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Raspberry Hazelnut Cake

My favorite nuts are hazelnuts. They go well with so many ingredients, in this case with raspberries. I made this cake for a house warming party. Everyone was delighted by the taste.

6 eggs
2 cups caster sugar
250 g butter, melted
2/3 cup sour cream, warmed
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup SR flour
1 cup hazelnuts, roasted and processed into meal
300 g raspberries, fresh or frozen
250 g cream cheese
2/3 cup icing sugar
2/3 cup milk powder
Preheat oven to 180*C (160* fan forced). Prepare 22 cm cake tin.
Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy, add melted butter and sour cream. Mix well, then sift flours on top of mixture, add hazelnut meal; fold in slowly by hand (spatula). Finally add raspberries and pour into tin. Bake for 1 hour (or more) or until inserted toothpick doesn't come out clean.
For icing - put all ingredients into a bowl (cream cheese should be soft -room temperature), mix on a high speed until soft and fluffy. Spread cake with icing, and decorate with raspberries if desired.

Kolaci sa Malinama i Ljesnicima

6 jaja
2 solje secera
250 gr maslaca, otopljenog
2/3 solje kajmaka/pavlake
1 solja brasna
1/2 solje samodizajuceg brasna
1 solja ljesnika, pecenih i samljevenih
300 gr kupina/ crvenih malina
250 gr krem sira (Philadelphia)
2/3 solje prah secera
2/3 solje mlijeka u prahu
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C (160 sa fenom). Pripremite kalup za tortu 22 cm.
Umutite jaja sa secerom u pjenu, dodajte otopljeni puter i kajmak. Promijesajte. Na povrsinu prosijte brasna, dodajte ljesnike, pa lagano rucno sjedinite. Ubacite maline, promijesajte i sve prerucite u kalup. Pecite oko sat vremena ili duze(provjerite sa cackalicom).
Za kremu - mikserom sjedinite sve sastojke, pa premazite kolac po povrsini i okolo. Mozete ukrasiti sa malinama, po zelji.

Oven Baked Rainbow Trout

I was born far away from any sea, but we had (still have) beautiful rivers full of this lovely fish. This is a simple way to prepare and enjoy it.

2 Rainbow Trouts (1-1,5 kg)
1/3 cup olive oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
corn flour (fine polenta) for dusting
salt and pepper
Wipe (scaled) trouts, salt and pepper inside and out. Mix oil and crushed garlic; brush fish with with this, leaving most of the garlic inside. Dust well with fine polenta, pour some more olive oil on top, and bake for 40-45 minutes on 180*C.
Best served with corn bread ( recipe below).

Pastrmka iz rerne / peci
Ovu ribu najradije jedem...vjerovatno jer sam rodjena na kontinentu.

2 pastrmke (do 1,5 kg)
1/3 solje maslinovog ulja
2 cena bijelog luka
kukuruzno brasno, sitno
so i biber
Obrisite ociscene ribe, posolite i pobiberite sa svih strana i unutra.
Pomijesajte ulje i protisnuti bijeli luk, pa ovime premazite ribu, nastojeci da vecina bijelog luka ostane unutra. Pobrasnite sa svih strana, nauljite i pecite 40-45 minuta na 180*C. Najbolje je servirati sa projom / kukuruznim hljebom (recept ispod).

Corn Bread

This recipe is used in many countries of Balkan.

3 small eggs, beaten
1 teas salt
3 tbsp oil
1 cup yogurt
1/2 cup mineral sparkling water
1 cup corn flour (fine polenta)
1 cup SR flour
Mix all ingredients well, pour into greased / dusted bread tin, and bake 35-40 min on 180*C.

Proja / kukuruzni hljeb

3 manja jaja, umucena
1 kasicica soli
3 kasike ulja
1 solja gustog jogurta / kiselog mlijeka
1/2 solje kisele vode
1 solja kukuruznog brasna, sitnije od palente
1 solja samodizajuceg brasna
(ako ne mozete kupiti - napravite: 1 solja obicnog brasna + 1,5 kasicica praska za pecivo)
Sastavite sve sastojke i dobro izmijesajte. Uspite u kalup, namascen i pobrasnjen; pecite 35-40 minuta na 180*C.

