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101 (Lebkuchen) Harts...for you my readers

Another end of year. Looking forward to a New one!
Since 21/05/10 I sent 225 posts and 'earned' 182 followers - not bad!
I met most wonderful people in these blogger waters, and am proud to have friends all over the World.
By now, more than 58,260 times, my blog has been seen.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year

Jos jedan kraj godine. Jedva cekam Novu!
Od 21/05/10, poslala sam 225 postova i 'zaradila' 182 pratioca - nije lose!
Srela sam divne ljude u ovim blogerskim vodama, i ponosna sam da imam prijatelje iz cijeloga Svijeta.
Do sada, vise od 58,260 puta, moj blog je bio vidjen!

Zelim vam Sretan Bozic i krasnu Novu Godinu!

Recipe - Lebkuchen
From following recipe I got exactly 100 small and 1 big hart!
5 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
3 tsp ginger powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp cardamom
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp black pepper
zest of 1 lemon
1 cup butter, soft
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 cup molases
1/2 cup honey
For decorating - melted dark and white chocolate
I'm sure you know what to do!

Recept - Lebkuchen
Od sljedece kolicine dobila sam tacno 100 manjih i 1 veliko srce!
5 solja brasna (750 gr)
1/2 k soli
3 k djumbira u prahu
2 k cimeta
1 k karanfilica
1/2 kardamoma
1/2 muskatnog oraha
1/2 crnog bibera
korica 1 limuna
1 solja maslaca (250 gr), omeksalog
1/2 solje braon secera
1 jaje
1/2 solje molase
1/2 solje meda
za dekoraciju- otopljena tamna i bijela cokolada
Sigurna sam da znate sta vam je raditi!

Green Tea Biscuits

Green tea gives festive colour and unusual taste to these biscuits. Best matched with Matcha Green Tea!

2 1/4 cups flour
1/4 cup rice flour
1/2 cup icing sugar
1 tbs green tea powder (Matcha)
200 g butter, softened
1/2 egg white
Cristal sugar for rolling
(to make coloured sugar - put a few drops of food colour into a cup of sugar,mix well, spread over paper and let it dry; process when dried)
Mix all ingredients into a smooth dough; divide into 2 and make 2 logs. roll into sugar and refrigerate.
Preheat oven to 150*C, line baking tins with paper.
Take logs out of fridge, cut into discs and place onto tins. Bake 20 min, biscuits should not brown. Cool on wire rack before packing / serving.

Keksići od Zelenog Čaja (Matcha)

Ova zanimljiva i neobicna boja keksica je kao porucena za nadolazece praznike. Najbolje prijaju sa Zelenim Cajem!

2 1/4 solje brasna
1/4 solja rizinog brasna (sameljite rizu na mlinu za kafu)
1/2 solje secera u prahu
1 K zelenog caja u prahu
200 gr maslaca, omeksalog
1/2 bjelanceta
kristalni secer za uvaljati
(da napravite secer u boji - pomijesajte solju secera sa par kapi boje, rasprostrite preko papira da se osusi, onda izmrvite rukama ili sameljite)
Pomijesajte sve sastojke u glatko tijesto, podijelite na 2 dijela. Oblikujte 2 rolne, uvaljajte u secer. Zamotajte u foliju i stavite u frizider.
Ukljucite rernu na 150*C, pripremite pleh, prekrijte ga papirom.
Izvadite tijesto iz frizidera, isjecite nozem na diskove, postavite na pleh i pecite 20 min - pazite da ne pozute. Ohladite dobro prije pakovanja / serviranja.

Grilled Mullet (Mugil Cephalus)

Another recipe of my Dalmatian friends. I used Mullet, but any similar fish can be used in the same way.

2 Mullets (or other fish)
1 lemon, sliced
3-4 rosemary springs
olive oil
Wipe dry cleaned mullet, make incisions where flesh is thickest. Salt it inside and out. Place some lemon slices inside along with some rosemary. Place tiny rosemary leaves into incisions. Tie 2 rosemary springs toghether, dip in olive oil. Brush each side of fish with this 'rosemary brush'. Place on very hot grill. During grilling, brush fish with rosemary/ olive oil again. Turn once with decisive movements, otherwise it can stick to plate. Brush other side too. It takes 7-12 minutes for each side to grill, depending on the size of fish. Serve with lemon wedges and salad.

Mugil Cephalus

Riba na gradele (grilu / roštilju)

Jos jedan recept mojih prijatelja sa Korcule. Ja sam koristila ribu prikazanu gore na slici (ne znam nas naziv - Mugil Cephalus), ali bilo koja slicna riba se moze upotrijebiti na isti nacin.

