until sugar melted and syrup formed.
Beat egg whites with a mixer, until soft peak forms. Pour syrup into it, while still hot and beat for another 5 minutes. Decorate the dome with icing, and sprinkle with shaved/grated chocolate. Refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.
500 gr petit (ili sl.) keksa
1/2 l Mlijeka
1-2 kasicice ruma
250 gr putera ili margarina
3 zumanjka
6 kasika secera u prahu
130 gr cokolade, 65% kakao, istopljene
130 gr ljesnika, pecenih i mljevenih
po zelji grozdjice, zele bombone…
Za ukrasiti:
3 bjelanjka
9 kasika secera, uspinovan sa
3 kasike vode
malo ribane cokolade
Izlomite keks na cetvrtine, te ga polijte (kasika po kasika) sa 1/2 l mlijeka u koje ste ubacili rum. Promijesajte i ostavite sa strane.
U drugu posudu izmijesajte pjenasto maslac sa secerom, pa dodajte zumanjke.
Ubacite cokoladu i ljesnjake i promijesajte (ovdje takodje ubaciti grozdjice… ja ih nisam dodavala, jer nisu bile pozeljne).
Sastojke iz obje posude izmijesati, pa prevrnuti na tanjir za sluzenje (mozete oblikovati bilo koju formu; pretpostavljam da se zove ‘Mravinjak’ zbog oblika kupole). Staviti u frizider.
Bjelanca umutiti u cvrst snijeg, pa im u mlazu dodati vrucu uspinovanu masu od vode i secera (Ja jos malo ‘dokuham’ na pari). Mutiti jos par minuta, a zatim ukrasiti tortu, preko koje konacno naribate cokoladu.
Prije sluzenja jos rashladiti (2 sata) u frizideru.
at 20.23,
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Beetroot Soup
Thick, healthy and delicious!
3-4 medium size beetroots
2-3 medium potatoes
1-2 garlic cloves
1 tbs 'Vegeta' (or other stock powder)
salt and pepper
sour cream for decoration
Peel and cut beetroots and potatoes. Put them in a deep saucepan and cover with water. Cook until beetroot soft, then add stock powder, salt and pepper to taste.
With a stab mixer (hand-held mixer), blend cooked vegetables until smooth consistency. Add pressed garlic. Decorate with a bit of sour cream.
If you don't like taste of raw garlic, you can add cumin instead. Also olive oil instead of sour cream can be used.
Gusta corba od cvekle
3 - 4 cvekle, srednje velicine
2 - 3 krumpira, osrednjih
1 - 2 cena bijelog luka
1 kasika vegete
po ukusu so i biber
po potrebi voda
malo kiselog vrhnja / kajmaka za dekoraciju
Ogulite cveklu (plasticne rukavice su neophodne) i krumpir i isijecite na podjednake komade. Stavite u lonac / serpu te nadolijte toliko vode koliko treba da sve bude potopljeno. Kuhajte sve dok cvekla ne omeksa, a zatim dodajte vegetu, so i biber (crni, svjeze mljeveni). Smaknite na stranu i sve dobro ispasirajte zajedno sa vodom u kojoj se kuhalo. Na kraju protisnuti bijeli luk i promijesati.
Po sipanju u tanjure ukrasiti sa malo kiselog vrhnja / kajmaka.
Umjesto vrhnja / kajmaka, moze posluziti i maslinovo ulje.
Ukoliko ne volite bijeli luk, za aromu stavite mljeveni kim.
at 19.37,
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Italian Filled Tomatoes
Excellent with fish, meat, or as an appetiser.
10 medium tomatoes
3-4 garlic cloves, pressed
1 cup parsley leaves, chopped
1 cup bread crumbs
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
3/4 cup olive oil, extra virgin
salt and black pepper, freshly grated
Cut tomatoes close at top, spoon out seeds and slightly salt each tomato inside. Turn upside down, leave for some time.
Put all ingredients (except oil) in a food processor, pulse it until you're satisfied with texture. Pour olive oil over it and mix with fork.
Fill each tomato, slightly pressing. Bake 30 minutes at 180*C.
Serve hot or cold.
Paradajz filovan na Italijanski nacin
10 srednjih paradajza/rajcice
3-4 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
1 solja sjeckanog lisca persuna
1 solja suhih mrvica hljeba/kruha
1/2 solje parmezana, rendanog
3/4 solje maslinovog ulja, djevicansko
so i biber crni, svjeze mljeveni
Odsjeci ‘poklopce’ paradajzu, izdubiti sredinu, posoliti ih lagano i okrenuti da se cijede.