Slimming World - Roasted Haddock with spinach-filled peppers

Slimming World - Roasted Haddock with spinach-filled peppers

Serves 4

Original - Free


2 red peppers, halved and seeded

2 yellow peppers, halved and seeded

Fry light

salt and freshly ground black pepper

425g bag spinach, washed

2 garlic cloves, crushed

142g quark

20g pack fresh basil, chopped

1 level tsp Dijon mustard

4 haddock fillets

2 ripe vine tomatoes, thinly sliced


1. Preheat the oven to 190c/375f/Gas 5. Place the pepper halves onto a roasting tray, cut side up. Spray with fry light and season. Roast for 15 minutes.

2. Meanwhile place the spinach and garlic in a large pan, cover and cook over a high heat for 2 minutes until just welted.

3. Mix in the quark, basil and mustard with some seasoning and spread over the haddock. Arrange the sliced tomatoes on top, place on a sheet of parchment paper on a baking tray.

4. Fill the roasted peppers with the spinach and cover with foil. Place back in the oven along with the tray of haddock. Cook for 20-25 minutes (depending on the thickness of the fish). Serve the fish with 2 pepper halves.

Slimming World - Roasted Beef with a Mixed Peppercorn and Mustard Crust

Slimming World - Roasted Beef with a Mixed Peppercorn and Mustard Crust

Serves 4-6

Ready in about 2 hours

Original - Free


1.5kg sirlion of beef joint, all visable fat removed

2 tbsp English mustard powder

6-8 tbsp mixed peppercorns, crushed


1. Preheat the oven to 190c/375f/Gas 5 and place the joint of beef in a roasting tin. Make up the mustard following instructions on the tin and spread over the joint. Sprinkle over the crushed mixed peppercorns to form an even crust.

2. Place the joint in the oven and cook for 20 minutes per 1lb/454g, plus an extra 20 minutes, for rare, 25 minutes per 1lb/454g, for medium and 30 minutes per 1lb/454g plus an extra 30 minutes for well done. Spray the joint occasionally with fry light while roasting, and turn halfway through its cooking time.

3. Once cooked, remove the beef from the roasting tin and cover with foil. Allow to rest 15-20 minutes before serving.

Slimming World - Chilli and Soy-Glazed Steak with Stir-Fried Vegetables

Slimming World - Chilli and Soy-Glazed Steak with Stir-Fried Vegetables

Serves 4

Original - Free


454g Sirlion steak, all visible fat removed

3 red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped

2 tbsp red wine vinegar

2.5cm piece fresh root ginger

1 tbsp artifical sweetener

57ml light soy sauce

1kg stir-fry vegetables


1. Cut the steak into finger width strips and place in a bowl. Mix two thirds of the chopped chillies with the red wine vinegar, ginger, sweetener and soy sauce. Pour over the steak and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.

2. Drain the steak, reserving the marinade. Spray a large frying pan or wok with fry light and cook the steak in two batches for 2-3 minutes, or until cooked to your liking. Transfer to a bowl.

3. Wipe out the pan with some kitchen paper and stir-fry the vegetables - in two batches for 2-3 minutes.

4. Divide the vegetables between four serving bowls and top each with some steak. Place the remaining marinade and 3 tbsp of water in a pan and allow to bubble. Pour the sauce over the steak and vegetables, scatter some remaining chilli and serve immediately

Slimming World - Chicken Pasanda Sizzler with Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli

Slimming World - Chicken Pasanda Sizzler with Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli

Serves 4

Syns - Original half a syn


1 tbsp medium curry powder

150g total 0% fat greek yogurt

juice of 1 lemon

1in piece fresh root ginger, grated

4 chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces

1 head of cauliflower cut into florets

1 head of broccoli, cut into florets

2 tsp cumin seeds

fry light

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 large onion, chopped

1 cinnamon stick

2 level tbsp tomato puree

A handful of fresh coriander, chopped

1 green chilli, sliced


1. Mix the curry powder, yogurt, lemon juice, ginger and garlic together in a non-metallic dish and add the chicken chunks. Cover and leave to marinade in the fridge for 30 minutes.