2 ribe, ociscene
1 limun, izrezan
3-4 mlada vrha ruzmarina
maslinovo ulje
Obrisite ribu, posolite je i nasjecite nozem najdeblji dio ribe. Stavite kolute limuna u unutrasnjost, zajedno sa malo ruzmarina. Stavite po listic ruzmarina u svaki prorez na ribi. Zagrijte dobro rostilj. Od 2 izdanka ruzmarina napravite 'cetku' koju cete umociti u maslinovo ulje. Nauljite ovime ribu i stavite peci. Mazite ruzmarinom i uljem ribu nekoliko puta. Okrenite samo jednom i sa naglim pokretima, kako se riba ne bi raspala. Mazite i drugu stranu ruzmarinovom cetkom i uljem. Obicno treba 7-12 minuta svakoj strani da se ispece, u ovisnosti o velicini ribe. Servirajte sa reznjevima limuna i salatom.

Lebkuchen Slice

This is a very popular Balkan dessert, made without butter and eggs.
Its taste reminds of famous German Lebkuchen (Honey) Harts.

2 cups flour
1 1/4 cup sugar
1 1/4 cup milk, warm (not hot)
10 tbs apricot jam, warmed
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
200 g dark chocolate
8 tbs apricot jam
100 g dark chocolate
1 tbs oil
Preheat oven to 180*C. Line a baking tin (22 X 30 x 4 cm) with silicon paper.
Mix all ingredients for sponge until smooth. Pour 1/2 of this mixture into tin; bake 10 min. Meanwhile heat jam and chocolate stirring, until melted and incorporated. Take sponge out of oven, pour filling over it (spoon or piping bag will help), pour other 1/2 of sponge over it and return to oven. Bake for another 15-20 minutes, or until done. Cool in tin.
For topping, melt chocolate, mix in oil. Spread over top. Let it set before slicing.

Medeno Srce

Postoje razne verzije ovog kolaca; meni je ova nekako najbliza ukusu Medenog Srca.

1/2 l brasna (2 solje)
3 dl secera
3 dl mlijeka, toplog
10 K dzema od kajsija / marelica, zagrijanog
2 k sode bb
2 k cimeta
200 gr tamne cokolade
8 K dzema kajsija
100 gr tamne cokolade
1 K ulja
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, na pleh za pecenje (22 X 30 X 4 cm) postavite silikonski papir.
Pomijesajte sve sastojke za biskvit. Polovinu ovoga uspite u pleh i pecite 10 min.
U meduvremenu pomijesajte otopljenu cokoladu i dzem (zagrijan) za fil. Izvadite biskvit iz rerne, stavite fil preko (kasikom ili uz pomoc kese), uspite drugu polovicu biskvitnog tijesta, pa vratite u rernu na dodatnih 15-20 minuta, ili dok se ne ispece. Prohladite malo u plehu.
Za glazuru mijesajte otopljenu cokoladu sa uljem. Sa ovime premazite povrsinu kolaca. Ostavite da se stegne prije rezanja.

Mamaliga Grilled with Kashkaval and Kransky

Traditional meal of Romanian, Ukrainian and Moldavian sheppards, served mostly with cheese and sour cream and / or preserved meat.

Basic Mamaliga-
2 cups corn meal
1 tsp salt
6-7 cups water
1-2 tbs butter
200 g Sheep feta, crumbled
1-2 Kransky sausages, sliced (or any other)
1/2 cup Kashkaval, grated (or Mozzarella)
Your favorite aromatic herb(s) - oregano, basil, thyme...
Bring water to boil, add salt and butter. Take away from heat. Pour corn meal at once and quickly start stirring until all incorporated and no dry spots left. Return to heat and cook (stirring) until desired thickness achieved.
Preheat oven to 220*C. Oil a baking pan, place polenta onto it, top with cheese, sausages and herbs. Bake 10-12 min. Enjoy warm.

Mamaliga sa Kačkavaljem i Kranjskim kobasicama

Tradicionalno jelo Rumunjskih, Moldavijskih i Ukrajinskih cobana. Obicno servirano sa dosta masnog sira i kajmaka ili sa suhomesnatim proizvodima.

Osnovna Mamaliga-
2 solje kukuruznog brasna
1 k soli
6-7 solja vode
1-2 K maslaca
Povrsinski sloj-
200 gr ovcije fete, izmrvljene
1-2 Kranjske, izrezane (ili druge kobasice)
1/2 solje Kackavalja, rendanog (ili Mocarela)
Aromaticno bilje po vasem ukusu
Pristavite vodu da prokljuca. Ubacite so i maslac, smaknite sa vatre. Naglo istresite palentu, pa rigorozno promijesajte da ne ostane ni jedna grudica. Vratite na vatru pa kuhajte dok se ne zgusne.
Ukljucite rernu na 220*C. Nauljite pleh, istresite palentu na pleh, pa stavite sireve i kobasicu na vrh. Pospite sa odabranim biljem. Pecite 10-12 minuta. Uzivajte dok je toplo.

