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Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls

Summer menu - light, fresh and no cooking.
These rolls are very often on my table during hot weather in Australia. Easy as placing ingredients on the table and let everyone create meal for them self. Fun too!

Rice paper rounds (+ bowl of hot water)
Sliced vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, spring onions, lettuce...)
Some sort of proteins (cooked prawns, chicken meat, sliced pork,...)
Herbs (coriander and mint are must, basil...)
Rice noodles (optional), soaked in hot water then drained

-Dipping Sauce (optional - you can use sweet chilli sauce)
1/2 cup Hoisin Sauce
2 tbsp smooth peanut butter
1/3 cup water
Dip rice paper into hot water; make sure all surface is wet. Place it on your plate, then select ingredients and place them onto lower part of paper. Lift side of paper that is close to you, place it over ingredients. Now fold the sides and roll towards the end of plate. Dip and enjoy!
(Don't leave wet rice paper on your plate for too long - might stick to it!)

 Vijetnamske  rolnice od rizinog 'papira'

Ljetni meni - lagano, svjeze i bez kuhanja.
Ove rolnice su veoma cesto na mom stolu tokom vrele sezone u Australiji. Postavite sve sastojke na sto i svako sebi kreira obrok iz onih sastojaka koje najvise voli. Zabavno takodje!

Rizin 'papir' (okruglog oblika, izgleda kao plastika) + vrela voda u posudi
Izrezano povrce (na prutice oko 10 cm) mrkva, krastavac, gljive, mladi luk, salata...
Meso kao sto je piletina, rezana svinjetina, kozice / gamobori (kuhano/ peceno)
Zacinsko bilje (korijander i menta su neophodni, bosiljak...)
Tanki rizini rezanci (nodle) koji se samo potope u vodu (ocijedjeni)

- Umak (opciono ili mozete koristiti slatki chili sos)
1/2 solje Hoisin sosa
2 K maslaca od kikirikija
1/3 solje vode

Umocite rizin papir u vrucu vodu, okrecite kako bi se sav skvasio. Postavite na tanjir, zatim poslazite zeljene sastojke na donju polovinu papira. Prebacite dio blize sebi preko sastojaka, zatim zavrnite krajeve i zarolajte dokraja. Umocite u sos i uzivajte!
(Ne ostavljajte namocen papir da dugo stoji; mogao bi se zalijepiti za tanjir.)

'Bulochki' - Russian Sweet Buns with Apple Filling

Do you watch Winter Olympic Games? If you do, these Russian sweet buns will make you feel  as you were in Sochi.  Experience complete!

3 cups flour
2/3 cup (skin) warm milk
3 tbs sugar
2 tsp yeast
2 eggs, beaten (leave 1/2 egg white for brushing)
125 g butter, melted
Apple filling-
5-6 apples (Granny Smith),peeled and diced
2/3 cup (+,-) sugar
juice of 1/2 lemon
vanilla extract
cinnamon (optional)

Make a dough as you would any with yeast; by bread machine or by hand. Cover and leave on a warm spot (45 min).
Place apples and sugar into a pan. Bring to boil and cook for 10 minutes. Add lemon juice and vanilla (+ cinnamon if using). If there is too much liquid left, you'll need to drain it. Let it cool
Divide the dough into 20 balls. Roll each into an oval, then fill with a full tsp of apple stuffing. Press the dough along the edges well, and place the 'seam' down onto prepared baking pan (with paper). Leave some space for spreading, between buns. Cover and leave 45 minutes, then brush with a beaten egg white and bake for 12-15 minutes on 180*C. Serve warm or cold.

Ruske Slatke Kifle sa punjenjem od Jabuka (Bulochki)

Gledate li Zimske Olipijske Igre? Ako da, ove slatke Ruske kifle ce uciniti da osjecate kao da ste u Sociju. Kompletan ugodjaj!

3 solje brasna
2/3 solje mlijeka, mlakog
3 K secera
125 g maslaca, otopljenog
2 jaja, umucenih (ostavite 1/2 bjelanca za premazivanje)
2 k instant kvasca ( ili svjezeg)
Fil od jabuka
5-6 zelenih jabuka, oguljene i  sjecene na kockice 
2/3 solje (+,-) secera
sok 1/2 limuna
cimet (opciono)  

Umijesite tijesko kao sto biste bilo koje drugo dizano; pokrijte i ostavitena toplom mjestu.
Jabuke i secer stavite na vatru i kuhajte oko 10 minuta. Ubacite sok limuna i vanilu. Ohladite. (Ako je mnogo tecnosti ostalo, procijedite)
Podijelite tijesto na 20 loptica, razvucite svaku u oval i punite sa po 1 kasicicom fila. Pritisnite krajeve tijesta dobro (duza strana) i okrenite bolju stranu gore, smjestajuci na tepsiju (sa papirom). Ostavite malo razmaka izmedju kifli. Pokrijte i ostavite oko 45 minuta na toplome, zatim premazite bjelancetom i pecite 12-15 minuta na 180*C. Uzivajte dok su tople ili kada se ohlade.