2. Preheat the oven to 200c/400f/Gas 6. Spread the cauliflower and broccoli florets onto a large baking tray, sprinkle over the cumin seeds, spray with fry light and season. Mix together well and roast in the oven for 35 minutes

3. Meanwhile, heat a deep frying pan sprayed with fry light. Soften the onion and cinnamon stick for 5 minutes. Add the chicken and the marinade and cook for 3 minutes.

4. Stir in the tomato puree and 100ml water and bring to a simmer. Cover and cook for 10 minutes

5. Serve the pasanda garnished with coriander and green chilli, and accompanied with the roasted cauliflower and broccoli

Slimming World - Butternut Squash Stew with Couscous

Slimming World - Butternut Squash Stew with Couscous

Serves 4

Syns - Green 1


454g butternut squash, diced

420g can butter beans, drained

125g pack button mushrooms

2 tomatoes, chopped

A small handful of fresh thyme leaves, chopped

1 level tbsp cornflour

198ml hot vegetable stock

salt and freshly ground black pepper

255g couscous

4 spring onions, thinly sliced

A small handful of fresh parsley, finely chopped

Juice of 1 lemon, plus 4 lemon wedges to serve


1. Preheat the oven to 200c/400f/Gas 6. In a large casserole dish, mix the butternut squash, butter beans, mushrooms, tomatoes and thyme

2. Add 1 tbsp of cold water to the cornflour and mix well. Add to the hot stock and pour over the vegetable. Season, cover and cook for 45 minutes, or until the butternut squash is tender.

3. Prepare the couscous according to packet instructions, then stir fry in the spring onions and lemon juice and season. Serve the stew with the couscous, a sprinkle of fresh parsley and a wedge of fresh lemon

Slimming World - Boston Baked Beans Brunch

Slimming World - Boston Baked Beans Brunch

Serves 4

Syns - Green half a syn


2 x 400g cans haricot beans, drained

270g jar silverskin baby pickled onions

400g can chopped tomatoes

1 level tbsp wholegrain mustard

1 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce

2 level tbsp tomato puree

2 tbp artifical sweetener

salt and freshly ground black pepper

A handful of fresh parsley, finely chopped

227g pack portobello mushrooms

4 tomato, halved

fry light

1 tsp dried thyme

4 large eggs


1. Preheat the oven to 180c/350f/Gas 4. In a large casserole dish, mix together the haricot beans, pickled onions, canned tomatoes, mustard, worcestershire sauce, tomato puree and sweetener with some seasoning. Cover and cook for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Stir in most of the chopped parsley, reserving some for garnish.

2. Meanwhile, place the whole mushrooms and halved tomatoes on a baking tray and spray with fry light. Season and sprinkle over the thyme. Place alongside the beans for the final 20 minutes of cooking.

3. When nearly ready to serve, fry the eggs in fry light. Serve the beans, garnished with the reamining parsley with the mushrooms, tomatoes and egg.

Chocolate Roses

Easy way to decorate any cake

Sacher Torte decorated with dark chocolate roses.

100 g Chocolate, melted
50 g Glucose syrup
(or less - amount is always 2 : 1)
Melt chocolate. If you want to make leaves, you have to do it at this stage. Brush rose leaves with melted chocolate, and leave to set.
Add glucose into chocolate, warm a bit more, and mix well. When still warm, but stiff enough to handle, shape little balls with your hands. Decide how many roses you want to make; that many centres you need to shape first - they should look like pyramids with smooth edges (see picture). Other balls flatten into circles. Start sticking circles/petals to your rose base -press with your fingers. Put as many as you want. If becomes stiff, warm it in your microwave.
Best results are achieved with milk chocolate. White chocolate is most difficult to handle.

