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Quick Low-fat Dahl

500 g red Lentils, rinsed and drained
1 brown onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 vegetable stock cube
sea salt
1-2 teas Madras curry
1,5 L water
Place all ingredients into a saucepan. Bring to boil, stiring offten. Simmer 20 minutes, or until dahl is thick and lentils cooked trough. Serve with some Indian bread (like one below), or any curry.

'Pire' od Leće - Dahl

500 gr lece
1 crveni luk, sitno sjeckan
1 ceno bijelog luka, protisnuto
1 k Vegete
1-2 k kari praha (blagog)
1,5 l vode
Staviti sve sastojke u serpu, zaliti vodom. Dovesti do kljucanja uz mijesanje. Poklopiti i kuhati 20 minuta ili dok ne postane gusto, tj dok leca ne omeksa i raspadne se. Servirajte sa nekim Indijskim hljebom (kao u prethodnom postu) ili karijem.

Cumin and Chilli Puffs

This is one of many Indian breads.

1 cup wholemeal flour
1/2 cup plain white flour
1/2 tes chilli powder
1 teas cumin seeds
1/2 teas salt
1/2(+,-) cup warm water
oil for frying
Mix chilli, salt and flours. Make well in the centre. Stir in water and make soft dough. Mix in cumin seeds. Knead for a minute, divide into 12-16 balls. Roll out each ball and fry in hot oil. Drain on paper towel. Serve warm!

Kim i Chili 'Uštipci'

Indijska vrsta hljeba / kruha...jedna od mnogih vrsta!

1 solja brasna od punoga zrna
1/2 solje bijelog brasna
1/2 k chili praha
1 k kima u zrnu
1/2 k soli
1/2 solje (+,-) tople vode
Ulje za przenje
Pomijesajte brasna, so i chili. Umijesajte vodu, zamijesite tijesto. Ubacite kim pa mijesite jos 1 minutu. Podijelite tijesto na 12-16 loptica. Svaku razvaljajte na krug, pa przite u ulju. Ocijedite od suvisne masnoce, pa servirajte toplo.

Home made Pastrami

1 piece of corned beef (around 1kg)
3 tbs coriander seeds
1,5 tbs black pepper
1 tbs smoked paprika
1-2 garlic cloves (optional)
Wash beef, wipe it with paper towel. Place it on a large AL sheet.
Grind all spices together (leave them coarse). Spoon spices all over the meat, pressing slightly with your palm. Wrap tightly into 3 layers of AL foil. Put in a ovenproof dish and bake 3,5-4 hours at 140-150*C. Let it cool before unwrapping and slicing.

Pastrami iz vase kuhinje

1 komad govedine iz salamure / pajca
(kupite gotovo ili sami napravite)
3 kasike sjemena korijandera
1,5 kasika crnog bibera
1 kasika dimljene crvene (mljevene) paprike
1-2 cena bijelog luka (Nije neophodno)
Operite meso i obrisite ga. Postavite na Al foliju. Sameljite sve zacine na krupno, pa ih rasporedite po mesu, lagano pritiskujuci dlanovima. Zamotajte cvrsto u 3 sloja Al folije, postavite na posudu i pecite 3,5-4 sata na temp od 140-150*C. Ostavite ohladiti do kraja, prije nego odmotate i pocnete sjeci.

Pear and Almond Tart

This is my first attempt. I was delighted by taste and simplicity of making it.

1,5 cup flour
3 tbs sugar
pinch of salt
125 g butter, cold in pieces
1 egg, beaten
1 tbs ice cold water
Almond filling-
1 cup almonds
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
pinch of salt
4 tbs butter (60 g), softened
1 tbs flour
+ 3 pears (Williams), peeled, halved and cored
2 tbs honey mixed with 1 tbs water for brushing pears
Prepare a tart tin. Preheat oven to 180*C.
Put flour and butter into a food processor. Whiz until incorporated, add egg and water. Pulls until a ball starts to form. Take out and knead a bit. Roll out (floured surface)to a 28cm circle. Put it into a tart tin. Form 2 cm edges with your fingers. For almond filling, Process almonds and add all other ingredients. Pulse until paste forms. Pour it into crust. Slice prepared pears top it onto almond paste. Brush with honey/water mix, and bake for 30 minutes, or until slightly golden. Dust with icing sugar (optional).

