Home » Archive for Juni 2012
Rice Dome Filled with Vegetables
Attractive looking side dish; rice and vegetables - all in one! It's an old magazine recipe.
300 g rice (1,5 cup)
40 g butter
pinch of saffron (optional)
salt and pepper
2 zucchinis
100 g peas
1 cup cauliflower
60 g butter
50 g flour
300 ml milk
80 g cheese, grated
salt, white pepper to taste
Cook (or microwave) rice with 3 cups water, butter, pinch of saffron and some salt and pepper. Oil an large bowl and press rice into it, making a hollow in the centre. (Leave some rice for topping.)
Cut vegetables into small pieces; cook (microwave) until tender.
Heat 60 g butter in a pan, add flour and stir well. Pour cold milk onto it and mix vigorously to avoid lumps. Cook until thickened, add cheese; season with salt and white pepper.
Mix white sauce and vegetables, place it into hollowed rice. Top with remaining rice. Cover with cling wrap and let it cool. Turn dome upside-down on a serving plate and decorate. For serving, slice dome as you would cake.
Kupola od Riže
Veoma dekorativan prilog; riza i povrce - sve u jednom!
Recept je iz nekadasnje 'Mile'...Jedan od meni najdrazih (bivsih) magazina!
300 gr rize
40 gr maslaca
malo safrana (po zelji)
so i biber
2 tikvice
100 gr graska
malo karfiola (1 solja)
60 gr maslaca
50 gr brasna
3 dl mlijeka
80 gr sira, rendanog
so, bijeli biber prema ukusu
Skuhajte rizu sa maslacem i oko 3 solje vode. Zacinite prema ukusu. Nauljite okruglu posudu, pa ubacite rizu i utisnite je praveci udubljenje. (Ostavite malo rize za 'poklopac')
Isjeckajte povrce, skuhajte i ocijedite.
Zagrijte preostali maslac, proprzite brasno i zalijte hladnim mlijekom. Zestoko promijesajte, pa kuhajte ovu smjesu dok se ne zgusne. Ubacite sir i zacinite.
Pomijesajte Besamel i povrce, prebacite smjesu u udubljenje od rize, prekrijte preostalom rizom. Pokrijte prijanjajucom folijom i prohladite. Preokrenite na veci tanjir za serviranje i ukrasite. Rezite kao sto biste tortu!
at 20.22,
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Why We All Should Bake Our Own Bread
Following prices for bread and flour represent Australia (Sydney), but similar savings are, I believe, achievable anywhere in the World.
So, why should we bake our own?
1 kg of flour costs $2 ($1 if you buy bulk pack - 10-12 kg); for making 1 basic loaf you'll need around 375g -500g flour (+ a bit of salt, oil, sugar, yeast) and some of electrical power. If you're smart and bake 2 or more loaves (or use oven while baking something else), you will save even on electricity bill. That means you save around $2 for each loaf of bread (if a loaf of bread is $ 2,5 - 3) - that's $730 saved each year, if you buy a loaf a day.
Don't forget that you getting some extras - taste and smell of freshly baked goods, preservative free food, less calories (usually)...
So, why not invest in a Bread maker - it will pay off (I bought mine from Ebay for $20, and use it mostly for making dough / kneading.)
Here are some links for bread recipes I already posted:
Austrian Farmer's Bread
Milk Rolls (Kifle)
Corn Bread
Quick Sour Dough Bread
Afghani Bread (flat bread)
Russian Black Bread
How to make different shapes of bread
Canned Bread
No Knead Bread - Ciabatta
All bread recipes posted by now
Zasto svako od nas treba mijesiti kruh / hljeb
Cijene za Hljeb / kruh i brasno koje slijede, predstavljaju Australiju (Sydney), ali se slicne ustede, ja mislim, mogu postici bilo gdje u Svijetu.
Onda, zasto svako od nas treba peci domaci?