Cokoladne ruze

100 gr cokolade
50 gr glukoza sirupa
(ili manje - odnos je uvijek 2 : 1)
Rastopite cokoladu: u ovoj fazi morate praviti listove, ako ih zelite imati - premazite listove ruze i ostavite da se stegnu.
U cokoladu dodajte glukozu, pa jos malo zagrijte - promijesajte i ostavite da se prohladi. Dok je jos toplo, oblikujte loptice velicine klikera. Od njih oblikujte onoliko centara za ruze, koliko ih zelite imati (vidi sliku). Od ostatka napravite latice - jednostavno ih razvucite (prstima ili necim valjkastim) u krugove. Pocnite stavljati laticu po laticu na osnovu ruze. Stisnite prstima pri dnu. Ako smjesa postane hladna i tvrda za oblikovanje, mozete blago podgrijati u mikrovalnoj.
Najbolje rezultate daje mlijecna cokolada; bijela je najteza za oblikovanje.

'From Russia With Love' Cake

Recipe found on a Russian cooking website.

-Cheese balls:
250 g cream cheese
1 egg
50 g sugar
50 g coconut, desiccated
1 tbsp corn flour
2 tbsp plain flour
-Chocolate sponge:
5 eggs (or 4 large)
60 g sugar
50 g dark chocolate
2 tbsp flour
2 tbsp corn flour
3 tbsp cocoa
80 g chocolate
40 ml
Preheat your oven to 175*C. Prepare 22 cm cake tin; oil and dust with flour.
Mix all the ingredients for balls, form them and place on bottom of the tin.
Separate eggs; Make a stiff foam out of egg whites, add sugar and mix well. Add egg yellows, one by one, while mixer running. Switch off, then sift flours and cocoa. Fold in, add chocolate and mix well. Pour over the balls, and bake for 30-40 minutes.
Heat cream, add chocolate and mix until smooth. Pour over the cake. Enjoy!

Ruski cokoladni kolac sa lopticama od sira

-Loptice od sira
250 gr krem sira
1 jaje
50 gr secera
50 gr kokosa
1 kasika skrobnog brasnoa
2 kasike brasna
-Cokoladni biskvit
5 jaja (ili 4 veca)
60 gr secera
50 gr cokolade
2 kasike brasna
2 kasike gustina
3 kasike kakaa
80 gr cokolade
40 ml krema/kajmaka slatkog
Pripremite kalup promjera 22cm - nauljite i pobrasnite. Ukljucite rernu na 175*C.
Pomijesajte sve satojke za loptice, pa ih nabrasnjenim rukama formirajte i stavite na dno kalupa.
Odvojite bjelanca, umutite sa secerom u cvrst snijeg. Dodajte jedno po jedno zumance. Iskljucite mikser pa prosijte brasna i kakao na povrsinu. Lagano sjedinite rukom, pa dodajte cokoladu i ponovo promijesajte. Prelijte preko loptica i pecite 30-40 minuta.
Za preliv, stavite kajmak i cokoladu u posudu. Topite i mijesajte. Prelijte preko kolaca.
Pecite na 175*C 30-40 minuta

Sushi...The way I make it

This is not a traditional recipe; it's been adapted to my skills and preferences.

1 cup Jasmine rice
1,5 cups water
1 teas vegetable stock powder (or other)
4 sheets of roasted seaweed
Salmon (smoked)/Tuna/Prawns
Lebanese cucumber, sliced lengthwise
Avocado, sliced lengthwise
(or other vegetables)
Sushi mat
Water and brush for wetting
Cook rice - absorption method- with 1,5 cups of water, add vegetable powder. Let it cool completely.
Place a seaweed sheet on a sushi mat. Spoon 1/4 of rice; with your damp fingers press down, leaving 1 inch uncovered.
Place fish/prawns and vegetables lengthwise on the edge close to you. Roll towards centre, making slight pressure. Wet the uncovered seaweed, and finish rolling. It should stick together. When finish rolling all, slice with a sharp knife.
Serve with soy sauce and Wsabi paste.

