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Baked Ricotta (savoury)

Ricotta is so versatile and I always have it in my fridge / freezer. This is one of savoury ways to use it; Easy, gluten free protein snack.

  • 450-500 g whole-milk ricotta 
  • 2 large eggs
  • 100 g Parmesan, grated
  • Oregano leaves, (or basil) finely chopped - to taste
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
   Switch oven to 200*C; grease a cake pan or muffin tins.
   Beat Ricotta and eggs, add other ingredients. Spoon mixture into moulds. 
   Bake for 15-25 minutes (depending what tin you used for baking), or until golden-brown and puffed. Cool slightly, then take out carefully. Serve warm or cold.
   (Slices of vegetables can be placed on top before baking)

With tomatoes on top                         Upside-down version

Pecena Rikota

Rikota (kvark) je veoma visenamjenski sir i uvijek ga imam u frizideru ili u zamrzivacu.
Ovo je jedan od 'slanih' nacina da ge upotrijebite. Lagani, bezglutenski obrok.

450-500 gr rikote (kvark / svapski sir), punomasni
2 veca jajeta
100 gr parmezana, ribanog
Origano (ili bosiljak), sjeckano lisce - kolicina po zelji
so i biber, crni svjeze mljeveni, po ukusu

Ukljucite rernu na 200*C; nauljite kalup za tortu / mafine.
Umutite sir sa jajima, dodajte ostale sastojke i izmijesajte dobro. Uspite u odabrani kalup i
pecite 15-25 minuta (u zavisnosti o velicini kalupa), ili dok ne postane zlatno-zuto. 
Prohladite, zatim pazljivo izvadite iz kalupa. Sluzite toplo ili hladno.
(Reznjevi povrca se mogu smjestiti na povrsinu prije pecenja, ili pecenu rikotu mozete preokrenuti naopako i sluziti)

Nutella Iceblock

I consider myself a typical introvert; sometimes (or better to say, often) I'm too lazy for talking/writing, so I just give you a recipe. Not today!
Living in a country that you weren't born in is not easy (and sometimes, living in your birth country is even more difficult!). You feel you don't belong there (yet), and you don't belong to your background fully either. People also don't know where to place you and keep you aside; fortunately there are always exemptions - some of them spread their arms wide open for you. And sometimes, that's the only thing we need, especially during hard times (war, far new country, child diagnosed with autism...) Without those people, I wouldn't be person I am today (and I'm not talking about my family)!
Australians are very tolerant  to newbies and their cultures; we all came from somewhere, and  in some period of our lives were in similar situation. On the streets of Australia, you can hear so many languages and accents. I especially like their quick 'approval' to all different food that is brought into this beautiful country; We enjoy Turkish, Greek, Italian, Mexican, Lebanese, Indian, Asian, African, Balkan and many other tastes here. LOVE Australia and Australians!
In that name (and in name of Australian summer), here is one simple recipe.

Ingredients: (makes 4)
1 cup full cream milk (3,5% fat)
1/3 cup Nutella
Place milk and Nutella into a bowl. Use stab mixer to blend ingredients well. Pour into moulds and freeze. Divine!