Tart sa Kruškama i Bademima

1,5 solja brasna
3 K secera
prstohvat soli
125 gr maslaca, iz frizidera, isjecenog
1 jaje
1 K hladne vode
1 solja badema, mljevenih
1/4 solje secera
prstohvat soli
4 K maslaca (60 gr), omeksalog
2 jaja
1 K brasna
+ 3 kruske, oguljene, prepolovljene
2 K meda pomijesane sa 1 K vode
Pripremite posudu za pecenje. Ukljucite rernu na 180*C.
U elektricnoj sjeckalici, mijesajte brasno sa maslacem; dodajte sve ostale sastojke i mijesajte dok se ne pretvori u tijesto. Izvadite, mijesite jos malo. Razvaljajte na 28 cm krug. Prebacite ga u posudu, oblikujte prstima ivice 2 cm visoke.
Pomijesajte sve sastojke za za punjenje u jednolicnu 'pastu'. Uspite preko tijesta.
Kruske isijecite na snite pa ih rasporedite po badem masi, premazite medenom tecnoscu. Pecite oko 30 min ili dok blago ne porumeni. Pospite secerom u prahu (po zelji).

'Coxinha' - Portuguese Little Drumsticks

Very popular snack in Portugal and Brazil. Take some time for making, but very economical. Makes around 50.

3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
85 g butter
2 beef cubes
salt & freshly ground black pepper
2 green onions, finely chopped
2 tbs chopped fresh parsley
700 g flour
200 g cream cheese
1 egg + 1 egg white, beaten lightly
oil for deep frying
Cut chicken breasts into 2 inch cubes, and place in a saucepan with onion, garlic, margarine, stock cubes, salt and pepper and 3 cups of water. Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes or until done. Strain solids from broth, retaining broth and solids.
Finely chop the chicken to make the filling. Add the parsley and chopped green onion to the chicken.
Measure the remaining broth into a saucepan-you will need 3 cups, so make it up with extra water, if needed. Add all the flour, and stir vigorously with a wooden spoon for 1 minute until it becomes stiff. Turn out on a working surface. Allow to cool a little, but while it is still warm, knead dough until it is smooth and no lumps of flour remain. Roll out dough to about 5mm thick and cut medium sized circles.
Place the dough in the palm of your hand, place a small cube of cream cheese and a teaspoon of the prepared filling; Fold and close the dough in the shape of a drumstick (the word Coxinha means "little drumstick" in Portuguese).
Knead scraps and re-roll, and continue cutting until all the dough is used.
Dip pastries in beaten eggs and roll in breadcrumbs.
Deep-fry for 8 minutes, or until golden and crispy. Serve hot.

Coxinha (Košinja) ili Batkići

3 pilece grudi
1 crveni luk, sjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka
85 gr putera
2 govedje kocke za supu
so i svjeze mljeven biber
2 mlada luka
2 K sjeckanog lisca persuna
700 gr brasna
200 gr krem sira
1 jaje + 1 bjelance, umuceno
suhe mrvice kruha / hljeba (prezla)
ulje za duboko przenje
Isjecite pilece grudi na kocke, stavite kuhati sa 3 solje vode, oba luka, puterom, i kockama za supu. Zacinite sa solju i biberom.
Kada je kuhano ocijedite. Sacuvajte tecnost, a ostale sastojke sitno isjeckajte, pa im dodajte mladi luk i persun. Promijesajte.
U brasno umijesajte 3 solje tecnosti (ako nemate dovoljno dodajte vode)i snazno izmijesajte. Ostavite malo prohladiti, ali dok je jos toplo, istresite na radnu povrsinu pa umijesite glatko tijesto. Razvaljajte na 5 mm, sjecite krugove (8cm), zatim u svaki stavite 1 kasicicu pilece mjesavine i kockicu sira. Stisnite krajeve i oblikujte 'batak' (Coxinha - košinja- na Portugalskom znaci mali batak). Uvaljajte u jaja, zatim u mrvice pa przite u dubokom ulju, dok ne dobije zlatno-zutu boju. Servirajte vruce.