Peanut Butter Filled Biscuits

For all peanut butter lovers!

Chocolate dough-
1 1/2 cups flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 (125 g) butter, softened
1/4 cup smooth peanut butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
Peanut Butter Filling-
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter
1/2 cup icing sugar
1 -2 tbs milk, if needed
Preheat oven to 180*C, line biscuit tins with baking paper.
Make filling-
Mix icing sugar and peanut butter, add milk if necessary. Set aside (you can roll 40 small balls, or take this mixture with a tea spoon).
Make biscuit dough-
Beat butter, sugar, vanilla and egg. Add all dry ingredients; make a smooth dough. Divide into 2; form 2 logs. Cut each log into 20 discs. Put some of peanut butter filling onto each disc, close sides together and roll into balls. Place balls onto baking sheet and flatten them a bit (flat bottomed glass will help).
Bake for 12 minutes. Cool on wire rack, before storing them.

Keksi filovani sa kikiriki maslacem

Za ljubitelje kikirikija!

1,5 solje brasna
1/3 solje kakaa
1/2 k sode bb
1/4 k soli
125 gr maslaca, omeksalog
1/4 sole kikiriki maslaca
1/2 solje secera
1/2 solje braon secera
1 k vanile
1 jaje
1/2 solje kikiriki maslaca
1/2 solje secera u prahu
1-2 K mlijeka, ako je potrebno
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite pleh, stvaite papir za pecenje preko.
Napravite fil-
Pomijesajte kikiriki maslac sa secerom u prahu, dodajte malo mlijeka ako je neophodno. Od ove smjese mozete oblikovati male kuglice, ili smjesu uzimati kasicicom.
Napravite tijesto za kolacice-
Miksajte secer, maslac, vanilu i jaje. Dodajte sve suhe sastojke, pa umijesite mekano tijesto. Podijelite na 2, pa oblikujte 2 tube. Izrezite svaku na 20 komada.
Sada u svaki komad tijesta stavite malo punjenja od kikiriki maslaca, zatvorite i oblikujte loptice. stavite na pripremljeni pleh, pa ih malo pritisnite (casa sa ravnim dnom ce pomoci). Pecite 12 minuta; ohladite na zici prije pakovanja.

Beetroot Curry

Beetroot is so good for detoxification and blood purification; I was amazed that my boys didn't complain about this meal.

3 medium beetroots, peeled and sliced (like chips)
2 tbs oil
1/2 tsp black mustard seeds
1 large onion, chopped
2-3 garlic cloves, crushed
2 chillies, sliced
2 bay leaves
1/3 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 cinnamon stick
2-3 tomatoes, chopped (or 1/2 a can)
100 ml coconut milk
1 teas salt
1 lime, juice
Heat oil, add mustard seeds. When they start releasing aroma, add onion and garlic . Fry for 5 minutes, then add spices. Mix well; place beetroot, tomatoes and coconut milk inside; bring to boil, cover and cook for 20+ minutes. Stir in lime juice and salt. Serve with rice.

Varivo (Kari) od Cvekle

Za divno čudo, dečki se nisu bunili ;-)

3 cvekle, srednje velicine, oguljene i sjecene (kao za pomfrit)
2 K ulja
1/2 k crnog sjemena gorusice / senfa
1 veci crveni luk, sjeckan
2-3 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
2 male papricice, sjeckane
2 lista lovora
1/3 k turmerik praha
1 k sjemena kima
1 komad kore cimeta
2-3 paradajza, sjecaka (ili 1/2 konzerve)
100 ml kokosovog mlijeka
1 k soli
1 limeta, sok samo
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite sjeme gorusice. Dodajte luk i proprzite oko 5 minuta. Zatim dodajte sve zacine, promijesajte, pa ubacite cveklu, paradajz i kokosovo mlijeko. Kuhajte pokriveno oko 20+ minuta. Posolite, ubacite sok limete. Servirajte sa rizom.

Chocolate Hazelnut Meringues

I love the lightness of these biscuits - no butter, no sugar! Great for using leftover egg whites.