Ja sam tipicni introvert; ponekad (ili bolje receno, cesto) sam lijena da pricam / pisem, te samo prilozim neki recept. Ne danas!
Zivjeti u 'tudjoj' zemlji nije lako (a ponekad to nije lako niti u rodjenoj zemlji)!
Osjecate da ne pripadate tamo (jos), ali isto tako da ne pripadate tamo odakle ste (davno) dosli.
Niti ljudi ne znaju gdje da vas smjeste, pa vas drze 'po strani'. Na svu srecu, uvijek ima izuzetaka - neki od njih rasire svoje ruke prema vama onoliko koliko je to moguce. Ponekad nam je upravo to potrebno, posebno za vrijeme teskih vremena i kriza u zivotu (rat, daleka nova zemlja, dijete dijagnosticirano sa autizmom...) Bez takvih ljudi, ja danas ne bih bila osoba kakva danas jesam (i ne govorim o clanovima moje porodice)!
Australijanci su izuzetno tolerantni prema novo-pridoslima i njihovoj kulturi: svi smo mi prispjeli odnekud (u nekom periodu zivota) i bili u slicnoj situaciji. Na ulicama Australije mozete cuti jako mnogo razlicitih jezika i akcenata. Posebno mi se svidja njihovo brzo prihvatanje razlicite vrste hrane koja je donesena u ovu lijepu zemlju; Uzivamo u Turskoj, Grckoj, Italijanskoj, Meksickoj, Libanskoj, Indijskoj, Azijskoj, Africkoj, Balkanskoj i mnogoj drugoj hrani. Volim Australiju i njene zitelje!
U to ime (i u ime Australijskog ljeta), evo jednog jednostavnog recepta.

Sladoled (na stapicu) od Nutelle

Potrebno: (za 4)
1 solja (250ml) punomasnog mlijeka (ovdje je to 3,5 % masnoce)
1/3 solje Nutelle
Stavite mlijeko i Nutellu u posudu, izmiksajte (najbolje sa stapnim) mikserom. Ulijte u kalupe i smrznite. Bozanstveni!

French Baguettes

I've been looking for French bread pans for a looong time; couldn't find them anywhere. Then, one day, I walked in a 'Salvation Army' store (op-shop / second hand store with donated items). I was so excited when I saw these beautiful  pans, still in original package. I could tell they were laying in someones cupboard for a long time, collecting dust and  waiting to be used. I was even happier, when had to pay only $2 for them. They're now in regular use; I bake all sorts of breads in them (not only French-ones).

Ingredients: (for 2 baguettes)
3 cups bakers flour
1 tbs milk powder, see* (note)
1 tsp salt
2 tsp honey
1 1/2 tsp instant yeast
2 tbs oil
1 1/3 cups water (skin warm)
*(or, omit milk powder and use 2/3 cup milk instead + 2/3 cup water)
Place all ingredients into a bread making machine and program it for dough, or do it by hand - Start the yeast in a little warm water mixed with a teas of flour; Add the rest of ingredients and make a soft pliable dough. Knead for 5-10 minutes. Let it double (covered) in a warm spot. Divide dough into 2, shape long baguettes and place them into pans. Cover with a clean cloth and let it rest for 45 minutes. Preheat oven to 170-180*C. Make 2-3 scores on top of each baguette, pour 1/2 cup water on bottom of your oven, place pans in the middle rack, close oven quickly and bake for 25 minutes . Take them out and cool on a rack.

I made these with 1/3 rye  flour (same recipe) and sunflower and caraway seeds.
Ove su napravljene sa 1/3 razanog brasna (isti recept) i sjemenkama suncokreta i komoraca.

 Francuske Bagete

Dugo sam trazila kalupe za Francuske bagete; nigdje ih nisam mogla kupiti.  Onda, jednog dana, usetala sam u prodavnicu  'Armije Spasa' (upotrebljavana roba koja je donirana). Tako sam se odusevila kada sam ugledala ove divne kalupe, jos u originalnom pakovanju. Zakljucila sam da su kod nekoga jako dugo lezale u
kuhinji, skupljajuci prasinu i cekajuci na nekoga ko ce ih upotrijebiti.  Jos sam bila sretnija, kada sam za njih platila samo 2$. Sada su u redovnoj upotrebi; pecem razne vrste vekni u njima (ne samo Francuske).

