It goes well with any meat; it can last for whole week!
4-5 medium potatoes, red, cooked in their skin, peeled
2-3 medium carrots, cooked
4 eggs, cooked
500 g peas, cooked
300-400 g cornichons / gherkins
250 g chicken (ham) salami, diced (optional!)
400-500 g mayonnaise (Tommy or SW, or make your own)
salt, pepper, lemon juice, sour cream, mustard to taste
Dice all vegetables, eggs and salami, mix well. Add mayonnaise and seasonings. Refrigerate, covered with plastic foil.
One pictured is without salami.
Ruska Salata
4-5 srednjih crvenih krompira, kuhanih u ljusci
2-3 srednje mrkve, kuhane
4 jaja, kuhanih
500 gr graska, kuhanog
300-400 gr kiselih krastavcica
250 gr pilece salame ili sunkarice (nije neophodno!)
400-500 gr majoneze (tomy ili domace - recept)
so, biber, sok limuna, kajmak/pavlaka, senf po ukusu
Isjeckajte svo povrce, jaja i salamu na kockice. Dodajte majonez i ostale zacine, dobro promijesajte. Smjestite u frizider, pokriveno prozirnom folijom.
Verzija na fotografiji je bez salame.
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