Pure Cornmeal Bread

Long time ago, corn bread was made with 100% cornmeal, without adding any other flour. 
I remember my auntie ( my mother's older sister who took care of me while my parents worked) making it regularly. It was dense, but very sweet. For that kind of bread she would always have special flour - one that is made from non-GM corn (extra sweet) and that has been stone grounded in a water mill.
This is how corn bread would be made then-

3 cups stone grounded cornmeal (sweet, non-GM)
1 tsp salt
5 cups (+,-) boiling  water
oil for pan (heavy bottomed)
Mix cornmeal and salt, pour boiling water over it and mix with a wooden spoon. Let it cool so you can handle it, then knead a couple of minutes. Place onto oiled baking dish. Wet your hands and smooth the top and around the edges, making thin (2-3 cm ) circle. Cover with a clean cloth and let it rest for 1 hour +. Preheat oven to 200*C. Place in oven and bake for 10 minutes, lower temperature to 170*C and bake for another 45-50 minutes. It should be golden in color, with a lot of crinkles on top. Enjoy warm or cold.

Proha / Proja / Kukuruzni kruh

Izgleda da niko vise ne pece pravu proju (kukuruzi kruh)!
Sjecam se moje tetke (mamina starija sestra koja me je cuvala dok su moji roditelji bili na poslu) kako je redovno pekla prohu, koja je bila poprilicno tvrda, ali nevjerovatno slatka i ukusna. Za tu priliku se nabavljalo specijalno brasno, koje je moralo biti od kukuruza 'secerca' (ne-hibridni kukuruz), samljeveno u 'vodenici' (tj kamenom, u mlinu pokretanom strujom vode).
Ovako se tada pravila prava proha-

3 mjere brasna (npr veca solja)
1 k soli
5 (+,-) mjera kljucale vode
ulje za tepsiju (sa tezim dnom)
Pomijesajte kukuruzno brasno i so, zalijte sa kljucalom vodom i mijesajte drvenom kasikom, dok se masa ne sjedini. Malo prohladite, zatim rukama mijesite par minuta. Postavite na nauljenu tepsiju, te skvasenim rukama oblikujte (tanki 2-3 cm) krug; zagladite povrsinu. Pokrijte cistom krpom i ostavite 1 sat + da odstoji.
Zagrijte rernu na 200*C te ubacite prohu unutra. Pecite 10 minuta, zatim smanjite temperaturu na 170*C i pecite dodatnih 45-50 minuta. Treba da dobijete zlatno-zutu boju sa ispucalom povrsinom. Uzivajte toplo ili hladno. 

Molten Lava Chocolate Fondants (by Curtis Stone)

I didn't like taste of chocolate until my 40s;... why, oh why my taste buds changed? I really didn't need that - Now I can't have enough chocolate!
Following recipe is Curtis Stone's. Absolutely divine, especially while still warm.
I baked it in friand's moulds. I did overbaked it, but just for a minute...should be more runny inside.

1 cup sugar
1 cup butter
5 eggs
5 yolks
instant coffee (optional)
1/2 cup flour
250 g chocolate
Preheat the oven to 180*C.  Coat friand pans (or popover pans, or six 3/4 cup/180 ml ovenproof custard cups) with 1 tablespoon of butter.  Dust the molds with cocoa powder; coat well.
Stir the chocolate and remaining butter (and coffee) in a heavy medium saucepan over a low heat until smooth. Using an electric mixer, beat the eggs, egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl until pale and doubled in volume.  
Fold in the melted chocolate mixture. Add the flour and whisk until smooth. Pour into the prepared molds, dividing equally. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, or until slightly puffed and just set around the sides (a toothpick inserted into the center of the cakes should come out with batter attached).  Let the fondants rest for 3 to 4 minutes.
Serve with cream or chocolate ganache. 