Potrebno: (za 2 bagete)
3 solje brasna (za peciva)
1 K mlijeka u prahu, vidi *objasnjenje
1 k soli 
2 k meda
1 1/2 k instant kvasca
2 K ulja
1 1/3 solje  vode
* (umjesto mlijeka u prahu mozete upotrijebiti 2/3 solje mlijeka i 2/3 solje vode)
Umijesite tijesto pomocu masine za hljeb / kruh, ili to ucinite rucno - Aktivirajte kvasac sa malo tople vode i brasna; dodajte ostale sastojke i umijesite mekano tijesto. Ostavite na toplom mjestu da nadodje. Zatim podijelite tijesto, oblikujte u 2 bagete. Ubacite u kalupe
 i ostavite na toplom mjestu, pokriveno cistom krpom, oko 45 min. Zagrijte rernu na 170-180*C. Napravite 2-3 reza na povrsini svake bagete. Smjestite kalupe u sredinu, uspite 1/2 solje vode na dno rerne, brzo zatvorite   i pecite oko 25 minuta. Ispeceno izvadite i ostavite hladiti na resetki.

Slimming World - Mixed Vegetable Chow Mein

Serves 4
Ready in about 15 minutes

Syns per serving - Extra Easy Free - Green Free


300g dried egg noodles
200g chilled Quorn Chicken Style Pieces
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp finely grated fresh root ginger
1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
1 large carrot, peeled and cut into matchsticks
1 large courgette, peeled and cut into matchsticks
100g mangetout, thinly sliced
1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into thin strips
150g shiitake or chestnut mushrooms, thickly sliced
12 spring onions, cut diagonally, into short lengths
225g can water chestnuts, drained and rinsed
60g beansprouts
4 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp rice wine vinegar
A handful of fresh coriander leaves, chopped


1. Cook the noodles according to the packet instructions. Drain and then set aside.

2. Meanwhile, spray a large wok or frying pan with Frylight and place over a high heat. Stir-fry the Quorn for 5 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients except the noodles, soy sauce, vinegar and corriander, then stir-fry for 8-10 minutes, or until just tender.

3. Stir in the noodles and remaining ingredients and toss well. Serve immediately.

Lemon and Pine Nuts Tart

Italian dessert at its best! (I have no desire to write more about anything !)

300 g flour
1 tsp baking powder
100 g butter, cold
115 g sugar
2 small eggs
1 tbs wine or water(if necessary)
4 lemons, zest and juice
9 medium eggs
350 g sugar
250 ml double cream
To finish-
3 tbs pine nuts
icing sugar
(1/2 beaten egg)
First make filing- (Alternatively, you can use lemon curd (with eggs) as filing)
Beat eggs lightly with sugar (reserve a bit of beaten egg for brushing), add lemon juice and zest. Cook over low heat (nonstick pan) until thick. Mix in double cream. Let it cool slightly.
Preheat oven to 170*C; prepare 25 cm tart tin.
Pastry- Pulse (or use your finger tips) flour with small pieces of cold butter. Add sugar, vanilla, baking powder, eggs. Make a soft dough (add water if necessary). Wrap and let it rest.
Divide into 2 balls, one slightly large than other one. Roll out to cover 25 cm tart tin. Place filing over it then cover with other rolled out piece of dough. Brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with pine nuts and bake for 45-50 minutes. Sprinkle with icing sugar and let it cool slightly, before serving.

Tart sa limunom i pinjolama

...divan Talijanski desert! (Nemam zelju da pisem o bilo cemu vise)

