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Rose Torte

I know her for 20+ years; we flew (on same flight) and stepped on Australian soil together. We had our ups and downs, but I'm sure, we never questioned our friendship. At the back of our mind, we always could count on each-other, even if we weren't in contact for months. 
It was her 50th birthday, and I made a special cake for a special lady! Her name is Nada... 
Celebration took place last Friday/Saturday at Sydney City, 76th floor of Meriton Hotel (with other lovely ladies)

4 eggs, separated
3 egg whites
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup SR flour
2/3 cup plain flour
3-4 drops pink colour
(1-2 tbs rose water + 1/2 cup water + 1 tbs sugar, for syrup)
1 cream cheese, soft
1 butter, soft
2/3 cup (+) icing sugar
3-4 tbs (red) rose jam, warmed and sieved
1 tbs rose water
(dried rose petals, for decoration)

Beat egg whites with sugar until thick. Add colour and yolks, one by one, while beating. Fold in butter, then flour. Bake for 25(or more) minutes at 180*C, in a 22 cm cake pan. Take out, cool then slice horizontally into 3. Mix all ingredients for syrup and brush (or spoon) over each layer with this liquid.
Beat butter and cheese with icing sugar, add jam and rose water. Spread over each layer, then assemble. Decorate outside of the cake and sprinkle with rose petals. Chill before slicing.

Torta sa mirisom Ruže

Poznajem ju vise od 20 godina; zajedno smo doletjeli (istim avionom) i krocili na Australijsko tlo. Imali smo nase uspone i padove, ali sam sigurna da nikada nismo sumnjale u nase prijateljstvo. Negdje u dnu srca, uvijek smo znale da mozemo racunati jedna na drugu, cak i ako se nebismo vidjali mjesecima.
Slavila je 50i rodjendan, i napravila sam posebnu tortu za posebnu damu. Njeno ime je Nada...
Proslava se desila proslog petka / subote u Sidniju, na 76 spratu Meriton hotela (sa drugim dragim gospodjama).

4 jaja, odvojena 
3 bjelanca
3/4 solje secera
1/3 solje otopljenog maslaca
1 solja samodizajuceg brasna
2/3 solje obicnog brasna
3-4 kapi ruzicaste boje
(1-2 K ruzine vodice + 1/2 solje vode + 1 K secera, za sirup)
1 krem sir (250gr)
1 maslac, omeksao
2/3 solje secera u prahu (vise,  po zelji) 
3-4 K dzema  (crvene) ruze, zagrijan i procijedjen
1 K ruzine vodice
(susene ruzine latice, za dekoraciju)  

Umutite bjelanca sa secerom u cvrstu masu, zatim dodajte boju i zumanca, muteci cijelo vrijeme.
Rucno umijesajte maslac, zatim brasno. Uspite u 22 cm kalup i pecite 25(+) minuta na 180*C. Prohladite i prerezite biskvit na 3 dijela. Pomijesajte sastojke za sirup pa svaki sloj navlazite s njim. 
Umutite maslac, krem sir i secer. Dodajte dzem i ruzinu vodicu. Premazite svaki sloj i ukrasite okolo. Pospite laticama ruze i rashladite prije rezanja.

Maqloobeh / Maqluba

I really can't understand how some people eat same food over and over for years. I  always crave something new; I simply need to try everything that I hear about or see on the internet. Maqluba is one of those - Palestinian popular dish; layers of meat, vegetables and rice, all in one pot.

1/3 cup oil
1 large onion, diced
1/2 kg lamb, diced
4 cups water
salt to taste
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 1/2 tsp allspice (pimento)
2 bay leaves
1(+) tsp cinnamon
2-3 cardamom pods, crushed
2-3 egg plants, sliced
3 tomatoes, sliced
1 1/2 cups rice
(parsley / coriander leaves, pine nuts and chilli flakes for garnish - optional)

Heat half oil, saute onions. Add meat and spice; mix and cook until meat changes colour. Pour water, cover and cook for 1 hour. In another pan heat remaining oil and fry eggplant slices on both sides. 
When meat cooked, assemble the dish; place 1-2 tbs rice on bottom of a pan, place meat, eggplant slices, tomato slices and then rice over it. Pour water (that you cooked meat in), cover and bring to boil. Reduce heat and cook for 30 minutes, or until all water absorbed by rice. Let it stand for another 10-15 minutes, then carefully turn upside-down on a plate. Garnish with chosen ingredients and enjoy.