3 egg whites
3/4 cup caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup grated dark chocolate
1 cup ground hazelnuts
extra 100 g chocolate, melted
Switch oven to 150*C (fan forced). Prepare 2 baking sheets; line with silicon paper.
Beat egg whites until stiff, add sugar spoon by spoon. Beat until sugar dissolved. Fold in vanilla, grated chocolate and hazelnuts. Fill piping bag with this meringue, and pipe small rounds onto paper. Bake for 30 minutes; leave meringues inside oven to cool. Melt chocolate and dip each meringue into it (or, before baking, place 1 hazelnut on top of each biscuit). Keep on dry spot.

Puslice sa čokoladom i lješnicima

Lagani keksici, bez brasna i maslaca. Odlicni za iskoristiti preostale bjelanjke.

3 bjelanjka
3/4 solje sitnog secera
1 k vanile
1/2 solje ribane tamne cokolade
1 solja mljevenih ljesnika
jos 100 gr cokolade za ukrasavanje, otopljene
Ukljucite rernu na 150*C, pripremite 2 pleha, oblozite ih silikonskim papirom.
Umutite bjelanjke u cvrst snijeg, da dodajite secer kasiku po kasiku. Iskljucite mikser; umijesajte cokoladu, vanilu i ljesnike. Stavite smjesu u kesu; istiskujte okrugle hrpice na pleh. Pecite 30 minuta, pa ostavite puslice u rerni da se hlade.
Umocite svaku puslicu u cokoladu, ili prije pecenja na vrh stavite po 1 ljesnik.
Cuvati na suhom mjestu.

Bishop's Bread

Goodness of dried fruit and nuts that has it's regular place in my boys' lunch boxes.
Great for Christmas and/or Easter.

180 g sugar
70 g brawn sugar
2 tbs honey
3 eggs
1 lemon, zest and juice
2 tbs rum
200 g flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp gloves
1/4 tsp nutmeg
250 g walnuts
250 g dried plums
250 g other dried fruit (apricots, dates, sultanas...)
Preheat oven to 150-160*C (fan forced); prepare 4 small bread tins - line with baking paper.
Chop all chunky fruits into smaller pieces.
Beat both sugars and eggs until fluffy; mix in lemon zest and juice, honey and rum. Add all dry ingredients on top, follow with fruits and nuts. Mix really well. Divide into prepared tins and bake for 50 minutes. Take out on a wire rack, cool slightly then sprinkle with icing sugar. Cut into thin slices and enjoy!

Biskupski Kruh / Hljeb

Ovakva vrsta 'kolaca' je cesto spakovana mojim deckima za uzinu u skoli. Ja ga volim za dorucak, a pokazao se dobro i kao Bozicni/Novogodisni/Uskrsnji kolac.

180 gr secera
70 gr braon secera
2 K meda
3 jaja
1 limun, korica i sok
2 K ruma
200 gr brasna
1 k cimeta
1/4 k klincica / karanfilica
1/4 k muskatnog oraha
250 gr oraha, krupno sjeckanih
250 gr susenih sljiva, sjeckane
250 gr drugog susenog voca (kajsije, grozdjice, datule...)
Ukljucite rernu na 150 -160*C (sa fenom), pripremite kalupe - 4 manja - oblozite sa papirom za pecenje.
Umutite secer sa jajima u pjenast masu. Dodajte limun, med i rum. Po povrsini pospite sve suhe sastojke, zatim voce i orahe. Umijesajte dobro, pa rasporedite
u pripremljene kalupe. Pecite oko 50 min. Izvadite na resetku za hladjenje, pospite secerom u prahu. Isjecite tanke reznjeve i uzivajte.

Creamy Carbonara

Every now and then we have only time to cook something very quickly. This recipe saves you time and money, but doesn't compromise the taste.

375 g spaghetti (or other dry pasta), cooked al dente
2 tbs olive oil (or butter)
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
120 g bacon, chopped (Turkey 'bacon' is OK instead)
250 g mushrooms, sliced
300 ml thickened cream
1/3 cup white wine
1/4 cup Parmesan, grated
salt and white pepper to taste
Heat oil (butter) in a pan, cook onion, garlic and bacon. After 3-4 minutes add mushrooms; cook until soft. Pour cream and wine over, stir. Cook until slightly thickened. Sprinkle Parmesan on top and check the taste. Mix in prepared pasta; sprinkle with more Parmesan

Kremasta 'Karbonara'

S vremena na vrijeme se desi da moramo nesto skuhati na brzinu, jer nemamo mnogo vremena. Ovaj recept nam stedi vrijeme i novac, ali ne zakida na ukusu.