Sushi - nacin kako ga ja pravim

1 solja 'Jasmin' rize
1,5 solja vode
1 kasicica Vegete ( ili slicno)
4 lista susene/presovane morske trave
Dimljeni/suseni losos
Tuna ili gambori/skampe
Krastavac rezan po duzini
Avocado ili drugo povrce
Sushi podmetac (za savijanje)
Voda i cetka za vlazenje
Skuhajte rizu, po postupku apsorpcije (mikrovalna idealna), zacinite. Ohladite je potpuno. Na podmetac stavite list morske trave, na njega rasporedite 1/4 kuhane rize. Navlazenim rukama pritisnite rizu po listu, ostavljajuci nepokriveno 2,5 cm na jednom kraju. Na ivicu sa rizom, po duzini, stavite reznjeve povrca i ribe. Pocnite zamotavati, zajedno sa podmetacem, pritiskujuci njezno. Kada ste dosli blizu slobodne strane, navlazite je vodom, pa onda zavrsite zamotavanje. Treba da ostane 'zalijepljeno'.
Kada ste sve listove umotali, rezite ostrim nozem na reznjeve 2-2,5 cm.
Servirajte sa soja sosem i Japanskim hrenom (Wsabi).

Mississippi Mud Slice

250 g butter, chopped
150 g dark chocolate, chopped
2 cups caster sugar
1 cup hot water
1 tbsp instant coffee
1 3/4 cups flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
2 eggs, beaten
cocoa powder for dusting, or melted chocolate
Preheat oven to 160*C.
Line a baking tray (19X30cm) with silicone paper.
Combine first 5 ingredients in a heatproof bowl. Stir over low heat until chocolate melted and smooth. Cool mixture slightly, then add sifted flour and cocoa; add eggs and stir until well combined. Pour into pan and bake for 45-50 minutes. Decorate with cocoa or chocolate.

Cokoladne Misisipi kocke

250 gr putera, sjeckanog
150 gr tamne cokolade, sjeckane
2 solje sitnog secera
1 solja vrele vode
1 kasika instant kafe
1 3/4 solje brasna
1/4 solje kakaa
2 jaja, umucena
kakao ili cokolada za povrsinu
Ukljucite rernu na 160*C, cevtrasti pleh (19X30cm)oblozite papirom za pecenje.
Prvih 5 sastojaka ubacite u serpu, pa na tihoj vatri grijte i mijesajte dok se cokolada ne otopi. Prohladite malo, pa ubacite prosijano brasno i kakao, dodajte i jaja i sve dobro promijesajte. Pecite 45-50 minuta, pa kada izvadite iz rerne ukrasite kakaom ili cokoladom.

Indian Beef Koftas

Quick, tasty, aromatic and satisfying!


750 g minced beef
1,5-2 tbsp curry powder (Madras preferably)
2 gloves garlic, crushed
2 teas grated ginger
2/3 cup yogurt
2 tbsp coriander leaves, chopped
2 tbsp ghee, or oil
1 large onion, chopped
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 cup water (or less)
1 tbsp tomato paste
1/2-1 teas salt
extra yogurt to serve
Combine mince, 1/2 curry garlic, ginger and 1 tbsp of yogurt. Mix well, and shape into balls, dusting hands with flour. Set aside.
Heat ghee or oil, fry onion, add curry and mix. Stir in the rest of ingredients, and cook for 5 minutes. Add kofta balls,cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Uncover and simmer for another 5 minutes. Serve with rice, garnished with some yogurt and coriander.

Indijski cuftici sa karijem

750 gr mljevene govedine
1,5-2 kasike kari praha
2 cena bijelog luka
2 kasicice ribanog djumbira
2/3 solje jogurta (gustog)
2 kasike masla, ili ulja
1 veliki crveni luk, sjeckan
1/2 solje kokosovog mlijeka (*vidi objasnjenje)
1 solja vode (ili manje)
1 kasika gusto ukuhanog paradajza
1/2-1 kasicica soli
jos jogurta za servirati
Umijesite meso, pola karija, bijeli luk, djumbir i 1 kasiku jogurta. Oblikujte loptice, sa nabrasnjenim rukama. Ostavite na stranu.
Zagrijte maslo, proprzite luk, dodajte curry. Promijesajte, pa ubacite i ostale sastojke. Prokuhajte 5 minuta, ubacite cuftice. Kuhajte 15 minuta poklopljeno, skinite poklopac pa kuhajte jos 5 minuta.
Servirajte sa rizom, ukraseno sa jogurtom i korijanderom.