Tecna Lava Cokoladni Fondanti 

Nisam bila ljubitelj cokolade sve do mojih 40tih;... zasto, o zasto se moj osjecaj okusa promijenio?
Zaista nisam to trebala - sad mi nikad nije dovoljno cokolade!
Sljedeci recept je od Australijskog chefa po imenu Kurtis Ston. Apsolutno bozanstven, posebno dok je jos topao.
Pekla sam ga u kalupu za frajande. Malo sam ih prepekla, ali samo za minutu....trebali su biti vise tecni u sredini.

1 solja secera
1 solja maslaca (250gr)
5 jaja
5 zumanaca
instant kafa (opciono)
1/2 solje brasna
250 gr cokolade
Ukljucite renuna 180*C. Namazite kalupe sa maslacem; pospite sa kakaom.
Zagrijte cokoladu i maslac dok se ne istopi.
Miksajte jaja sa secerom, dok ne postane gusto i svijetlo.
Umijesajte mjesavinu sa cokoladom. Dodajte brasno i njezno umijesajte.
Uspite u pripremljene kalupe. Pecite 8-10 minuta, tj dok spoljasnost ne dobije koricu a ubodena cackalica ima trag nepecene unutrasnjosti. Neka se ohlade 3-4 minute, zatim servirajte sa vrhnjem ili cokoladnim ganashem.

Farinata ( Panelle / Cecina / Socca)

My first farinata was baked on Tuesday. I saw it on a blog that I follow ( ). I wanted to use chickpea that is sitting in my pantry for couple of months. The recipe was very simple, but I didn't expect much of flavour. The farinata disappeared in a very short time, while dinner was cooking.
Next farinata was due next day. I made them as little individual-ones (pie moulds), with onion and rosemary. They were beautiful! I've researched a bit and found out that it's mostly made in Italy ( Sicily- 'Panelle', Liguria- 'Farinata', Tuscany- 'Cecina') and in France ('Socca'). It is usually  flavoured with pepper, but some areas prefer onion and rosemary. (Vesna added her own touch by sprinkling some sesame seeds on top). 
Key for good results are: make batter at least 1 hour before baking, make sure the (pizza) pan (with olive oil) is well preheated (and not too thin), and don't omit or reduce oil; it gives crunchy texture to the Farinata.
I see myself baking it regularly in future, because it's quick, easy, delicious and nutritious.

2 3/4 cup chickpea flour (besan), (250g)
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
rosemary and chopped onion, or seeds (your choice), 
2 1/2 cups water
5 tbs olive oil (1 tbs goes into batter)
Mix flour, pepper, salt, 1 tbs oil and half water well. Add other half of water, mix and leave aside for 1 hour or more.
Preheat oven to 200*C . Pour 4 tbs oil into a pizza pan (32cm), place in oven (if you want onion in your farinata, place it on bottom over oil) to heat it. Take out and pour batter in your pan, sprinkle with rosemary (or seeds). Return to oven and bake for 30+minutes. Farinata should be thin as pancake and crunchy. Enjoy!

Moju prvu 'Farinatu' sam ispekla u utorak. Recept sam vidjela kod Vesne na blogu ( Imala sam nesto slanutkovog (leblebije) brasna koje sam trebala iskoristiti.
Recept je bio izuzetno jednostavan, ali iskreno nisam ocekivala neki posebno ukusan obrok. Ta farinata je nestala u trenu, dok se ostatak vecere pekao.
Sljedeca farinata je bila ispecena sutradan! Napravila sam ih kao male 'pitice', sa crvenim lukom i ruzmarinom. Bile su divne. Malo sam istrazivala net i pronasla da se farinate prave uglavnom u Italiji ( Sicilija- 'Panelle', Ligurija- 'Farinata', Taskanija- 'Cecina') i Francuskoj ('Socca').
Zacinjava se biberom, lukom i ruzmarinom uglavnom. (Vesna je dodala sezam na povrsinu, sto mi se jako dopalo).
Kljuc za dobru farinatu je - Napravite 'tijesto' bar 1 sat prije pecenja i zagrijte tesiju (za pizu) sa maslinovim uljem dobro, prije nego uspete farinatu unutra. Tepsija ne bi trebala biti jako tanka, jer bi se mogla uvrnuti pod temperaturom. Takodje nemojte smanjivati kolicinu ulja, koje ima ulogu da da hrskavu teksturu.
U buducnosti, vidim sebe kako redovno pecem farinatu, jer je brzo, lako, hranjivo i ukusno jelo.