1 kg brasna kosta oko $2 (1 dolar ako kupujete brasno u vecim kolicinama); za jednu srednju veknu trebate oko 375 -500 gr brasna (+malo soli, secera, ulja i kvasca) i malo struje. Ako ste pametni pa pecete 2 ili vise vekni (ili koristite rernu dok pecete nesto drugo), ustedicete cak i na struji. To znaci da ustedite oko $2 svaki dan (ako vekna hljeba / kruha kosta 2,5- 3 dolara) - to je $730 ustede svake godine, ako kupujete 1 veknu dnevno.
Ne zaboravite ono najvaznije - dobijate ukus i miris svjeze ispecenog domaceg kruha, koji je bez konzervanasa i obicno nosi manje kalorija od kupovnog...
Evo linkova za recepte hljeba / kruha koje sam vec objavila :
Austrijski Seljacki Kruh / Hljeb
Mlijecne Kifle
Kukuruzni Hljeb
Brzi Kruh sa ukusom kiselog tijesta
Avganistanski hljeb
Ruski Crni Kruh
Razliciti oblici za Hljeb
Kruh Pecen u Konzervi
Hljeb bez mijesenja - 'Ciabatta'
Svi recepti za hljeb / kruh do sada napisani
at 19.30,
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Setteveli Torte - improved and simplified
Since I LOVE the taste of 'Setteveli', but not complicated making, I tried to simplify method. Here it is in steps
1- Make Hazelnut Praline Paste (you need a food processor for this):
200 g sugar
1,5 cups hazelnuts
Heat sugar in a heavy bottomed pan. When sugar starts melting, swirl pan until all melted and golden in colour; add hazelnuts, coat well and pour over AL foil. Let it cool. When cooled, break into smaller pieces and process until fine crumbs form.
2- Bavarian Cream:
1 cup milk
1 cup cream
200 g hazelnut/praline paste
5 egg yolks
90 g sugar
1 tbs gelatin powder
2 cups heavy cream
Cook milk and cream, add hazelnut/praline paste. At the same time beat yolks with sugar until fluffy. Pour a bit of milk/cream mixture, mix; pour the rest, mix. Return to pan and cook until starts boiling. Take off, add gelatin mix really well.
Let it cool to room temperature, then refrigerate. (Some time later, when gelatine starts working -becoming thicker, beat other 2 cups of cream, add Bavarian cream (should be thickened by this point). Mix well.
3- Chocolate sponge:
1 cup cake flour
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
pinch of baking powder
pinch of baking soda
4 eggs, at room temperature
2/3 cup granulated sugar
Beat eggs with sugar until thick and fluffy. Switch mixer of, sift flour, cocoa and rising agent on top. Fold in gently. Bake in a 25 cm spring form tin (25-30 min at 180*C).
When cooled, cut horizontally to make 2 equal sponges. Brush with prepared syrup. Refrigerate.
4- Syrup for chocolate sponge:
60 g sugar
1/2 cup water
1 teas vanilla
Boil until sugar dissolves, cool.
5- Crunchy layer:
65 g dark chocolate
25 g butter
80 g hazelnut/praline paste
40 g finely crushed cornflakes
Melt butter and chocolate, add other 2 ingredients. Mix well. Place mixture onto a baking paper; use rolling pin to make a thin round disc (slightly smaller than whole cake).
6- Chocolate mousse:
150 g cream
150 g dark chocolate (65% cocoa)
250 g cream, extra
1/4 cup icing sugar
Melt and mix chocolate and 150 g cream, until smooth. Let it cool, but don't refrigerate.
Beat 250 g cream with icing sugar, add cooled mixture.
When previous 5 layers are ready, take cake out of mould, put it on a cake rack. Pour mousse over cake, making sure sides are coated too, but majority of the mousse should stay on top. Refrigerate.
7- Chocolate glaze:
85 g water
80 g cream
40 g cocoa
125 g sugar
2 teas gelatin
Boil sugar, water and cream. Add cocoa, mix well until smooth. Sprinkle gelatine on top and mix until melted. (If needed, this glaze can be sieved.) Pour on top of the cake. Refrigerate for at least a couple of hours, before slicing
Assembling your cake (layering from the bottom):
First 5 layers are set in the spring form, then cake is taken out, and final 2 layers are applied.