375 gr spageta ili druge tjestenine, kuhane
2 K maslinovog ulja (ili maslac)
1 crveni luk, sjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
120 gr mesnate slanine, sjeckane (moze 'slanina' od purice / ćurana)
250 gr sampinjona, sjeckanih
300 ml slatkog vrhnja
1/3 solje bijelog vina
1/4 solje ribanog Parmezana
so i bijeli biber, prema ukusu
Skuhajte tjesteninu prema uputsvu na paketu.
U drugoj posudi zagrijte ulje (maslac) pa proprzite oba luka i slaninu. Nakon 3-4 minute ubacite sampinjone, i przite dok ne omeksaju. Uspite vrhnje i bijelo vino; kuhajte dok se malo ne zgusne. Provjerite ukus, zacinite ako je potrebno. Pospite Parmezanom i umijesajte tjesteninu. Dodajte jos Parmezana pri serviranju.

Biscuits for festive seasons

Jewels in White Chocolate

My baking for upcoming festive season(s) has begun. A lot of biscuits and other home made gifts will be prepared in my kitchen. Let me start with recipes...

255 g white chocolate, chopped
1 1/2 tsp grated orange zest
1/4 cup (60 ml) double cream (45% fat)
1 tablespoon light corn syrup (or glucose)
3/4 cup (75 g) pistachios, chopped
3/4 cup (80 g) dried cranberries, cut into small pieces
1/2 cup (80 g) dried apricots, cut into small pieces
Line the bottom and sides of an 20 x 20 cm square baking tin with aluminum foil.
Process white chocolate (food processor, or grate it) until the chocolate is in small pieces. Add the orange zest and pulse just a few seconds.
In a small saucepan, over medium heat, bring the cream and corn syrup just to a boil. Pour the hot cream mixture over the chocolate in the food processor and pulse until the mixture is smooth and the white chocolate has completely melted.
Transfer this mixture to a large bowl and stir in the chopped cranberries, apricots, and pistachios. Spread the mixture into your prepared pan and let it cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until firm. Cut into fingers. Store (covered) in the refrigerator.

Dragulji u Bijeloj Čokoladi

Vrijeme pripreme i pecenja za nastupajucu slavljenicku sezonu je otpocela. Mnogo kolacica, keksa i drugih domacih proizvoda ce biti proizvedeno u mojoj kuhinji i poklonjeno. Pustite me da otpocnem sa receptima...

255 gr bijele cokolade, sjeckane
1,5 k korice narandze
60 ml 'duplog' slatkog vrhnja (45% masnoce)
1 K glukoze (ili 'corn sirupa')
75 gr pistaca, sjeckanih
80 gr susenih brusnica (drenjka), sjeckanih
80 gr susenih kajsija / marelica, sjeckanih sitno
Stavite al-foliju preko pleha 20 X 20 cm. Izrendajte cokoladu (ili upotrijebite sjeckalicu), umijesjte koricu narandze.
Pomijesajte glukozu sa kremom (vrhnjem), zagrijte do vrenja. Prelijte preko cokolade, mijesajte dok se ne istopi. Umijesajte suseno voce i pistace. Uspite u kalup, pritisnite kasikom i ostavite prohladiti. Stavite zatim, u frizider dok se sasvim ne stegne. Rezite na duguljaste i uske prutice. Cuvajte (pokriveno) u frizideru.

Charlotte Louise

This a delightful recipe, both quick and easy to make. Great for chocoholics!!!

12 sponge fingers biscuit (I used 15)
1 cup water
2 tbs sugar
2 tbs Grand Marnier (or rum)
1 teas gelatin
2 tbs water
250 g dark chocolate, melted
50 g butter, melted
2 teas grated orange zest
2 X 300 ml thickened cream
2 tbs icing sugar
Cocoa for dusting
Fruit of forest for serving (optional)
Line a charlotte mould (7 cups capacity) with glad wrap. Mix water sugar and liquor until sugar melted. Dip each biscuit into this and line sides of the mould.
sprinkle gelatin over 2 tbs water in cup, stand in small pan of simmering water; stir until dissolved. Combine chocolate, butter, zest and gelatin in a bowl. Beat cream with icing sugar until soft peaks form, fold into chocolate.
Pour filling into mould. Refrigerate for 3 hours, before taking out of mould (upside-down) and dusting with cocoa.
Note: because I had a wide mould, my filling didn't come to the end of biscuits, so I had to bent biscuits inside in order to make it even with filling.

Šarlota Luiz

Jednostavno i brzo za napraviti; sasvim oduševljavajuće - pogotovu za čokoholičare!!!