Makluba (Maqluba)

Ne mogu razumjeti neke osobe koje godinama mogu jesti istu hranu. Ja uvijek ceznem da isprobam nesto novo; cesto vidim neki program ili naletim na neki zanimljiv recept na internetu i onda to moram isprobati. Takav slucaj je bio sa ovim Palestinskim jelom - Maqluba je tamo jako popularna; slojevi mesa, povrca i rize, sve u istoj posudi.

1/3 solje ulja
1 veci crveni luk, sjeckan
1/2 kg jagnjetine, sjecene na kocke
4 solje vode
so prema ukusu
1/2 k crnog bibera
1 1/2 k 'allspice' (pimento)
2 lovorova lista
1 k cimeta, vise ako volite
2-3 kardamoma, zrvo istucano
2-3 patlidzana, isjecena
3 paradajza, isjecena
1 1/2 solja rize
(persunovo ili lisce korijandera, pinjole i ljuspice papricice za ukrasavanje - opciono)

Zagrijte polovinu ulja i proprzite luk. Dodajte meso i zacine i dinstajte dok meso ne promijeni boju. Zalijte sa vodom, pokrijte i kuhajte oko 1 sat. Zagrijte preostalo ulje i proprzite reznjeve patlidzana na obje strane. Kad je meso kuhano, poslazite maklubu. Najprije stavite 1-2 K rize na dno serpe / lonca, zatim meso, reznjeve patlidzana, paradajz zatim i rizu. Zalijte sa vodom u kojoj ste kuhali meso, poklopite i na blagoj vatri kuhajte oko 30 minuta ili dok riza ne popije svu vodu. Ostavite jos 10-15 minta po strani, zatim pazljivo prevrnite na posudu u kojoj cete sluziti. Ukrasite sa odabranim sastojcima i uzivajte.

Vienna's Rye Bread Rolls

I don't know if we were exhausted, or because it was Sunday, or maybe fact that previous day we've been in Thailand, but Vienna and it's people didn't impress me much. I suppose crew from Austrian airlines had something to do with my opinion! (And I'm not saying all Austrians are arrogant and unfriendly, because one of best people I know is Austrian - Silvia, I'm talking about you!)
We had one day to explore, and this is what we saw. (Recipe for bread rolls is in the middle)

Ne znam da li je bio umor u pitanju, ili zato sto je bila nedjelja, ili mozda cinjenica da smo stigli iz Tajlanda, ali Bec i Austrijanci me se nisu posebno dojmili. Pretpostavljam da su zaposlenici Austrijskog Airlajn-a malo doprinijeli mome misljenju! (I nemam namjeru sve Austriance nazvati arogantnim i neprijateljski raspolozenim, jer jedna od najboljih osoba koje poznajem je Austrijanka - Silvia iz Graza).
Imali smo jedan dan za obilazak, i evo sta smo vidjeli. (Recept je u sredini)

Early Sunday morning in Schonbrunn / Rano nedjeljno jutro u Schonbrunn-u.

Hotel Carlton Opera (Vivaldi, Schubert, Brahms and other have been guests in this hotel. Mozart conducted 'Magic Flute' here!...Not that I cared about it in that early morning - I just wanted a bed to rest).
Hotel Carlton Opera, u kojem su nekad boravili Vivaldi, Schubert, Brahms i drugi. Mozart je komponovao Carobnu Frulu ovdje!...Ne da me je bilo mnogo briga o svemu tome tog jutra - samo sam zelila krevet da se odmorim).

Waiting for our rooms (desperately)....very tired, after whole night on a plane!

Ocajno se ocekuju sobe...jako umorni poslije cijele noci u avionu!

Bread rolls selection at hotel's breakfast (and inspiration for today's recipe)
Izbor peciva u hotelu (i inspiracija za danasnji post).

2 1/2 cups rye flour
1 cup wholemeal flour
1 1/2 cups bakers (or plain) flour
2 tbs milk powder 
2 tsp salt
1 tbs brown sugar
2 tsp yeast
2 cups water (skin warm)
1/4 cup oil (light olive or similar)
egg white and seeds for topping
Activate yeast, mix with all other ingredients and knead for 5 minutes.( Alternatively, you can put all ingredients into brad machine and program to knead only.)Let it rise (warm spot, covered bowl). Take out and divide into smaller pieces (I got 18 pieces of 75 grams). Shape into balls, or press into circles, then roll (as swiss roll) into crescents. Place onto oiled baking sheet. Cover and let it rest for 30+ minutes. Preheat oven to 190*C, brush rolls with beaten egg white and sprinkle with seeds.Bake for 15 + minutes.

