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Minestrone Genovese (Milan Minestrone)

The name is confusing - It is Milan minestrone, but from a part of the city that is called Genova (Hotel Genova is still present there). My dear neighbour (Nona Teresa) gave this recipe to me. Best served during the winter, when our bodies need all those vitamins and warmth. Enjoy!

2 tbs olive oil
1 big onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, pressed
2 big carrots, diced
2 celery stalks, diced
1 cup bacon, diced
1 medium zucchini, diced
1 cup peas
1 can (~ 400 gr)red kidney beans
2-3 tbs tomato paste
1/2 cup small elbow pasta
1/4 cabbage head, shredded
salt, pepper, oregano to taste
1,5-2L water
1 big potato, diced

Heat the oil in a big pot, fry onion until it starts to change colour, add bacon, carrot and other vegetables. Cook for a few minutes, then pour hot water and add all the spices and tomato paste. When starts boiling add potato and pasta. Cook 10-12 minutes.
Serve with a little of Parmesan on top.

Milanski minestrone 'Genova'

2 kasike ulja, maslinovo
1 veliki crveni luk, isjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
2 velike mrkve, isjeckane na kockice
2 stabljike celere, isjeckane
1 solja sjeckane mesnate slanine (200 g)
1 srednja tikvica, isjeckana
1 solja graska
1 konzerva graha
2-3 kasike paradajz pirea
1/2 solje sitnih makarona, ili druge tjestenine
1/4 glavice kupusa, sjeckanog
malo soli, bibera, vegete, origana
1,5 - 2 l vode
1 veci krumpir, sjeckan na kockice
Zagrijte ulje u velikom loncu, dodajte luk. Malo proprzite, pa zatim dodati slaninu, mrkvu i ostalo povrce.
Zaliti vrelom vodom u koju onda dodate zacine po ukusu, pire od paradajza i kada prokljuca dodati makarone i sjeckani krumpir.
Kuhati jos 10-ak minuta.
Stavite vise vode ako vam je pregusta.
Sluziti kao glavno jelo, posuto sa malo parmezana.

Red Velvet Cake

Red Velvet Cake was mentioned on 'Oprah' once, and I had to try it. My boys love it!

250 g butter, very soft
3 eggs
1 1/3 cups caster sugar
2 teas cocoa
60 ml red food colour
2 1/2 cups flour, sifted
1/2 teas salt
1 cup buttermilk
1 teas vanilla extract
1 teas baking soda
1 teas vinegar
White frosting:
1 1/2 cups milk
3 tbs flour
1 teas vanilla extract
250 g butter
1 cup icing sugar
All ingredients should be taken out of fridge to warm.
Preheat oven to 180*C, prepare 2 cake tins (22 cm). In the bowl of a mixer cream together butter, sugar and eggs until fluffy.
Mix all wet ingredients (buttermilk, red colour, vanilla and vinegar), add to the bowl mixing for a minute more. Sift all dry ingredients (cocoa, flour, soda, salt) together and add to the bowl, folding carefully.
Pour into tins, and bake for 25 min. Let it cool.
Mix flour with a little milk into a smooth paste. Rest of the milk put in a saucepan to heat, add vanilla. When hot add the paste to it, cook until thickened. Let cool.
When cool, put in a bowl together with butter and icing sugar. Mix with high speed until creamy and fluffy.
Frost the top of first layer with a 1/3 of frosting and set the second layer on top.Frost the entire cake with remaining frosting. (One part of frosting can be coloured for decorative effect.)
Let it cool for at least an hour before serving.

Torta 'Crveni Barsun'
250 gr putera, veoma omeksalog
3 jaja
1 1/3 solja sitnog secera
2 kasicice kakaa
60 ml crvene boje za kolace
2 1/2 solje brasna, prosijanog
1/2 kasicice soli
1 solja tecnog jogurta
1 kasicica vanile
1 kasicica sode BB
1 kasicica sirceta, bijelog

Bijela krema:
1,5 solja mlijeka
3 kasike brasna
1 kasicica vanile
250 gr putera
1 solja secera u prahu