Sve ostale sastojke (osim ulja) staviti u elektricnu sjeckalicu i sjeckati dok masa ne postane kompaktna, ali ne ‘slijepljena’.(Budite pazljivi sa solju – parmezan cesto bude dovoljno slan). U tankom mlazu zatim dodati ulje i jos malo promijesati (moze i viljuskom).
Paradajze puniti smjesom (najlakse je sa malom kasikom); lagano utisnuti. Poravnajte povrsinu i pecite na 180*C oko 30 minuta.
Servirajte i uzivajte u aromi i ukusu!
Sluziti toplo ili hladno. Perfektno uz ribu, meso ili ‘mezu’. Moze posluziti i kao predjelo.
at 18.04,
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Apple, Date and Caramel Cake
I love baking cakes...but I usually don't eat them.
This is one of exceptions!
2 medium apples, peeled, cored and chopped
200g finely chopped dates
1 teas baking soda
1 cup boiling water
125 g unsalted butter, soft
1 cup caster sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 teas vanilla essence
1 cup flour
1/2 cup SR flour
pinch of salt
50 g roasted nuts (your choice), chopped
120ml milk
90 g butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 teas vanilla
110 g nuts, flaked
preheat oven to 180*C. Prepare a 22 cm cake tin.
Place apples, dates, soda and boiling water in a saucepan, bring to boil and let cool.
Beat butter and sugar, mix in vanilla and egg; sift flour and salt, fold in with apples mixture and nuts. Spoon into cake tin.
Bake for 50-60 minutes.
10 minutes before the cake is ready prepare the topping-
Heat milk and butter in a saucepan, add vanilla sugar and nuts and cook for 5-8 minutes.
When cake is ready take out, flatten the top and pour the topping over it.
Return to oven for 10-15 minutes, until the topping is golden brown.
Serve with cream (optional!).
Karamel torta sa jabukama i datulama
2 jabuke srednje velicine, sjeckane
200 gr datula, sjeckanih
1 kasicica sode bb
1 solja vrele vode
125 gr putera, omeksalog
1 solja sitnog secera
1 jaje
1 1/2 kasicica vanile
1 solja brasna
1/2 solje samodizajuceg brasna
malo soli
50 gr oraha/ljesnika/badema (po izboru)
120ml mlijeka
90 gr putera
3/4 solje braon secera
1 kasicica vanile
110gr oraha, krupno sjeckani
Zagrijte rernu na 180*C. Pripremite 22 cm obruc za torte.
Stavite isjeckanu jabuku, datule i sodu bb u posudu, prelijte vrelom vodom i prokuhajte. Ohladite.
Mutite puter sa secerom, dodajte vanilu i jaje. Dodajte brasno,orahe, so i mjesavinu sa jabukama.
Prerucite u obruc i pecite 50-60 minuta.
Zadnjih 10 minuta pecenja pripremite preliv - Zagrijte mlijeko i puter, dodajte secer,vanilu i orahe i kuhajte 5-8 minuta, dok se malo ne zgusne.
Izvadite tortu iz rerne,malo zaravnajte povrsinu, prelijte karamel prelivom i vratite na jos 10-15 minuta u rernu.
Mozete sluziti sa kremom ili bez, po vasem izboru!
at 02.34,
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Made by my boys!
20 g butter
1 large onion, diced
1-2 garlic cloves, crushed
1/3 teas chili powder
1 teas paprika
1/2 teas cummin
400 g caned tomatoes, diced
2 tbs tomato paste
1 teas brown sugar
200 g corn chips
1 1/2 cups cheese, grated
1 can red kidney beans
Preheat oven to 180*C. In a pan melt butter, add onion and garlic and fry for 3-5 minutes.Drain tomatoes and reserve 2 tbs juice: Add it to the pan along with spices, paste, sugar and beans. Cook for 5 minutes. Arrange 1/2 of chips on a ovenproof plate, sprinkle with 1/2 cheese, and 1/2 of tomato mixture. Do the same with the other half, leave cheese to be on top.
Bake for 12 minutes, or until cheese is melted.