1. layer Chocolate sponge
2. layer Crunchy disc
3. layer Bavarian cream (1/2)
4. layer chocolate sponge
5. layer Bavarian cream (other 1/2)
6. layer Chocolate mousse
7. layer Chocolate glaze
Torta 'Setteveli' (Sedam Velova) - pojednostavljena i poboljsana
1- Najprije napravite 'praline' smjesu (trebate imati el.sjeckalicu za ovo):
200 g secera
1,5 solje ljesnika
Istopite secer u serpi sa tezim dnom - okrecite dok se sve ne istopi ; kada postane zlatno-zuto ubacite ljesnike. Istresite na foliju i ohladite. Stavite u sjeckalicu i meljite dok ne fostanu fine mrvice . Ostavite po strani.
2- Bavarski krem:
1 solja mlijeka
1 solja krema (vrhnje, slag, slatki kajmak za umutiti u kolace, 35% masnoce)
200 g praline mase
5 zumanca
90 gr secera
1 kasika zelatina u prahu (ili listovi)
2 solje extra masnog krema /vrhnja/ kajmaka slatkog (ili 1 normalan 35% masnoce + 1 masni 45-50%masnoce)
Kuhajte mlijeko i krem, dodajte praline masu. U isto vrijeme mutite zumance sa secerom u gustu masu. Dodajte malo vrele smjese, promijesajte; dodajte ostatak, promijesajte, pa vratite u serpu. Zagrijte ponovo mijesajuci; skinite sa vatre, umijesajte zelatin dok se ne rastvori. Ohladite do sobne temperature, zatim staviti u frizider. (Kada pocne da se zgusnjava, umutiti preostali krem, dodati vec malo stisnuti praline krem, umutiti dobro).
3- Cokoladni biskvit:
1 solja brasna
1/4 solje kakaa
malo kasicice praska za pecivo
malo kasicice sode BB
4 jaja, na sobnoj temp.
2/3 solja secera
Umutite jaja sa secerom dok ne postane gusto i pjenasto. Iskljucite mikser, prosijte ostale sastojke na povrsinu, pa rukom lagano sjedinite (okrecite).Pecite 25-30 min na 180*C, u modli od 25 cm. Peceno prohladite, presijecite horizontalno tako da dobijete 2 biskvita, koje cete cetkicom premazati pripremljenim sirupom. Ostavite u frizider.
4- Sirup za biskvit:
60 gr secera
1/2 solje vode
1 kasicica vanile
Skuhajte sve i ohladite.
5- Hrskavi sloj:
65 gr tamne cokolade
25 gr maslaca
80 gr praline smjese
40 gr zdrobljenog kornfleksa
Istopite cokoladu i maslac, dodajte praline masu i kornfleks. Razvalajte ovu smjesu (preko papira) u disc malo manji od cijele torte. Stavite preko prvog biskvita, blago pritisnite prstima, vratite u frizider.
6- Cokoladni mus:
150 gr krema (kajmak / vrhnje 35% masnoce)
150 gr tamne cokolade (65% cocoa)
250 gr krema (kajmak / vrhnje 35% masnoce), dodatno
1/4 solje secera u prahu
Istopite 150 gr krema sa cokoladom, mijesajuci dok sa ne ujednaci. Ohladite ali ne stavljajte u frizider.
Umutite preostali krem sa secerom pa dodajte cokoladnu smjesu. Ovime prelijte cijelu tortu, koju ste izvadili iz kalupa i stavili preko zice - pazite da vecina ostane po povrsini torte. Vratite u frizider.
7- Cokoladna glazura:
85 gr vode
80 gr krema / vrhnja / kajmaka 35%masnoce
40 gr kakaa
125 gr secera
2 kasicice zelatina u prahu (ili listovi)
Skuhajte prva dva sastojka, dodajte kakao, dobro promijesajte pa dodajte i zelatin. Sklonite sa vatre i mijesajte sve dok sa zelatin ne rastopi. Ako je porebno procijedite ovu smjesu da bude potpuno glatka. Izvadite tortu iz frizidera i prelijte je ovom glazurom. Vratite u frizider i drzite je najmanje 2 sata prije sluzenja.