250 gr brasna leblebije / slanutka (oko 2 3/4 solje)
1 k soli
1/2 tsp biber
luk, ruzmarin ili sjemenke za povrsinu
600 ml vode (oko 2 1/2 solje)
5 K maslinovog ulja  (1 kasika ide u tijesto)
Pomijesajte brasno, so, biber, 1 K ulja i pola vode. Dobro promijesajte, pa dodajte preostali dio vode. Ostavite 1 sat najmanje da odstoji. 
Ukljucite rernu na 200*C. Uspite ulje u tepsiju za pizu (32cm), zagrijte u rerni (ako zelite farinatu sa lukom, ubacite ga preko ulja da se malo proprzi). Uspite tijesto, pospite izabranim sastojcima u vratite u rernu. Pecite oko 30+ minuta. Farinata treba da bude tanka kao (deblja Americka) palacinka i hrskava sa strane. Uzivajte!

Slimming World - Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Serves 6
Ready in About 30 minutes, plus 6-9 hours freezing time

Syns per Serving - All Choices 5
* Pregnant women, the elderly and babies should not eat raw or partially cooked eggs.


8 tbsp sweetener
400g ready-made low-fat custard
3 x 125g pots Danone Activia 0% Fat free Vanilla yogurt
1-2 tsp peppermint extract
A few drops of green food colouring
2 medium egg whites*
50g dark chocolate chips


1. Put the sweetener, custard, yogurt, peppermint extract and food colouring in a bowl and mix well. In a separate bowl, lightly beat the egg whites until frothy.

2. Add the egg whites to the custard mixture and stir well. Pour into a shallow, freezerproof container, cover and freeze for 2-3 hours.

3. Remove from the freezer and blend in a food processor until smooth. Stir in the chocolate chips, then return to the container, cover, and freeze for 1-2 hours, or until the ice cream is starting to set around the edges.

4. Take out of the freezer and use a fork to beat and break up the ice crystals. Freeze for a further 3-4 hours, beating with a fork every 30-40 minutes, until firm enough to scoop.

5. Remove the ice cream from the freezer 10-12 minutes before serving. 

Slimming World - Provencal Chicken

Serves 4
Ready in about 1 hour 30 minutes

Syns - Extra Easy Free | Original Free


Salt and freshly ground black pepper
8 large skinless chicken thighs
600g tomatoes, thickly sliced
2 large courgettes, thickly sliced
3 large red onions, thickly sliced
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tbsp dried herbes de Provence
1 tsp dried red chili flakes
Finely grated zest and juice of 1 unwaxed lemon
6 tbsp tomato puree
150ml chicken stock
A small handful of fresh flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped, to garnish


1. Preheat your oven to 160c/Fan 140/Gas 3. Place a large frying pan sprayed with Frylight over a high heat. Season the chicken and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side. Transfer to a plate.

2. Spray an ovenproof casserole dish with Frylight. Scatter the tomatoes, courgettes and onions over the base. Put the chicken on top in a single layer and sprinkle with the garlic, herbes de Provence, chilli and lemon zest and juice.

3. Mix the tomato puree and stock in a jug. Pour over the chicken and veg, cover with foil and bake for 40 minutes. Remove the foil and cook for a further 15-20 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Garnish with parsley and serve. 

Light box / Svjetlosna Kutija

I never paid much attention to the photos on my blog....Styling, lighting - non of those were important to me. Good recipe and authentic photo of prepared food were good enough. But I do appreciate effort of others in trying to represent their blog the best they can. That's why I decided to do an experiment and see if there is really much difference in a photo taken in light box.
Down are results and you decide by yourself. I'd appreciate if you let me know what photo looks best to you.  (For me, the best is the one taken outside). Thanks

Do sada nisam obracala paznju fotografijama na mom blogu...Stiliranje, osvjetljenje - nista mi to nije bilo vazno. Dobar recept i prateca fotografija pripremljene hrane su mi bili dovoljni. Ali oduvijek sam se divila blogerima koji su se trudili predstaviti svoj blog sto bolje. Stoga sam odlucila napraviti mali eksperiment kako bih vidjela da li svjetlosna kutija uistinu znaci tako mnogo. Rezultati su ispod i odlucite sami. Voljela bih da mi kazete vase misljenje. (Meni licno je najbolja fotografija koja je snimljen vani). Hvala

Light box / Svjetlosna kutija                                                           Daylight + room light
                                                                                                / Dnevna s + sobno osvjetljenje

Day light  (outdoor) / Vani na suncu                                                          Camera flash
                                                                                                     / Sa blicom na fotoaparatu