300 gr brasna
1 k praska za pecivo
100 gr maslaca, hladnog
115 gr secera
2 manja jajeta
1 K vina ili vode (ako je potrebno)
4 limuna, ribana korica i sok
9 jaja (srednje velicine)
350 gr secera
250 ml 'duplog' vrhnja / krema (45% masnoce)
Za zavrsetak-
3 K pinjola
secer u prahu
1/2 umucenog jajeta
Najprije napravite fil- (ili, mozete koristiti 'lemon curd' sa jajima)
Umutite jaja sa secerom i limunom (ostavite malo umucenog jajeta za kasnije). Kuhajte na slaboj vatri (ne prijanjajuca posuda) dok se ne zgusne. Prohladite, zatim umijesajte 'duplo' vrhnje.
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C, pripremite 25 cm obruc za tart.
Utrljajte komadice maslaca u brasno, dodajte ostale sastojke i umijesite. Umotajte u celofan i ostavite odmoriti.  Podijelite na 2 lopte, jednu nesto vecu od druge. razvaljajte vecu i postavite na dno obruca. Uspite fil. Razvaljajte manji krug i prekrijte preko. Premazite ostavljenim jajetom i pospite sa pinjolama. Stavite u renu i  pecite 45-50 min. Izvadite i pospite seceromu prahu. Malo rashladite, a zatim servirajte.

Slimming World - Kofta Curry with Turmeric Rice

Serves 4
Ready in about 1 hour 15 minutes

Syns per serving - Extra Easy Free


For the turmeric rice:

2 tsp cumin seeds
2 cloves, 1 cinnamon stick and 1 dried red chilli
Half a tsp ground turmeric
300g dried basmati rice
300g baby spinach, roughly chopped
700ml vegetable stock
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the Kofta curry:

700g extra-lean minced beef
1 tbsp finely grated fresh root ginger
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 tsp fennel seeds, crushed
1tsp each of ground cinnamon and medium chilli powder
500g passata
2 tsp black mustard seeds
4 plum tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 tbsp medium curry powder
1 tsp sweetener
150g fat-free natural yogurt
A small handful of fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped, to garnish


1. To make the rice, place a pan sprayed with frylight over a medium heat. Add the spices, rice and spinach and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes. Add the stock and bring to the boil. Season with a little salt, cover tightly, reduce the heat to low and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and leave to stand for 15-20 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, put the beef, ginger, garlic, fennel seeds, cinnamon and chilli powder in a bowl and season. Using your hands, mix until well combined, then divide into 28 portions and shape each into a small ball. Cover and chill in the fridge until needed.

3. Put the passata, mustard seeds, tomatoes, curry powder and sweetener in a pan. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat to medium-low. Season well and cook for 12-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. Add the meatballs to the pan, cover and cook gently for 15-30 minutes, turning them occasionally, until cooked through.

5. Divide the rice and kofta curry between 4 bowls. Drizzle the yogurt over the curry, garnish with mint leaves and serve.

Slimming World - Barnsley chops with mustard mash and gravy

Serves 4
Ready in about 1 hour

Syns per serving -  extra easy ½

400g shallots, peeled
400ml lamb or beef stock
1 tbsp chicken or beef bovril 
1 tbsp gravy granules
A sprig of fresh rosemary
700g potatoes, peeled and chopped 
1 tsp mustard powder mixed with 1 tbsp water
A handful of fresh parsley, finely chopped 
200g fat-free natural fromage frais 
300g spring greens, shredded
3 carrots, peeled and cut into strips 
75ml vegetable stock
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 Barnsley chops  (or 8 lamb loin chops), all visible fat removed 


1. Spray a frying pan with frylight and place over a medium-low heat. Stir-fry the shallots for 2-3 minutes. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 6-8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in the lamb or beef stock, bovril, gravy granules and rosemary. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes for 15-20 minutes. Drain and return to the pan. Add the mustard, parsley and fromage frais, and mash until smooth. Set the gravy and mash aside and keep warm.

3. Spray another frying pan with frylight and cook the spring greens and carrots over a high heat for 3-4 minutes. Add the vegetables stock, bring to the boil and cook for 5-6 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.

4. Preheat the grill to medium. Season the chops and cook for 4-5 minutes on each side for rare, 7-8 minutes for medium, and 10-11 minutes for well done. Divide the mash and chops between four plates, remove the rosemary from the gravy and pour over. Serve with the vegetables and a twist of black pepper.

Prawn Risotto

Another light meal, that doesn't take long time to cook.