2 1/2 solje razanog brasna
1 solja intergralnog brasna
1 1/2 solja obicnog brasna
2 K mlijeka u prahu
2 k soli
1 K braon secera
2 k kvasca
2 solje mlake vode 
1/4 solje ulja
1 bjelance i sjemenke za povrsinu peciva
Aktivirajte kvasac, umijsajte sa svim ostalim sastojcima i umijesite tijesto. Ostavite (pokriveno toplo mjesto) odmarat dok ne narastei. (Sve ovo mozete uciniti u pekacu; izaberite program za mijesenje).
Izvadite tijesto i podijelite na komadice (ja sam dobila 18 komada po 75 grama). 
Oblikujte loptice ili polumjesece / kifle (razvaljate krug, pa ga zarolate u kiflu). Smjestite ih na nauljenu tepsiju. Pokrijte i drzite 30-ak minuta na toplom.
Ukljucite rernu na 190*C. Premazite peciva bjelanjkom i pospite sjemenkama. Pecite 15+ minuta.

 Afternoon in Vienna (after a few hours of sleep)
Jedno popodne u Becu (nakon par sati odmora)


Unavoidable sausage stand (with dear cousins from Graz).
Neizbjezan stand sa Beckim kobasicama (sa rodjacima koji su stigli iz Graza).

Vigor wanted to see most important churches, as he studies World's religions.
Vigor je zelio posjetiti najvaznije crkve, obzirom da studira o religijama Svijeta.


Thai Beef Red Curry

To continue theme from previous post; Thai inspiration is still going on!

2-3 tbs oil (peanut oil preferably)
500 gr chuck steak (or other beef cuts), sliced
2 tbs Thai  red curry
1 can coconut milk (or light cream)
200 gr beans, sliced
1 small red capsicum, sliced
2 tbs peanut butter
1-2 tbs fish sauce
4 kafir lime leaves, sliced
brown sugar to taste (2-3 tsp)
coriander leaves and chopped peanuts for garnish

Heat half of oil, saute beef until it changes colour. Take out. Heat the rest of oil, add red curry. Mix well, then pour coconut milk, add meat and other ingredients. Cook for 1 hour, or until meat tender.
Garnish with coriander leaves and peanuts; serve with rice.

Tai Crveni Kari sa Govedinom

Da se nastavim sa prethodnim postom; inspiracija iz Tajlanda je jos prisutna!

2-3 K ulja (po mogucnosti od kikirikija)
500 gr govedine / junetine za kuhanje, tanko izrezane 
2 K Thai crvenog karija (vidi*)
1 konzerva kokosovog mlijeka (ili 'lakseg' krema)
200 gr okruglih mahuna, izrezanih na pola
1 manja crvena paprika, izrezana na prutice
2 K kikiriki maslaca
1-2 K fish sosa
4 lista limete, izrezane
braon secer prema ukusu (2-3 male k)
lisce korijandera i kikiriki za ukrasiti

Zagrijati polovinu ulja, proprziti meso pa izvaditi. Dodati ostatak ulja, ubaciti kari, promijesati pa zaliti sa kokosovim mlijekom. Ubaciti meso i ostale sastojke i kuhati oko 1 sat ili dokmeso ne omeksa. Ukrasiti liscem korijandera i kikirikijem; sluziti sa rizom.

* Ukoliko nemozete kupiti gotov kari, napravite ga sami:

Crveni kari
6 suhih crvenih papricica (chili)
2 srednja crvena luka, sjeckana
3 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
1 K ribane limunove korice
2 k paste sasusenih skampa (Azijski proizvod)
1 K kima u prahu
1 K paprike crvene
2 K turmerika
1 k crnog bibera
(sve sameljite ili istucajte dok ne dobijete guscu pastu - drzite u frizideru) 


Slimming World - Vegetable Couscous With Lemon Chicken

Slimming World - Vegetable Couscous With Lemon Chicken
Serves 4
Ready in approx. 30 minutes

Syns - Extra Easy FREE


150g plain dried couscous
4 skinless chicken breasts, thinly sliced or cut into small pieces
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
Fry light
2 red onions, thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tsp cumin 
300g broccoli, cut into florets
1 carrot, cut into thin strips
1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
A small handful of finely chopped fresh mint
A small handful of finely chopped fresh coriander
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


1. Pour 225ml of boiling water over couscous, or just enough to cover. Leave to rest for 10-12 minutes, or until all the water has been absorbed. Use a fork to fluff up the couscous.

2/ Spray a large frying pan with fry light and place over a medium to high heat. Whilst the pan is heating toss the chicken with half the lemon juice in a bowl.