Sve namirnice treba da budu sobne temperature!
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite 2 obruca za torte.
Mikserom mijesajte puter, secer i jaja dok ne postane pjenasto.
U drugu posudu pomijesajte sve 'vlazne' sastojke, pa i to dodajte u posudu miksera.
Sve suhe sastojke pomijesajte i prosijte, pa i to dodajte u mjesavinu. Rucno izmijesajte. Pecite 25 minuta, pa izvadite hladiti.
Skuhajte mlijeko i brasno kao puding, ohladite.
Miksajte puter i secer u prahu, pa dodajte 'puding'. Sve miksajte dok ne postane kremasto.
Na prvi dio torte nanesite 1/3 krema, stavite drugi dio na vrh, pa cijelu tortu premazite ostatkom krema. Jedan dio kreme mozete obojiti za ukrasni efekat.
Tortu hladiti bar 1 sat u frizideru prije sluzenja.

7 Hour Lamb

Slow cooked food is ideal for parties/dinners, when you have so much to do; Put everything together and forget about it for 6+ hours!

1 lamb leg, 2kg+
1 big onion, peeled, halved
1-2 celery sticks, chunky
2 carrots, peeled, chunky
1 parsnip (or parsley leaves)
2 bay leaves
5-10 pepper corns, whole
1 cup of stock (your choice)
2-3 garlic cloves, peeled
200 ml wine (preferably white)
salt and pepper

Prepare your slow cooker, or an oven dish with a lid, big enough to fit into your oven.
Heat a small amount of oil in a pan. Salt and pepper lamb leg, massage a bit, then 'seal' it the pan. Turn couple of times.
Sealed leg put in prepared dish/cooker, add all the other ingredients, and leave for:
-7 hours at 120*C (ideal!),or
-5 hours at 150*C, or
-8-8,5 hours at 110*C
When ready, take it out on a serving plate together with better looking vegetable pieces. Rest of the juices and vegetables blend/process/mash; You'll get beautiful sauce/gravy. Pour on the sides of the serving plate.

7-satna Jagnjetina

1 jagnjeca natkoljenica, oko 2 kg ili vise
1 veliki crveni luk, oguljen, prepolovljen
1-2 stabljike celera, izrezano na krupne komade
2 mrkve, izrezane
1 veci persun, izrezan + lisce
2 lovorova lista
5-10 cijelih zrna crnog bibera
1 solja supe, ili vegeta rastopljena u vrucoj vodi
2-3 cesna bijelog luka
2 dl vina (bijelo ili crno)
so i biber po potrebi
malo ulja

Nasolite i pobiberite meso, lagano utrljavajuci. Na malo ulja propecite ‘nogicu’, tek toliko da dobije boju. Stavite je u vatrostalnu posudu (ili serpu), koja ima svoj poklopac. Rasporedite sve ostale sastojke oko nje, te zalijte supom i vinom. Stavite sve skupa (poklopljeno) u pecnicu/rernu na 120*c i ‘zaboravite’ je na 7 sati.
Ukoliko vam se zuri, mozete pojacati temperaturu na 150*c i peci 5 sati. Efekat ce jos uvijek biti isti – mekano, mirisno meso koje se odvaja od kosti.
Pazljvo prebacite meso u posudu za sluzenje. Najljepse komade povrca ostavite za dekoraciju.Ostalo povrce ispasirajte uz dodatak sokova u kojima se jagnjetina pekla; dobicete divan sos. Uzivajte!
Jagnjetina moze ostati i duze u pecnici , npr ako radite pripremite sve – gurnite u rernu i otidjite na posao. Samo ne zaboravite temperaturu jos malo spustiti (npr 110*C za oko 8-8,5 sati pecenja).

Beetroot, goat cheese, pumpkin and rocket salad

This recipe was found in a Weight Watchers magazine, and soon became one of my favourites. Serves 4 or 6, points value 3 or 2.