Slojevi torte (od dna)
Prvih pet slojeva se postavlja u kalupu, zatim se torta vadi i postavljaju se finalna 2 sloja.
1- Cokoladni biskvit (preliven sirupom)
2- Hrskavi sloj
3- Bavarian krem (1/2)
4- Cokoladni biskvit
5- Bavarian krem (druga 1/2)
6- Cokoladni mus
7- Cokoladna glazura
at 21.29,
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Slimming World - Banoffee Crepes with chocolate drizzle
Serves 4
Time: 30 minutes
Syns per serving: Green 4½; Original 4½
2oz/57g plain flour
2 tsp artificial sweetener
1 egg
¼pt/142ml skimmed milk, plus 3 tbsp for the sauce
Fry light
200g pot very low fat natural fromage frais
1 Mullerlight Toffee Yogurt
4 bananas
Freshly squeezed lemon juice
6 Rolos
1. Sift the flour and sweetener into a bowl. Beat the egg and mix into the flour with the milk. Whisk until smooth/
2. Spray a small frying pan with Fry light and pour in enough batter to coat the bottom. Cook for 1-2 minutes or until lightly browned. Flip over and cook for a further minute. Remove from the pan, and keep warm while you cook the remaining three pancakes.
3. Mix together the fromage frais and toffee yogurt, and set to one side. Thickly slice the bananas and pour over the lemon juice.
at 10.27,
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Slimming World - Salmon, asparagus and new potato salad
Serves 4
Time: 30 minutes
Syns: Extra Easy Free
24 large asparagus spears, trimmed
14oz/397g baby new potatoes, halved
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 skinless Scottish salmon fillets
1 lemon, cut into 8 slices
Juice of 1 large lemon
1 shallot, finely cubed
A small handful of fresh tarragon, finely chopped
4fl oz/113ml fat-free vinaigrette
2 baby gem lettuces, roughly torn
1. Bring a large, deep pan of water to the boil. Add the asparagus spears and cook for 4 minutes, or until tender. Remove the asparagus and set aside. Bring the water back to the boil, add the potato halves and cook for 10-12 minutes, or until tender. Drain and set aside until needed.
2. Season the salmon and place 2 slices of lemon on top of each fillet. Bring a wide, shallow pan of water to a simmer. Carefully add the salmon and lemon slices, cover and cook for 5-6 minutes or until cooked through.
at 09.44,
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Slimming World - Strawberry Eton mess
Serves 4
Time: 20 minutes
Syns: Original 2; Green 2; Extra Easy 2
14oz/397g fresh strawberries, hulled and roughly chopped
2 x 190g pots Strawberry or Raspberry & Cranberry Mullerlight yogurt
10oz/283g fat-free natural fromage frais
1 tbsp artificial sweetener
2 shop bought meringue nests, roughly crushed, reserving some pieces to decorate
1. Put half the strawberries in a food processor. Blend into a smooth puree and then transfer it into a bowl.
2. Mix together the yogurt, fromage frais, artificial sweetener and remaining strawberries in a separate bowl until combined. Add the puree and swirl through to create a marble effect.
at 09.04,
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Slimming World - Rhubarb and pear crumble
Serves 4
Time: 30 minutes
Syns: Original 6; Green 6; Extra Easy 6
2lb/908g rhubarb, cut into 2in/5cm pieces
11oz/312g pears, peeled, cored and sliced
Juice of 1 orange, plus 1 tsp finely grated zest
6 tbsp artificial sweetener
1 tsp ground cinnamon
For the topping
1oz/28g low-fat spread
2 tbsp artificial sweetener
2oz/57g plain flour
1. Preheat your oven to 180c/350F/Gas 4. Place the rhubarb in a medium-size pie or glass dish. Add the pear slices, orange juice and zest, and toss together to combine. Sprinkle over the sweetener and cinnamon, and cook in the oven for 10-12 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, make the topping by placing the low-fat spread, sweetener and flour in a bowl. and rubbing together with your fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
at 08.54,
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Slimming World - Bacon-wrapped chicken with cheese
Serves 4
Time: 1 Hour
Syns: Original 1*
*Add 6 syns if not using the new potatoes as a Healthy Extra
1lb 12oz/792g baby new potatoes
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 skinless chicken breasts
4 spring onions, finely sliced
4 The Laughing Cow Extra Light Cheese Triangles
8 rashers lean smoked back bacon, all visible fat removed
1 head of broccoli cut into florets
14oz/397g baby spinach leaves
1. Preheat your oven to 200c/400F/Gas 6. Prick the potatoes all over with a fork, put in a roasting tin and season well. Put on the top shelf of the oven and bake for about 45 minutes, or until the potatoes are cooked through.