12 bisvitnih prutica (kao za tiramisu)15 je meni trebalo
1 solja vode
2 K secera
2 K likera narandze (ili rum)
1 k zelatine
2 K vode
250 gr tamne cokolade, otopljene
50 gr maslaca, otopljenog
2 k ribane korice narandze
2 X 300 ml slatkog vrhnja
2 K secera u prahu
kakao za posuti
jagodicasto voce za servirati (po zelji)
Sa providnom folijom oblozite kalup zapremine 1,75 L. Pomijesajte vodu sa secerom i rumom. Umacite biskvitne kekse i slazite okolo zidova kalupa.
U solji sa 2 K vode pospite zelatin, stavite u manj posudu sa vodom i zagrijavajte mijesajuci dok se zelatin ne otopi. Ovo pomijesajte sa cokoladom, maslacem i koricom narandze. Umutite vrhnje sa secerom , pa sve sjedinite sa cokoladnom masom. Uspit u pripremljeni kalup. Fil treba da dodje do vrha keksa. Meni se to nije dogodilo (15 keksa) pa sam vrhove podvinula prema unutrasnjosti, kako bi bili u istom nivou sa filom. Rashladite najmanje 3 sata prije okretanja Sarlote na posluzavnik i posipanja sa kakaom.

Grilled (barbecued) Eggplant

I love eggplants! Following recipe is my favorite way of preparing this vegetable. Goes well with grilled meat, fish or as a vegetarian stack with other veggies and some cheese.
If you place grilled slices into jars, cover with good olive oil, they can last 3-4 months in a dark, cool place.

2 medium eggplants, cut into (7mm)rounds
2-3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 small bunch Basil leaves, thorn
1/3 cup olive oil
Sprinkle eggplants with salt, leave it aside for 1/2 hour. Rinse and squeeze, then pat dry. Brush with olive oil. The rest of oil mix with garlic and basil leaves (add more oil if needed) Grill eggplant(BBQ or griddle pan), each side for a minute. Place into prepared dish, pour each layer with prepared dressing. Enjoy warm or cold.

Patlidzani sa grila / rostilja

Ovako pripremljeni patlidzani (plavi paradajzi, balancani) su mi najdrazi. Odlicno idu uz meso ili ribu sa rostilja; ili kao vegetarijanski obrok sa drugim povrcem i sirom . Smjesteni u tegle / galone zaliveni dobrim maslinovim uljem, mogu trajati 2-3 mjeseca na suhom i hladnom mjestu.

2 srednja patlidzana, isjecena na (7mm) kolutove
3-4 cena bijelog luka, sjeckana ili protisnuta
1 mali svezanj bosiljka, iskidani listovi
1/3 solje maslinovog ulja
Nasolite patlidzane, ostavite ih po strani na 1/2 sata. Saperite i obrisite; namazite svaki sa maslinovim uljem. Pecite na gril-tavi ili rostilju svaku stranu po minut. Ostatak ulja pomijesjte sa bosiljkom i bijelim lukom (ako treba dodajte jos ulja). Pospite po svakom sloju pecenih patlidzana. Uzivajte toplo ili hladno.

Samosas (revised)

I don't have much time lately, so please excuse my absence from commenting;

Here is reminding of my first post!

Nemam mnogo vremena u posljednje vrijeme, pa vas molim da mi oprostite sto ne komentarisem na vasim postovima. Evo podsjecanja na moj prvi post - cisto da me ne zaboravite!


450 g plain flour

100 g butter, softened

1 teas salt

150 ml water, warm


2 tbs vegetable oil, or any other neutral

2 medium onions, chopped finally

250 g minced meat, your choice

3-4 garlic cloves, minced

1-1,5 cm ginger, grated - or 1/2 teas powder

1/2 teas turmeric powder

2 teas coriander powder

1 1/2 teas cumin powder

a pinch of chilli powder

1/2 teas salt

120 ml water

150 g peas

2 tbs coconut, grated

1 teas 'Garam Masala' powder

2 tbs coriander leaves, chopped

1 tbs lemon juice

-Make a stiff dough (food processor can help, divide in 6 balls, cover with Glad wrap and leave rest.

-Meanwhile, heat the oil and add onions. Fry for a couple of minutes, then add mince and the spices. When meat is ready (loses pink colour)add the rest of ingredients. Cook for a few minutes more, and then let it cool. Heat the oven to 200*C, if you want to bake the Samosas.

-Roll out the dough balls (one by one)into a 23-24 cm circle. Each circle divide in 6 pieces (like pizza slices). Wet the edges with a brush dipped into water.

-On each little triangle put a spoonful of filling. Lift the corners of each triangle,and seal the edges with your fingers, applying pressure.

-Place Samosas on baking sheets, sprayed with oil, then spray all over again.Bake 10-12 min, or until slightly golden.