- Salad
1 bunch beetroot (3-4), trimmed, but not peeled
1/2 smaller pumpkin, cut into 3 cm cubes/wedges
1 clove garlic
1 tbs fresh thyme leaves
200 g rocket salad
2 tbs pine nuts (optional)
cooking oil spray
Salt and pepper
60 g goats (or sheep)cheese
1/2 garlic clove, chopped/pressed
1 tbs lemon juice
1-2 tbs water
2 tbs olive oil
cracked black pepper
Preheat oven to 180*C. Wrap the beetroots in foil, place them in oven and bake for 30-45 minutes. Spray pumpkin with oil, toss garlic and thyme on top and bake for 20-30 min. Let it cool a bit, then remove the skin from beetroot (use gloves!). Cut into wedges. Rinse rocket, place into serving dish, add pumpkin and beets.
Prepare dressing:
Place all the ingredients into small processor - process until smooth.
Drizzle over the salad, sprinkle with pine nuts and pepper.

Salata od cvekle, tikve i ovcijeg sira

3 - 4 cvekle (ovisno o velicini)
1/2 manje tikve (one fine narandzaste u sredini)
150 gr rokule
po ukusu so, origano
1 ceno bijelog luka
malo maslinovog ulja
60 gr mekanog kozijeg/ovcijeg sira (feta)
2 kasike maslinovog ulja, djevicansko
1 kasika limunovog soka
1 malo ceno bijelog luka, protisnutog
2 kasike vode
malo crnog bibera, svjeze mljevenog
Priprema :
Operite cvekle, odrezite im donje i gornje krajeve i umotajte u AL-foliju. Ubacite u pecnicu na oko 30-45 min (200*C), u ovisnosti o velicini.
Ogulite tikvu, isijecite je na podjednake komade, posolite i prelijte uljem u koje ste protisnuli ceno bijelog luka. Dodajte malo listica origana, te i to ispecite u tepsiji (20-ak minuta).
Dok se povce hladi pripremite rokulu – operite i ocijedite, rasporedite po vecoj plitkoj posudi.
Preljev cete napraviti tako da sve sastojke pomijesate i izmiksate sa ‘Stab” mikserom.
Nakon sto se cvekla prohladila, ogulite je (rukavice!) i isijecite na manje reznjeve. Rasporedite je preko rokule naizmjenicno sa komadima tikve.
Pospite preljev i uzivajte.

Pizza Margherita; Pizza Riviera

I love pizza sooo much, I could have it every day. But in that case, topping had to be different each day!

Basic pizza dough:
1,5 cups water
3 tbs olive oil
2 teas salt
1,5 teas sugar
4,5 cups bakers flour
2 teas yeast

If you're using 'Bread maker', put all ingredients in the kneading bowl in the same order as listed above. Program machine for pizza dough. When ready, take the dough out (on a floured surface), and divide into 3 big or 6 balls. Let it rest for 10-15 min, then roll out.
If you're kneading by hand, mix all ingredients together and knead for 10 minutes. Make sure that water is warm. Leave to rest (45min), then divide the dough as explained above.
'Margherita' topping:
On top of dough, spread good pizza sauce (recipe above - previous post), add some extra garlic, add a lot of Mozzarella cheese and a few basil leaves. Bake for 12-15 min on 200*C.
'Riviera' topping:
(For those who don't want tomato sauce - one of my favourites).
Olive oil, Spanish (purple)onions, garlic, black olives, anchovies and basil leaves.
Fry onions in olive oil, add garlic. Spread it on top of pizza, with the rest of ingredients. Bake until the edges are slightly browned.

Pice Margerita i Rivijera
Osnovno tijesto za pizzu:
1,5 solja vode
3 kasike ulja, maslinovo
2 kasicice soli
1,5 kasicica secera
4,5 solje brasna za peciva i kruh
2 kasicice suhog kvasca

Tijesto – Ukoliko koristite masinu (pekac) za mijesenje, sve sastojke stavite u posudu po navedenom redoslijedu. Pazite da mjere budu tacne, npr svaku solju brasna zaravnite nozem. Pustite masinu da zavrsi svoj program, a zatim izvadite tijesto i oblikujte 3 velike pizze ili 6 manjih.
Ukoliko rucno mijesite, najprije trebate aktivirati suhi kvasac: stavite toplu vodu, secer i malo brasna sa suhim kvascem da nadodje. Umijesite sve ostale sastojke sa nadoslim kvascem i ostavite na toplome da se dize (oko 45min). Oblikujte krugove.zeljene velicine .
Za pizu Margeritu, koristite tomato sos (npr. ovaj gore - prethodno objavljen 'post'), sa jos bijelog luka, te dosta mocarela sira i nekoliko listova bosiljka.
Za 'Rivijera' pizu, proprzite ljubicasti luk na maslinovom ulju, dodajte bijeli luk. Premazite picu sa ovom mjesavinom, pa po povrsini dodajte crne masline, incune (slane male ribice) i listove bosiljka.
Pecite pice oko 12-15 min na temp od 200*C.