Greek-Style Roast Chicken

1 large chicken (1,5 kg)
1 tbs Greek seasoning
1 tbs fresh oregano
1 tbs lemon rind
1,5 tbs olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1 kg potatoes, halved
1/2 cup pitted Kalamata olives
250 g cherry tomatoes
1 lemon, sliced
(Greek Blend of Spices - if you can't buy it prepared:)
•1 teaspoon salt
•2 teaspoons dried oregano
•1-1/2 teaspoons onion powder
•1-1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
•1 teaspoon cornstarch
•1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
•1 teaspoon beef-flavored bouillon granules
•1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
•1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
•1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Preheat oven to 180*C.
Wash and pat dry chicken. Brush it with olive oil and rub in all the spices, salt and pepper. Place it breast side up on a large oven-proof dish. Scatter potatoes, tomatoes, lemon and olives around. Season with salt and pepper. Bake for 1 hour 20-30min. Let it stand for 10 min before carving.

Pečeno Pile Na Grčki Način

1 vece pile (1,5 kg)
1 kasika Grcke mjesavine zacina
1 kasika svjezeg origana
1 kasika limunove korice
1,5 kasika maslinovog ulja
so i biber prema ukusu
1 kg krompira, prepolovljenih
1/2 solje 'Kalamata' maslina
250 gr sitnog paradajza
1 limun, izrezan
(Mjesavina Grckog Zacina - ako ne mozete kupiti gotov:)
-1 kasic. soli
-2 kasic. origana u prahu
-1,5 kasic. luka u prahu
-1,5 kasic. bijelog luka u prahu
-1 kasic. 'gustina'
-1 kasic. svjeze mljevenog crnog bibera
-1 kasic. govedje 'supe' u prahu
-1 kasic. susenog persunovog lisca
-1/2 kasic. cimeta
-1/2 kasic. muskatnog (djeviz) oraha
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C. Operite i obrisite pile. Namazite ga uljem pa utrljajte sve zacine. Postavite ga na vatrostalnu posudu grudima okrenutim prema gore. Smjestite krompir, limun, paradajz i masline okolo; zacinite sa biberom i solju. Pecite oko 1 sat 20-30 min. Ostavite ga odmoriti 10 minuta, prije nego ga pocnete rezati.

Torte 'Setteveli' (Seven Veils)

Adapted from this website:
I tried to simplify this recipe. As you can see my second layer of Bavarian Cream was not tall enough, but I was still happy with the result. Cake IS heavy, but absolutely delicious.

First make Hazelnut Praline Paste (you need a food processor for this):
200 g sugar
50 g water
2 cups hazelnuts
1 tbs oil
Boil sugar and water until becomes golden in colour, add hazelnuts, coat well and pour over AL foil. Let it cool. When coled, break into smaller pieces and process until fine crumbs form; add oil and process again.
Syrup for chocolate sponge:
75 g sugar
25 g water
1 teas vanilla
Boil until sugar dissolves, cool.
Chocolate sponge:
1,5 cups cake flour
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
5 large eggs, at room temperature
1 cup granulated sugar
Beat eggs with sugar until thick and fluffy. Switch mixer of, sift flour, cocoa and rising agent on top. Fold in gently. Bake in a 25 cm cake tin (25-30 min at 180*C).
When cooled, cut horizontally to make 2 equal sponges. Brush with prepared syrup. Refrigerate.
Crunchy layer:
65 g dark chocolate
25 g butter
80 g hazelnut/praline paste
40 g finely crushed cornflakes
Melt butter and chocolate, add other 2 ingredients. Spoon over first layer of chocolate sponge, press lightly with your palm. Refrigerate again.
Bavarian Cream:
1 cup milk
1 cup cream
200 g hazelnut/praline paste
5 egg yolks
90 g sugar
1 tbs gelatin powder
2 cups heavy cream
Cook milk and cream, add hazelnut paste. At the same time beat yolks with sugar until fluffy. Pour a bit of milk/cream mixture, mix; pour the rest, mix. Return to pan and cook until starts boiling. Take off, add gelatin mix really well.
Cool as quickly as you can (ice bath will help) then refrigerate. When gelatin starts working (becoming thicker), beat other 2 cups of cream, the bit by bit add Bavarian cream (should be thick as custard by this point). Mix well.
At this point you will start assembling your cake:
Pour half of Bavarian cream over first sponge layer (already has crunchy layer), put another sponge over it, then pour the rest of Bavarian cream. Put whole cake into freezer.
Chocolate mousse:
150 g cream
150 g dark chocolate (65% cocoa)
250 g cream, extra
1/4 cup icing sugar
Melt and mix chocolate and 150 g cream, until smooth. Let it cool, but don't refrigerate.
Beat 250 g cream with icing sugar, add cooled mixture. Take cake out of mould.Put it on a cake rack. Pour mousse over cake, making sure sides are coated too. Refrigerate.
Chocolate glaze:
85 g water
80 g cream
40 g cocoa
125 g sugar
2 teas gelatin
Boil sugar, water and cream. Add cocoa, mix well until smooth. Sprinkle gelatin on top and mix until melted. (If needed, this glaze can be sieved.) Pour on top of the cake. Refrigerate for at least a couple of hours, before slicing.