Chorbanac - Bosnian 'Soupy' Meat Stew

Traditionally it's made in a big cauldron, outdoor on open fire.

Ingredients (10+ servings)
1 kg chuck steak
1 kg lamb, preferably on the bone
1 kg pork, or chicken - your choice
1 kg onion, chopped
2-3 tbsp oil
2-4 garlic cloves, chopped
1 bay leaf
1 chilli, chopped or chilli powder
2 tbsp paprika
1/2 -1 teas black pepper, freshly grounded
2 medium potatoes, grated
1 bunch of parsley leaves
1-2 tbsp flour
2-3 tbsp vegetable stock powder (Vegeta)
200-250ml white vine
salt to taste
Heat oil, fry onion until translucent - add meat (cubed) and seal it. Add paprika, flour - mix well and other ingredients except potato, vine and parsley. Pour a lot of water (should cover meat well + allow some for evaporation), bring to boil and cook for 2 hours. After this time you can add the rest of ingredients; cook for another 5-10 minutes. Serve with rice, pasta or some kind of strong bread.

...najbolji je kuhan u kotlicu, na otvorenoj vatri, u velikim kolicinama, za prijatelje kada vrijeme zahladi. Rezultat isprobavanja i eksperimentisanja sa mnogim receptima.

Sastojci za 10 osoba:
1 kg govedine, najbolja od vrata
1 kg jagnjetine, moze sa kostima
1 kg svinjetine ili piletine (po zelji)
1 kg crvenog luka, cjeckanog
2-3 kasike ulja
2-4 cena bijelog luka
1 lovorov list
1 srednja ljuta papricica ili chili puder
2 kasike crvene paprike
1/2-1 kasicice crnog bibera u zrnu (ili mljeveni)
2 srednja krompira, sjeckana ili strugana
svezanj persunovog lisca
1-2 kasike brasna
2-3 kasike vegete
200-250 ml bijelog vina
so po ukusu
Zagrijati ulje, te dodati luk. Dinstati dok ne promjeni boju. Ubaciti meso sjeckano na kocke (postoji misljenje da je corbanac bolji ukoliko je meso masnije – ja ipak odvojim najmasnije dijelove). Dinstati jos nekoliko minuta, a zatim dodavati ostale sastojke: crvena paprika, brasno, i sve ostalo osim krompira, vina i persuna. Naliti dosta vode te ostaviti 2 sata da pomalo vrije. Poslije tog’ vremena istrugati krompir, nasjeckati persun i doliti vino. Probajte ukus i dodajte soli i bibera po ukusu. Ko voli ljuto moze dodati vise chilija. Nakon 5-10 minuta corbanac je gotov.
Sluzi se sa vrucom pogacom, moze i tjestenina ili riza.
Salata po vasem izboru!

Persian Chicken with Walnuts and Pomegranate (Fesenjan)

Ancient dish...Still popular around the World!

2 tbsp oil/ghee
1 onion, chopped
1 large garlic clove, crushed
800 g Chicken meat, bite size (or 1 kg with bones in)
1,5-2 cups walnuts, ground
3/4 cup pomegranate molasses (or 1,5 cups pomegranate juice)
2 bay leaves
pinch of cinnamon, turmeric and nutmeg
Water (if necessary)
Salt and pepper to taste
5-8 (dried) rose petals (optional, but recommended - has to be fragrant-one)
Fry onions in oil, add chicken and other spices - brown well. Add walnut meal, stir-fry for 2-3 minutes. Pour molasses (if using juice , you need to reduce it first - cook until 1/3 evaporates). Cook for 45 min, or until satisfied with thickness/texture. Adjust taste with salt and pepper. Serve with rice.

Iranska piletina sa orasima i sokom nara/sipka

Neobicna kombinacija koja potice iz stare Perzije.