Best, Quickest Tomato Sauce

Very versatile and economical tomato sauce. Use it for pasta (grate some Parmesan cheese over it), or blend and spread over pizza. Add your favourite herbs for more flavour!

1 can of diced tomatoes
1 small onion, finely diced
1 big garlic clove, pressed or chopped
2 tbs olive oil
2-3 big basil leaves (or oregano), torn
2-3 tbs tomato paste
1/2 teas salt
1/2-1 teas sugar, to your taste

Heat the oil and fry onions for a couple of minutes, then add tomatoes. Bring to boil, add the rest of ingredients and let simmer for 5-10 minutes. Blend it to finer consistency, or leave chunky.

Najbolji i najbrzi paradajz sos

1 konzerva paradajza, sjecenog
1 manji crveni luk, sitno sjeckan
1 veliko ceno bijelog luka
2 kasike maslinovog ulja
2-3 lista bosiljka (ili origana), iskidanog
2-3 kasike ukuhanog paradajza, gustog
1/2 kasicica soli
1/2-1 kasicica secera, u ovisnosti o kiselosti paradajza

Nacin pripreme:
Zagrijte ulje, isprzite crveni luk, pa dodajte paradajz. Kada prokljuca, dodajte ostale sastojke i ostavite jos 5-10 minuta kuhati. Sos mozete ispasirati sa stab mikserom ili ga ostaviti ‘na krupnije’. Sos je spreman za uzivati preko tjestenine, ili preko tijesta za picu.

Banana-Hazelnut Bread

One of the best!

3-4 very ripe bananas, mashed
2 eggs
1/2 cup brown sugar, dark
1/4 cup white sugar
1/3 cup melted butter
2 tbs sour cream, 35% fat
1 teas baking soda
2 cups plain flour
100 g hazelnuts, baked and grated/processed

-Preheat the oven, bake hazelnuts 5-10 min on 175*C.
-Prepare the loaf tin; spray with oil, dust with flour.
- Put eggs and sugar into a bowl, and mix with high speed until fluffy. Mix in butter.
-Fold in banana mash,hazelnuts, sour cream and flour(with baking soda).
-Bake 45 min, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean.
-Cool and enjoy!

Kruh/hljeb od banana i ljesnika
3-4 prezrele banane, propasirane
2 jaja
1/2 solje braon secera
1/4 solje bijelog secera
1/3 solje otopljenog putera (oko 85 gr)
2 kasike kajmaka/pavlake
1 kasicica sode BB
2 solje brasna
100 gr ljesnika, pecenih, samljevenih
-Umutite jaja i secer dok ne postane pjenasto.
-Dodajte otopljeni puter, jos malo promijesajte. Iskljucite mikser.
-Ubacite banane, ljesnike i brasno sa sodom, te rucno sjedinite masu.
-Izlijte u model za kruh.
-Pecite 45 min na temperaturi od 180* C.
-Uzivajte toplo ili hladno.
Moze se peci u obliku muffina,...zgodno za uzinu, dorucak, uz kafu…

Choco-beet cake

This is a recipe originated from 2 Serbian sisters(Jojo-i-Miki). Great way to 'feed' your children with some vegetables!

250 g dark chocolate, good quality
3 eggs
200 g brown sugar
100 ml oil
1 tbs vanilla extract
100 g plain flour
1/2 teas baking soda
1/2 teas baking powder
50 gr almond meal
250 g grated beetroot, fresh
150 g chocolate, dark or white
2 tbs oil

- Preheat the oven to 180*C, oil and flour a cake tin (22 cm), or use the baking paper.
-Melt the chocolate over double broiler, or in your microwave oven.
-Mix eggs and sugar with high speed, until light and fluffy. Pour oil and vanilla, mix a bit more. Switch the mixer off, and then add flour, almonds, beetroot and chocolate. Fold in.
- Pour into the cake tin, and bake 40-45 min, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Leave cool on a wire rack.
-Prepare icing: Melt the chocolate, mix in the oil.
-When cake is cooled, pour the topping on top of it.

