This is an economical and popular dish in Balkan countries. More or less, all nations there make it this way.You can omit and / or add your favorite flavours (in form of herbs).
1,2 kg potatoes
1/2 kg beef (or other ) mince
1 onion,finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp + salt
1/2 tsp + black pepper
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1/2 tsp oregano powder / dry crushed leaves
oil (spray is ok)
4 eggs, beaten
Preheat oven to 180*C; prepare a baking dish, oil it (or place baking paper on bottom).
Mix mince with onion (I always fry chopped onion in a little oil, but it's not necessary), garlic, salt, pepper and cumin. Peel potatoes and slice them thinly. Place half of potatoes on bottom of dish, spread mince mixture, then cover with other half of potatoes. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt, pour over potato layer, oil the top, sprinkle with oregano and bake for 45+ minutes. Serve with salad.
Balkanska Musaka
Popularno i ekonomicno jelo kod nas. Uvijek mozete dodati ili oduzeti arome koje volite (u formi zacinskog bilja).
1,2 kg krompira
1/2 kg mljevenog mesa
1 crveni luk, sitno sjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
1 k soli +
1/2 k crnog bibera+
1/2 k kima u prahu
1/2 k suhog origana ili u prahu
ulje (spray)
4 jaja, umucena
Ukljucite rernu na 180*c; pripremite tepsiju (nauljite ili postavite papir).
Pomijesajte meso sa lukom (ja uvijek proprzim luk u malo ulja, ali nije neophodno), kimom, bijelim lukom, biberom i solju. Ogulite krompir i tanko isjecite. Postavite polovinu krompira na dno tepsije. Prekrijte sa mjesavinom mljevenog mesa, zatim postavite drugu polovinu krompira. Umutite jaja, pa zalijte sve po povrsini. Nauljite, pospite origano i pecite 45+ minuta. Servirajte sa salatom
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