Samosas can be deep fried, if you're not concerned about the fat content.

Note: If you replace the meat with grated potatoes, you'll get Vegetarian Samosas.

Tijesto za Samose:

450 gr brasna

100 gr putera, omeksalog

1 kasicica soli

1.5 dl vode, mlake


2 kasike ulja, po izboru

2 glavice crvenog luka, srednje velicine, sjeckanog

250 gr mljevenog mesa, po izboru

3-4 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog

1-1,5 cm djumbira (ginger),ribanog ili 1/2 kasicice prah

1/2 kasicice turmerik, prah

2 kasicice korijandera, prah

1 1/2 kasicica kima, prah

malo chilija (prah ili sjeckan svjez)

1/2 kasicice soli

120 ml vode

150 gr graska

2 kasike kokosa, ribanog

1 kasicica ‘garam masala’

2 kasike lista korijandera, sjeckanog

1 kasika limunovog soka


Umijesite tijesto (moze i u elekricnoj sjeckalici), koje ce izgledati poprilicno tvrdo. Podijelite na 6 loptica, pokrijte prozirnom folijom i ostavite odmarati dok kuhate nadjev. Za nadjev – zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk te dodajte meso (dinstajte dok ne promijeni boju), bijeli luk te sve ostale zacine i vodu. Kuhajte jos par minuta. Smaknite da se prohladi. Prvu lopticu tijesta razvucite u krug velicine 23-24 cm (malo vece od desertnog tanjira). Krug podijelite na 6 jednakih dijelova (trokuti kao za kiflice). Uglove premazite vodom, a u sredinu stavite po kasiku nadjeva.

Oblikovanje piramida:

Uglove trougla dignete, a stranice blago pritisnete prstima dok se ne zalijepe. Redajte na pleh. Pospricajte uljanim sprejom i pecite na 200* C 10 -12 min.

Mozete ih i prziti u dubokoj posudi sa dosta ulja, ukoliko ne brinete o masnoci.


Ukoliko zelite vegetarijansku verziju, umjesto mesa ubacite sitno sjeckani krompir.

Bohemian Torte

Hazelnuts, chocolate and creme patisserie...multilayered...gluten free!

Gateau bases-
10 egg whites
200 g caster sugar
25 g cocoa
250 g hazelnuts, roasted and processed
Creme patisserie-
500 ml milk
150 g sugar
1 tbs vanilla
6 egg yellows
4 tbs corn flour
50 g butter, softened
Chocolate cream-
4 egg yellows
2 eggs
150 g sugar
200 g dark chocolate
200 g butter, soft
Preheat oven to 150*C, prepare 3 round bases, covered with baking (silicon) paper.
Whisk egg whites until stiff; add sugar and continue whisking until thick and glossy. Fold in cocoa and hazelnuts. Spread onto 3 prepared bases, bake for 30-35 min. Take out and cool.
Creme patisserie-
Mix a bit of milk with eggs, yellows and corn flour.
Put the rest of milk and sugar in a pan, bring to boil. Pour prepared egg mixture; cook until thick. Cool, then beat in softened butter.
Chocolate creme-
Cook eggs and sugar in a double boiler, until thick (stirring all the time). It may take 15+ minutes. When thick, break chocolate into smaller pieces and put them into hot cream. Mix and let it cool completely.
Beat butter, add cooled creme and whisk together.
Spread creme patisserie onto each base. Put chocolate creme into a patisserie bag and pipe over each base with creme patisserie (you might choose to decorate top layer with this creme).
Put layers together; refrigerate for 1 hour before cutting.

Boemska (Boem) Torta
...u devet prekrasnih slojeva od ljesnika, cokolade i vanila kreme...bez glutena!

10 bjelanaca
200 gr sitnog secera
25 gr kakaa
250 gr ljesnika, propecenih i samljevenih
Krema I-
500 ml mlijeka
150 gr secera
1 K vanile
6 zumanaca
4 K 'Gustina' (ili kukuruzni skrob)
50 gr omeksalog maslaca
Krem II-
4 zumanca
2 jaja
150 gr secera
200 gr tamne chockolade
200 gr omeksalog maslaca
Umutite bjelanca, dodajte secer. Jos malo mutite. Iskljucite pa umijesajte kakao i ljesnike. Pecite 3 kore, preko silikonskog papira, na temp 150*C oko 35 min. Ohladite.
Krem I-
Umutite jaja sa gustinom sa malo mlijeka. Preostalo mlijeko i secer stavite kuhati. Kada prokljuca, uspite mjesavinu sa jajima i kuhajte kao puding. Ohladite, pa u to dodajte umucen maslac.
Krem II-
Pomijesajte jaja i secer, kuhajte na pari dok se ne zgusne - 15+ minuta. U vrucu smjesu dodajte komadice cokolade, promijesajte i ohladite.
Umutite maslac pjenasto pa dodajte cokoladnu smjesu. Umutite u krem.
Na svaku koru nanesite krem I. U poslasticarsku kesu stavite krem II pa ga istinite preko krema I - ovo je njlaksi nacin nanosenja krema na krem (na povrsinsku koru mozete napraviti dekoratcije).
Slozite slojeve u tortu; rashladite u frizideru najmanje 1 sat prije rezanja.
Uzivajte u svakom zalogaju, kao BOEM!