Choko -cvekla torta

250 gr čokolade za kuhanje
3 jajeta
200 gr smeđeg šećera
100 ml ulja
1 kašika ekstrakta od vanile
100 g bijelog brašna
1/2 kašičice sode bikarbone
1/2 kašičice praška za pecivo
50 g mljevenih badema
250 g izrendane svježe cvekle
150 g čokolade za kuhanje
Tamna ili bijela + 2 kasike ulja

Zagrijati rernu na 180C. Obložiti pleh za tortu prečnika 22cm papirom za pečenje.
Otopiti čokoladu na pari i ostaviti da se malo prohladi.
Jaja, smeđi šećer i suncokretovo ulje miksati oko 3min dok masa ne postane kremasta i vazdušasta. Dodati ekstrakt vanile i još malo miksati.
Posebno pomiješati brašno, sodu bikarbonu i prašak za pecivo i tu smjesu prosijati na smjesu sa jajima. Lagano mikserom izmiješati. Dodati mljevene bademe. Na kraju, kašikom umešati oljuštenu i izrendanu svježu cveklu.
Sipati masu u pripremljen pleh i peći 40-45 min. Ako primjetite da brzo tamni, prekrijte tortu folijom. Pred kraj provjerite da li je pečena uranjajući cackalicu u testo. Ako je suha, gotovo je…
Kad je pečena, tortu ostaviti kratko u kalupu da se prohladi. Onda ju izvaditi iz kalupa i ostaviti da se ohladi do kraja. Skroz ohlađenu prelivati. Preliv:
Otopiti čokoladu na pari ili u mikrovalnoj pecnici, dodati ulje, promijesati pa ostaviti da se malo prohladi. Premazati tortu obilno po površini i okolo.


Australia is place where I feel 'at home'. I feel so close to the nature, people, culture... This sort of Friands are made only in Australia and NZ. (French have different kind of friands.)

1 1/2 cups sugar, powder
6 egg-whites
150 g butter, melted
1 cup almond meal
1/2 cup plain flour
150 g berries, your choice
sugar powder, for decoration
- Preheat your oven to 180*C; spray Friand moulds with oil.
-Put egg whites in a bowl, and with a help of an electrical mixer, make a stiff foam.
Add sugar, spoon by spoon, and then mix in the butter.
-Switch the mixer off, add almond meal and flour to the bowl, and fold in.
-Spoon the mixture in the Friand moulds (or Muffin moulds) and add the berries to the top (if frozen - don't defrost).
-Bake 10-15 min, take out on a cooling rack, and dust with sugar powder.

1,5 solja secera u prahu
6 bjelanaca
150 gr putera, otopljenog
1 solja badema, blansiranih, mljevenih
1/2 solje brasna, obicnog
150 gr voca (sumsko, bobicavo…)
malo secera u prahu
- Umutite bjelanca u cvrst snijeg, dodajte secer i nastavite mutiti jos par minuta.
- Ubacite topljeni puter, promijesajte.
- Iskljucite mikser pa dodajte bademe i brasno. Rucno promijesajte
- Uspite u nauljene kalupe, po povrsini pospite voce (svjeze ili iz zamrzivaca ) ; pecite 10-15 min.
- Prohladjene Friands pospite secerom u prahu.
Kalupi za ‘Muffins’ ce posluziti u zamjenu za originalne.


I LOVE Indian food, their colours, food, culture,...Did I mention FOOD?!


450 g plain flour

100 g butter, softened

1 teas salt

150 ml water, warm


2 tbs vegetable oil, or any other neutral

2 medium onions, chopped finally

250 g minced meat, your choice

3-4 garlic cloves, minced

1-1,5 cm ginger, grated - or 1/2 teas powder

1/2 teas turmeric powder

2 teas coriander powder

1 1/2 teas cumin powder

a pinch of chilli powder

1/2 teas salt

120 ml water

150 g peas

2 tbs coconut, grated

1 teas 'Garam Masala' powder

2 tbs coriander leaves, chopped

1 tbs lemon juice

-Make a stiff dough (food processor can help, divide in 6 balls, cover with Glad wrap and leave rest.