2 kasike ulja/masla
1 crveni luk, sjeckan

1 vece ceno bijelog luka, protisnutog
800 gr pileceg mesa, rezanog na kocke (ili 1kg sa kostima)
1,5-2 solje mljevenih oraha
3/4 solje sirupa od nara ili ukuhanog soka nara (* vidi objasnjenje)

2 lovorova lista
malo cimeta, turmerika i muskatnog oraha u prahu
malo vode, ako je potrebno
So i biber po ukusu

5-8 latica (susene) ruze (opciono, ali preporucujem -mora biti mirisna ruza)
Proprzite luk na masnoci, pa dodajte meso. Przite dok ne dobije boju, zatim dodajte orahe. Mijesajte i kuhajte nekoliko minuta, zatim uspite gusti sok nara. Kuhajte 45 min, ili dok ne budete zadovoljni sa gustinom. Dotjerajte ukus sa solju i biberom. Servirajte sa rizom.
* Obicni sok nara (1,5 solja) mozete kuhati dok 1/3 ne ispari.

Slimming World - Strawberry ice cream

Slimming World - Strawberry ice cream
Serves 4

Preparation Time - 5 minutes plus 2-3 hours freezing time

Syns - 1 and half on all choices


454g strawberries, tops hulled (reserve a couple with the tops on, cut in half to decorate)
312g fat free natural fromage frais
3 tbsp artificial sweetener
a few drops of vanilla essence


1. Put the strawberries in a food processor and blend until smooth. Add the fromage frais, sweetener and vanilla essence and blend again. Pour into a freezer proof container and place in the freezer for 2-3 hours, lightly beating every 30 minutes until frozen.

2. To serve, remove from the freezer and leave at room temperature until soft enough to scoop. Divide between four serving bowls and decorate with the remaining strawberries.

Slimming World - Mango Ripple Ice Lollies

Slimming World - Mango Ripple Ice Lollies
Makes 6

Preparation time - 10 minutes, plus 6-8 hours freezing

Syns - All choices 1 and half


340g fresh mango, peeled, stoned and cut into bite size cubes
2 tbsp artificial sweetener
2 x 200g pots fat free natural yogurt


1. Put the cubed mango in a food processor and blend until smooth. Transfer to a bowl, mix in 1 tbsp of the sweetener and set to one side. Place the yogurt in a separate bowl and stir in the remaining sweetener.

2. Spoon the mango puree and then yogurt, in layers, into six ice loll,y moulds and carefully insert a lolly stick into each one. Place in the freezer for 6-8 hours or until firm.

3. To serve, dip the moulds in warm water for a few seconds. gently easy the lollies out the moulds and eat immediately.

Spanish Chorizo Sausages

I often make the mixture and use it without casing.

1 kg pork mince
3 1/2 teas salt
1 teas chilli powder
1 tbs paprika powder
4-6 garlic cloves
2 teas oregano powder
2 teas cumin powder
1 teas black pepper, freshly grounded
1 1/2 teas sugar
3-4 tbs white vine vinegar
2 1/2 tbsp water
Mince should be cool; add all dry spices and mix well with 2 forks. Add fluids, and then you can use hands to blend ingredients. Fill casings with meat mixture, or use it without casings (couple of weeks in the fridge).
Original recipe contains 3X more of chilli powder, than stated above.

Spanske Chorizo kobasice

Cesto napravim smjesu i koristim bez stavljanja u crijeva; savrsena!

kasika/kasicica sastojaka treba biti zaravnjena
1 kg mljevene svinjetine
3 1/2 kasicice soli
1 kasicica chili praha ili ljute paprike(* vidi dole)
1 kasika paprike, slatke
4-6 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
2 kasicice origana u prahu
2 kasicice kima u prahu
1 kasicica crnog bibera, svjeze mljeven
1 1/2 kasicica secera
3-4 kasike bijelog sirceta
2 1/2 kasike vode
crijeva za kobasice
Pripremite sve sastojke.
Na rashladjeno meso pospite sve zacine i sastojke. Mijesajte uz pomoc 2 viljuske, dok se zacini ne ujednace.
Sada mozete malo mijesiti rukom, ali ne previshe.
Punite crijeva smjesom, kao sto biste bilo koju drugu kobasicu.
Mozete ih ostaviti svjeze (par sedmica), susiti ih (blago dimljene!) ili spremiti u zamrzivac na vise mjeseci.
Za one koji nemogu doci do crijeva, napomena da ovu smjesu mozete koristiti bez da je oblikujete u kobasicu. Traje do 14 dana u frizideru!
*Po originalnom receptu, Chorizo sadrzi do 3 puta vise chili praha nego gore navedeno. Recept je ‘modifikovan’ prema mom ukusu. Ljutina se jos uvijek osjeti, ali blago.