2. Meanwhile, cut each chicken breast along its side, almost all the way through and open out like a book. Season and sprinkle over the spring onions. Put a cheese triangle on top and close up the chicken. Wrap each breast in 2 rashers of bacon, place on a non-stick baking tray and bake alongside the potatoes for the final 30 minutes of their cooking time.
3. Boil or steam the broccoli for 6-7 minutes. Drain well.
at 08.44,
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Slimming World - Pasta Primavera with lemon and chives
Serves 4
Time: 25 minutes
Syns: Green Free*
* add 5 and half syns if not using the vegetarian parmesan-style cheese as a Healthy Extra
1 vegetable stock cube
Grated zest of 1 lemon
7oz/198g baby courgettes, sliced
7oz/198g button mushrooms
7oz/198g baby carrots, halved
7oz/198g frozen peas
12oz/340g dried pasta shells
A handful of fresh chives, finely chopped
A handful of fresh basil, finely chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
4oz/113g vegetarian parmesan-style cheese, grated
1. Put the stock cube and lemon zest in a large, deep pan with 284ml boiling water. Add the courgettes, mushrooms and carrots, and cook, uncovered, on a rapid simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the peas and cook for a further 5 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to the packet instructions, then drain.
3. Add the drained pasta and the herbs to the vegetables and stir well. Season to taste. Divide between four warmed bowls and serve topped with grated parmesan-sytle cheese.
at 20.25,
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Slimming World - Salmon and watercress omelette
Serves 1
Time: 10 minutes
Syns: Original Free; Extra Easy Free
Fry light
57g watercress
2 large eggs
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
71g canned red salmon
1. Place a frying pan sprayed with Fry light over a high heat. Saute half the watercress for 30 seconds until just wilted.
2. Beat the eggs, season and add to the pan. Rotate the pan to coat the base evenly and cook for 1-2 minutes, or until just set. Scatter over the salmon and remaining watercress. Carefully loosen the edges using a spatula, fold in half and serve.
at 20.12,
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Slimming World Individual Beef Wellingtons
Serves 4
Ready in about 1 hour
Syns: Original 2 and half; Extra Easy 2 and half
10oz/283g mushrooms, roughly chopped
6 shallots, roughly chopped
Fry Light
A small handful each of fresh tarragon and parsley, finely chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2oz/57g Tesco Lighter Ready Rolled Puff Pastry
284ml beef stock
1 tbsp beef Bovril
4 thick beef fillet steaks, all visible fat removed
Steamed green beans, to serve
1. Preheat your oven to 200c/400F/Gas 6. Put the mushrooms and shallots in a food processor and blend until finely chopped. Transfer to a frying pan sprayed with Fry light and stir-fry over a high heat for 5 minutes. Reduce the heat to low and cook for a further 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the liquid has evaporated. Remove from the heat, stir in the herbs and season well. Set aside and keep warm until needed.
2. Divide the pastry into four portions and roll each into a 3 and half inch/9cm-diameter circle. Lightly score a criss-cross pattern on the top of each circle and place on a non-stick baking tray. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the pastry is puffed and golden.
3. Meanwhile, bring the stock and Bovril to the boil in a pan. Reduce the heat to medium and cook for 10-12 minutes, stirring often, until reduced and thickened.
4. Season the steaks and spray with Fry light. Place in a hot, non-stick frying pan until cooked the way you like them (2-3minutes a side for rare, 3-4 minutes for medium, and 4-5 minutes for well done).
5. Divide the mushroom mixture between four plates/ Top with a steak and drizzle over the gravy and serve with steamed green beans.
at 20.05,
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