3. Add the chicken, onion and garlic to the pan and stir-fry for 8-10 minutes, or until the onions have softened and the chicken is cooked through. Add the cumin seeds for the last minute.

4/ Meanwhile steam the carrots and broccoli until tender, approx. 4-5 minutes. Once cooked drain and add to the chicken. Add the chilli, stir well and continue to cook for 2-3 minutes. 

5. Stir the remaining lemon zest and juice, mint, coriander and fluffed up couscous into the chicken, season and serve immediately.

Thailand, I'll be back!

On 19/09 we landed in Thailand (Bangkok). We went to our hotel for night, preparing for a big day tomorrow (my birthday). Everything was planned and  organised in advance; I booked hotel, transfer and a guide for a day. Later on, I would realize it was excellent move, as Thai language is unique and we wouldn't be able to understand anything from their signs (although airport and some tourist zones have English writings as well). 
If I had to describe Bangkok in a few words it would be People, Food, Temples and Royals.
People are genuinely nice and so quite, very polite and kind.
Food is unbelievably tasty, fresh and natural. I'd be happy to go back to Thailand just for food.
Temples are grandiose, beautiful and with so many details. I like the fact that you have to be decently dressed and take your shoes off when entering temples.
Royals are well respected here, their pictures are everywhere; Thai people love their King and Queen, who take good care of country and citizens.
19/09 smo sletjeli u Tajland (Bankok). Smjestili smo se u hotel, pripremajuci se za sutradasnji veliki dan (moj rodjendan). Sve je vec bilo isplanirano i rezervisano; hotel, transport i vodic za jedan dan. Kasnije sam shvatila da je to bio odlican zahvat, posto je Tajlandski jezik sasvim unikatan i ne bismo bili sposobni ista shvatiti iz njihovih znakova (mada aerodrom i neke turisticke zone imaju i Engleske natpise).
Kad bih morala opisati Bankok u parrijeci, to bi bilo Ljudi, Hrana, Hramovi i Kraljevina.
Ljudi su ovdje istinski fini i tako tihi, veoma ljubazni i usluzni.
Hrana je nevjerovatno ukusna, svjeza i prirodna. Rado bih se vratila u Tajland samo zbog hrane.
Hramovi su grandiozni, prekrasni i sa mnogo detalja. Svidjelo mi se to sto morate biti pristojno obuceni i izuti svoju obucu pri ulasku u hram.
Kralj i kraljica su ovdje veoma postovani; njihove slike svuda po gradu. Tajlandjani vole svoje 'royals', koji vode divnu brigu o zemlji i stanovnicima.

Grand Palace

 Can you imagine how much time would take for1,5 cm small tiles to be stuck on this huge golden building? The Golden Mount (Wat Saket) / Mozete li zamisliti koliko vremena je trebalo da se 1,5 cm zlatne plocice polijepe po povrsini ove ogromne gradjevine? Zlatno Brdo (Wat Saket)

Temple of Dawn (Wat Arun) / Hram Zore (Wat Arun)

Lots of gold and beautiful details / Gomile zlata i divnih detalja!


Blessings at Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew) / Blagoslovljavanje u Hramu Emerald Bude (Wat Phra  Kaew)

Grandious buildings with many different styles; many temples and hundreds of Buddhas. / Grandiozne gradjevine sa razlicitim stilovima; mnogo hramova sa stotinama Buda.

Temple of the Reclining Buddha (Wat Pho) / Hram Lezeceg Bude, Wat Pho 

Preparing for Canal tour / Pripremamo se za obilazak naseljenih kanala

Accsess to homes is available only from water side. /  Prilaz kucama je moguc samo sa vode.

Canal names are neatly displayed , so you don't get lost. / Nazivi kanala su postavljeni, tako da se ne zagubite.

Poor and rich live in canal areas. / Siromasni i bogati zive na vodi.

Lunch on 'floating market'. I thought I know how good are Thai flavours...I was so wrong! Nothing is so fresh and tasty as here.

Rucak na 'plivajucoj' pijaci. Mislila sam da znam kako je Tai hrana dobra... Greska! Nista se ne moze usporediti sa ovako svjezom i ukusnom hranom ovdje.

Through Bangkok's busy streets to China market; OMG, so many products, and so crowdy!

Kroz zastopane ulice Bankoka do Kineske pijace; Moj boze, toliko razlicitih proizvoda i tako puno ljudi!


Tuk-Tuk as most common form of transport. /
 Tuk- tuk je najzastupljenije prevozno sredstvo.


Best guide ever, lovely Po. /  Najbolji vodic ikada, draga Po.