Caramel, Macadamia and Hazelnut Slice

'True Blue' Aussie slice! Macadamias are Australian native nuts, but instead of them you can use almonds, walnuts or other species.


1 cup flour
1/2 cup hazelnut meal
1/2 cup brown sugar
90 g dark chocolate, melted
80 g butter, melted
1 egg beaten
400 g can condensed milk
2 tbsp golden syrup
50 g butter
100g hazelnuts, baked and skinned
100 g macadamia nuts, halved if big
100 g melted dark chocolate

Preheat your oven to 180*C; grease an 18X28 cm tin (silicon paper will help).
Using food processor, mix all the ingredients for the base; with the back of the spoon press the mix into the tin and bake for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, put first 3 topping ingredients into a saucepan and melt over the slow heat, stirring often.
Pour the caramel over the base and top with nuts. Bake for another 15 minutes.
Drizzle with melted chocolate when slightly cooled.
Slice into small fingers, as it got very rich taste.

Karamel, makadamije i ljesnik kolacici


1 solja brasna
1/2 solje mljevenih ljesnika
1/2 solje braon secera
90 gr tamne cokolade, otopljene
80 gr putera, otopljenog
1 jaje, blago umuceno
400 gr condenzovanog mlijeka
2 kasike 'zlatnog' sirupa (* vidi objasnjenje)
50 gr putera
100 gr ljesnika, pecenih, poljustenih
100 gr makadamija oraha, prepolovljeni ako su veliki (*objasnjenje)
100 gr tamne cokolade, otopljene
Zagrijte rernu na 180*C, pripremite pleh (papir) 18X28 cm.
Sve sastojke za bazu stavite u elektricnu sjeckalicu i sjedinite masu. Prerucite u pleh i sa pozadinom kasike utisnite. pecite 15 minuta.
U medjuvremenu, otopite prva 3 sastojka za karamel, mijesajte. Prespite na povrsinu baze, pospite orasima, pa jos pecite dodatnih 15 minuta. Kada se malo prohladi pospite otopljenom cokoladom.
*Golden (zlatni) sirup izgleda i ima konzistenciju meda, ali ukus karamela.
*Koristite druge orahe umjesto makadamija, ako ih ne mozete nabaviti.

Slimming World - Oriental Chicken and Vegetable Noodle Salad

Slimming World - Oriental Chicken and Vegetable Noodle Salad
Serves 4

Ready in about 40 minutes

Syns - Extra Easy Free


397g skinless and boneless chicken breasts
Fry light
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
250g pack dried thick egg noodles
198g mangetout, cut in half lengthways
4 spring onions, finely sliced
1 large carrot, peeled and cut into thin matchsticks
1 red and 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and thinly sliced
57g beansprouts
A large handful of fresh coriander leaves, chopped

For the dressing

4 tbsp light soy sauce
142ml fat free vinaigrette dressing
juice of 1 lime
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp ground ginger
1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped


1. Preheat a non-stick griddle pan over a high heat. Place the chicken in between two layers of cling film and flatten with a rolling pin.

2. Spray the chicken with Fry light and season. Cook the chicken in the pan for 5-10minutes on each side, or until cooked through. Remove and allow to cool.

3. Meanwhile, cook the noodles according to the packet instructions. Drain and transfer to a wide salad platter.

4. Blanch the mangetout in a pan of boiling water for 1-2 minutes and drain. Cut the chicken into strips and add the noodles, along with the mangetout, spring onions, carrot, peppers, beansprouts and coriander. Make the dressing by mixing all the ingredients together. Season to taste and pour over salad. Toss the salad together and serve.