Meksicki Nachos
20 gr putera
1 veliki luk, sjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
1/3 kasicice chili praha
1 kasicica paprike crvene
1/2 kasicice kima, prah
400 gr konzerviranog paradajza
2 kasike ukuhanog gustog paradajza
1 kasicica braon secera
200 gr kukuruznog chipsa
1 1/2 solja tvrdog rendanog sira
1 konzerva crvenog graha
Zagrijte rernu na 180*C. U tavi zagrijte puter pa proprzite crveni i bijeli luk. Dodajte zacine i sjeckani paradajz iz konzerve sa 2 kasike soka. Dodajte gusti paradajz, grah i secer, kuhajte jos 5 minuta.
U vatrostalnu posudu poslazite 1/2 chipsa, pospite sa 1/2 paradajz mjesavine i 1/2 sira. Isto ucinite sa ostalim dijelom, neka na povrsini bude sir.
Pecite 12 minuta ili dok se sir ne istopi.
at 19.51,
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Indian Spiced Beans
Versatile dish - served as entree, salad, side dish or main.
2 tbs sesame seeds, dry roasted
1 tbs grated coconut
1/2 teas black mustard seeds
3 tbs oil
1 chili, chopped
1/2 teas turmeric, powder
1 teas coriander powder
500 g green beans, fresh or frozen
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Roast sesame in a pan or in the oven;cool and grind - set aside with coconut.
Heat the oil in a deep pan, fry mustard seeds until fragrant.
Add chili, spice powders, beans and garlic. Stir fry for a few minutes, or until beans are soft.
Top with sesame-coconut mix, add salt to the taste and mix well. Enjoy!
Mahune/Boranija sa Indijskim zacinima
2 kasike sezamovog sjemena, propecenog
1 kasika kokosa, ribanog
1/2 kasicice sjemena senfa/gorusice, crno po mogucnosti
3 kasike ulja
1 cili (mala 'feferonka' crvena)
1/2 kasicice turmerik praha
1 kasicica korijander praha
500 gr mahuna/boranije, svjeze ili smrznute
4 cena bijelog luka, sitno sjeckana
Propecite sezam na tavi ili u rerni.Sameljite ili istucajte, sastavite sa kokosom i ostavite po strani.
Zagrijte ulje pa proprzite sjeme senfa, dok ne pocne pustati miris i pucketati.
Dodajte zacine, papricicu, mahune i bijeli luk.
Przite i mijesajte stalno na jakoj vatri, dok mahune ne omeksaju.
Pospite sezam-kokos mjesavinu i posolite prema ukusu.
Dobro promijesajte prije sluzenja.
at 19.45,
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Nutella, Maltesers and Vanilla Ice-Cream Torte
For my European followers/readers and all those who don't mind winter... when ice cream is in question!
3/4 cup orange juice
1/3 cup caster sugar
1/4 cup hazelnut spread (Nutella)
125 gr sponge fingers, broken
2 litres vanilla ice-cream
165 g packet 'Maltesers'
1/4 cup hazelnut spread, extra
Raspberries and Maltesers, to decorate
Take ice-cream out of freezer.
Grease a 22cm spring form, line base with baking paper/foil.
Combine juice and sugar and boil for 1 minute. Whisk in hazelnut spread.
Place sponge fingers over prepared tin, pour orange syrup over, turn fingers until absorbed.
Mix ice-cream with Maltesers. Spread mixture over base with sponge fingers. Drop spoonfuls of extra hazelnut spread on top. Pull a skewer (or similar)trough to make a marbled effect. Freeze for a few hours (or overnight).
When ready, take out of spring form and decorate with raspberries and Maltesers.
Sladoled Torta
3/4 solje soka narandze
1/3 solje secera
1/4 solje Nutele (ili slicno)
125 piskota (ili slicno)
2 litre sladoleda vanile
165 gr Maltesers (cokoladne loptice)
1/4 solje Nutele, dodatno
Maline i Maltesers za dekoraciju
Izvadite sladoled iz zamrzivaca.
Pripremite 22 cm kalup za tortu.
Sok narandze i secer prokuhajte, pa dodajte Nutelu. Promijesajte.
Izlomljene piskote pobacajte na kalup, prelijte ga sa sirupom. Okrenite nekoliko puta dok se sok ne apsorbira.
U omeksali sladoled umijesajte Maltesers (ili slicno). Prebacite ga u kalup.
Po povrsini prelijte Nutelu, zatim nozem ili duzom cackalicom pravite 'osmice' kako biste dobili efekt marbla.Zamrznite nekoliko sati.
Kada se steglo, prerucite iz kalupa i ukrasite malinama i Malteserima.
at 02.58,
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