1 1/2 tbs olive oil
1 1/2 cup long grain rice (Jasmine or Basmati)
1 small onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp cumin, ground
3-4 tomatoes, diced
2 cups chicken or vegetable stock
1/3 cup coriander leaves 
2 shallots, sliced
250-300 g prawns, tail intact 
1 Chorizo (or Kransky) sausage, sliced (optional)
Heat oil, add rice and sausage and stir for a couple of minutes. Add onion, garlic and cumin. Cook until aromas are released, then add tomatoes, mix well and pour stock. Cover and cook (reduce heat) 15 minutes. Add prawns and cook additional 5 minutes. Remove pan from heat and let it (covered) cool slightly. Fluff the rice (with a fork) and stir in coriander and shallots. 

Rizoto sa kozicama / gamborima

Jos jedan lagani obrok, koji se brzo sprema.

1,5 K maslinovog ulja 
1,5 solja rize dugog zrna (Jasmin ili Basmati)
1 manji crveni luk, sjeckan
3 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
1 k praha kima
3-4 paradajza, sjeckana na kocke
2 mlada luka, sjeckana
2 solje kokosijeg ili povrtnog bujona / supe
1/3 solje lisca korijandera, sjeckana krupno
250-300 gr kozica, 
1 Chorizo (ili Kranjska) kobasica, sjecena (opciono)
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite rizu i kobasicu par minuta, zatim ubacite luk i kim. Mijesajte i kuhajte malo zatim dodajte paradajz i supu / bujon. Poklopite, smanjite i kuhajte 15-ak minuta. Ubacite kozice i kuhajte jos 5 minuta. Smaknite s vatre, ostavite poklopljeno par minuta, zatim viljuskom 'izgrebite' rizu (da se odvoji) i pospite sa liscem korijandera i mladim lukom.

Korean Zucchini Pancakes

Feeling sick of meat, sweets and rich food? I do! Here is recommendation for some  light, vegetarian food;  perfect as canape bases too!

2-3 zucchinis, grated or cut into matchsticks
1 egg, beaten,  
1 green onion, sliced finely (or 1/4 medium onion)
3/4-1 cup flour
1/2 cup water
salt and pepper
a bit of oil for frying (or nonstick pan)
2 tbs soy sauce
1 tbs water
2 tsp red vinegar
1 tsp sugar
black pepper
sesame oil (a few drops) and seeds (optional)

Mix all ingredients for pancakes. Heat a pan (and oil, if using). Spoon mixture into pancakes, as big or small as you want. Cook for 1-2 minutes, then turn and cook other side. Place onto serving plate.
For dip, Mix all ingredients and place into a shallow dish. Serve warm. Optionally, top with some prawns, salmon or other toppings.

Korejski 'penkejks' sa tikvicama

Je li vam muka od mesa, kolaca i konstantnog prejedanja teske hrane? Meni jeste! Evo prijedloga za lagani, vegetarijanski obrok; perfektno i kao osnove za kanapes.

2-3 tikvice, rendane ili sitno sjeskane na prutice
1 jaje, umuceno
1 mladi luk, sitno sjeckan (ili 1/4 srednjeg crvenog luka)
3/4 - 1 solja brasna
1/2 solje vode
so i biber
ulje za przenje (ili neprijanjajuca tava)
2 K soja sosa
1 K vode
2 k crvnog sirceta
1 k secera
crni biber
ulje sezama (par kapi) i sjeme (opciono)

Umijesajte sve sastojke za penkejks. Zagrijte tavu ( i ulje ) i kasikom vadite smjesu u tavu (onoliko velike koliko zelite). Pecite 1-2 minute, zatim okrenite i pecite i drugu stranu. Stavite ih na tanjir za serviranje.
Za umak, pomijesajte sve sastojke i smjestite u plitku posudu. Servirajte tople, ili koristite ih kao podloge za kanape; sa kozicama, lososom ili necim drugim.