-Meanwhile, heat the oil and add onions. Fry for a couple of minutes, then add mince and the spices. When meat is ready (loses pink colour)add the rest of ingredients. Cook for a few minutes more, and then let it cool. Heat the oven to 200*C, if you want to bake the Samosas.

-Roll out the dough balls (one by one)into a 23-24 cm circle. Each circle divide in 6 pieces (like pizza slices). Wet the edges with a brush dipped into water.

-On each little triangle put a spoonful of filling. Lift the corners of each triangle,and seal the edges with your fingers, applying pressure.

-Place Samosas on baking sheets, sprayed with oil, then spray all over again.Bake 10-12 min, or until slightly golden.

Samosas can be deep fried, if you're not concerned about the fat content.

Note: If you replace the meat with grated potatoes, you'll get Vegetarian Samosas.

Tijesto za Samose:

450 gr brasna

100 gr putera, omeksalog

1 kasicica soli

1.5 dl vode, mlake


2 kasike ulja, po izboru

2 glavice crvenog luka, srednje velicine, sjeckanog

250 gr mljevenog mesa, po izboru

3-4 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog

1-1,5 cm djumbira (ginger),ribanog ili 1/2 kasicice prah

1/2 kasicice turmerik, prah

2 kasicice korijandera, prah

1 1/2 kasicica kima, prah

malo chilija (prah ili sjeckan svjez)

1/2 kasicice soli

120 ml vode

150 gr graska

2 kasike kokosa, ribanog

1 kasicica ‘garam masala’

2 kasike lista korijandera, sjeckanog

1 kasika limunovog soka


Umijesite tijesto (moze i u elekricnoj sjeckalici), koje ce izgledati poprilicno tvrdo. Podijelite na 6 loptica, pokrijte prozirnom folijom i ostavite odmarati dok kuhate nadjev. Za nadjev – zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk te dodajte meso (dinstajte dok ne promijeni boju), bijeli luk te sve ostale zacine i vodu. Kuhajte jos par minuta. Smaknite da se prohladi. Prvu lopticu tijesta razvucite u krug velicine 23-24 cm (malo vece od desertnog tanjira). Krug podijelite na 6 jednakih dijelova (trokuti kao za kiflice). Uglove premazite vodom, a u sredinu stavite po kasiku nadjeva.

Oblikovanje piramida:

Uglove trougla dignete, a stranice blago pritisnete prstima dok se ne zalijepe. Redajte na pleh. Pospricajte uljanim sprejom i pecite na 200* C 10 -12 min.

Mozete ih i prziti u dubokoj posudi sa dosta ulja, ukoliko ne brinete o masnoci.


Ukoliko zelite vegetarijansku verziju, umjesto mesa ubacite sitno sjeckani krompir.

Slimming world - BLT Sandwich

Slimming world - BLT Sandwich

Serves: 1
Syns per serving: Free on Original and Extra Easy*

*Add 6 Syns if not using bread as a Healthy Extra

6 tbsp very low fat natural fromage frais
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
2 tsp granulated artificial sweetener
1 tsp mustard powder
1 tsp water
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 slices wholemeal bread from a 400g loaf
Iceberg lettuce, shredded
Tomatoes, sliced
Grilled lean bacon with all visible fat removed

1. To make the mayonnaise, mix together the fromage frais, white wine vinegar and artificial sweetener. Blend the mustard powder with the water and stir into the dressing. Season with the salt and pepper.

2. Lay out the bread and assemble the sandwich by firstly spreading on the mayonnaise. Add as much as you want – any leftover mayonnaise can be stored in the fridge in a sealed container for up to five days.

3. Layer the lettuce, tomato and bacon onto one slice of the bread then top with the other slice. Serve on its own as a lunchbox filler or alongside a huge crispy salad.

Tip: If you fancy it, add cooked chicken and sliced red onion to make it into a mega sandwich.