Basic Potato Salad

...also, For my post on 'Dinnerstyle' go to

This type of salad is mostly served in Mediterranean countries. It's easy to prepare and makes perfect accompany with fish.

4-6 potatoes (one large for each person - red ones are the best)
350 g green beans
salt and pepper
1 garlic clove, crushed
Olive oil and white wine winegar (3-4:1)
parsley leaves for garnishing
Peel and cook potatoes and beans. Slice potatoes, mix with beans. Pour olive oil and vinegar into a jar; salt and pepper to taste, add garlic and shake well (I prefer 4 parts of oil to 1 part of vinegar). Pour this dressing over the salad; garnish with parsley leaves. Enjoy warm or cold.
To this salad you can add anything from your fridge (hardboiled eggs, olives, onion, mayonese, other herbs...)

Osnovna krompir salata

...takodje, za moj post na 'Dinnerstyle' kliknite na

4-6 krompira (crveni - jedan veliki za svaku osobu)
350 gr mahuna
so i biber
1 ceno bijelog luka, protisnuto
maslinovo ulje i vinsko sirce (3-4:1)
lisce persuna za posuti
Skuhajte oguljeni krompir i mahune. Izrezite krompir, pomijesajte sa mahunama. Uspite ulje i sirce u teglu (Ja uvijek koristim 4 dijela ulja prema 1 dijelu sirceta), zacinite solju i biberom; dodajte bijeli luk. Dobro protresite teglu, pa prelijte ovo preko salate. Pospite persunovim liscem.
Sluzite toplo ili hladno.
Ovoj osnovnoj salati mozete dodati bilo sta iz vaseg frizidera (kuhana jaja, masline, luk, majoneza, drugo zacinsko bilje...)

Torte 'Panama'

Choco-coffee taste of this torte is irresistible!
For my friend - Happy Birthday Ann!

7 eggs
150 g sugar
60 g cacao
150 g walnuts, grounded
50 g bread crumbs
1 tbs rum
150 g butter, softened
150 g icing sugar
1 egg
1 teas vanilla extract
70 g dark chocolate, melted
50 ml strong coffee (instant is OK)
Preheat oven to 170*C; prepare a round cake tin (22 cm).
Whisk eggs with sugar until fluffy. Sift cocoa on top, add walnuts and crumbs (with rum). Fold in gently. Bake 25-30 min, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean.
Cool on a wire rack; then cut sponge into 2 layers.
For cream- mix sugar, egg and butter until soft and creamy. Add melted chocolate, vanilla and coffee. Spread each layer with this cream, leaving a bit for sides.
Put better layer on top and decorate with melted chocolate / walnuts. Refrigerate for 1 hour before slicing.

Panama Torta

Za rodjendan moje prijateljice Ane!

Za biskvit-
7 jaja
150 g šećera
60 g kakaa
150 g oraha, mljevenih
50 g mrvica kruha / hljeba
1 K ruma
Za kremu-
150 g maslaca, omeksalog
150 g šećera u prahu
1 jaje
1 Vanilin šećer (ili 1 k vanila ekstrakta)
70 g istopljene tamne čokolade
50 ml jake crne kafe (instant je OK)
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C, pripremite 22 cm obruc za torte.
Umutite jaja sa secerom da dobijete cvrstu, pjenusavu masu. Iskljucite mikser, dodajte kakao, orase i mrvice sa rumom. Rukom lagano sjedinite masu. Prespite u obruc i pecite 25-30 min, ili dok zabodena cackalica ne izadje vani cista. Prohladite biskvit, pa ga prerezite na pola da dobijete 2 sloja.
Za kremu- umutite jaje sa secerom i maslacem. Dodajte istopljenu cokoladu, vanilu i kafu. Dobro umutite , pa ovime premazite oba sloja torte i okolo. Postavite bolji sloj na povrsinu i ukrasite tortu sa cokoladom / orasima.
Hladite 1 sat u frizideru prije rezanja.