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Garlic Prawns and Crispy Bass Fillets

I'm back! After some 'disconnection with the rest of World' I finally got a better Internet provider. Happy!

4 Bass fillets (or others), fresh or frozen (must be well defrosted)
1 egg, beaten
corn flour, fine
salt, pepper to taste
oil for frying
500 g shelled prawns
2 cloves garlic, crushed
3 tbs olive oil
1 chilli, optional
First make marinade for prawns - mix all ingredients, add prawns. Stir and shake until well coated. Set aside.
Heat oil for frying. Salt and pepper fillets, dip into beaten egg, then into corn flour. Fry for a few minutes each side, until golden and crispy. Drain on paper towel.
Discard oil from pan, wipe well with paper towel. Heat pan, then pour prawns into it together with marinade. Shake and toss until prawns turn red. Serve immediately.

Škampe / Kozice sa bijelim lukom i Riblji fileti u Kukuruznom Brašnu

{Evo mene!!! Problemi sa konekcijom rijeseni! :-)}

4 fileta , svjeza ili smrznuta (odmrznuti prvo naravno)
1 jaje, umuceno
kukuruzno brasno sitno
so i biber
ulje za przenje
500 gr ociscenih kozica
2 cena bijelog luka, zdrobljena
3 kasike maslinovog ulja
1 chili (po zelji)
Najprije marinirajte kozice; sve sastojke dobro promijesajte i ostavite po strani.
Zagrijte ulje.
Uvaljajte zacinjenu ribu u jaje, zatim u kukuruzno brasno. Przite sa svake strane po nekoliko minuta, dok ne porumeni. Ocijedite na papirnoj salveti.
Izbacite ulje, obrisite tavu, zagrijte je, pa ubacite kozice zajedno sa marinadom. Przite i treskajte tavu dok kozice ne pocrvene. Servirajte odmah.

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