Torta 'Setteveli' (Sedam Velova)

Kada sam pocela citati instrukcije za ovu tortu, nisam mogla vjerovati da nesto tako komlikovano postoji. Ova moja verzija je pojednostavljeni pokusaj. Torta je ODLICNA, bez obzira na to sto moji slojevi nisu tako podjednaki. Upozorenje - EXTREMNO kaloricna!

Najprije napravite 'praline' smjesu (trebate imati el.sjeckalicu za ovo):
200 g secera
50 g vode
2 solje ljesnika
1 kasika ulja
Isprzite secer sa vodom; kada postane zlatno-zuto ubacite ljesnike. Istresite na foliju i ohladite. Stavite u sjeckalicu i meljite dok ne fostanu fine mrvice, dodajte ulje i jos malo meljite. Ostavite po strani.
Sirup za biskvit:
75 gr secera
25 gr vode
1 kasicica vanile
Skuhajte sve i ohladite.
Cokoladni biskvit:
1,5 solja brasna
1/3 solje kakaa
1/4 kasicice praska za pecivo
1/4 kasicice sode BB
5 vecih jaja, na sobnoj temp.
1 solja secera
Umutite jaja sa secerom dok ne postane gusto i pjenasto. Iskljucite mikser, prosijte ostale sastojke na povrsinu, pa rukom lagano sjedinite (okrecite).
Pecite 25-30 min na 180*C, u modli od 25 cm. Peceno prohladite, presijecite horizontalno tako da dobijete 2 biskvita, koje cete cetkicom premazati pripremljenim sirupom. Ostavite u frizider.
Hrskavi sloj:
65 gr tamne cokolade
25 gr maslaca
80 gr praline smjese
40 gr zdrobljenog kornfleksa
Istopite cokoladu i maslac, dodajte praline masu i kornfleks. Stavite preko prvog biskvita, blago pritisnite prstima, vratite u frizider.
Bavarski krem:
1 solja mlijeka
1 solja krema
200 g praline mase
5 zumanca
90 gg secera
1 kasika zelatina u prahu (ili listovi)
2 solje extra masnog krema (ili 1 normalan + 1 masni)
Kuhajte mlijeko i krem, dodajte praline masu. U isto vrijeme mutite zumance sa secerom u gustu masu. Dodajte malo vrele smjese, promijesajte; dodajte ostatak, promijesajte, pa vratite u serpu. Zagrijte ponovo mijesajuci; skinite sa vatre, umijesajte zelatin dok se ne rastvori. Ohladite sto brze mozete (staviti u vecu posudu na led), zatim staviti u frizider. Kada pocne da se zgusnjava, umutiti preostali krem, dodatti vec malo stisnuti praline krem.
Sad vec treba da slazete tortu.
Na prvi sloj biskvita (sa hrskavim slojem)uspite 1/2 Bavarskog krema. Stavite drugi biskvit i uspite ostatak krema. Stavite tortu u zamrzivac.
Cokoladni mus:
150 gr krema
150 gr tamne cokolade (65% cocoa)
250 gr krema, dodatno
1/4 solje secera u prahu
Istopite 150 gr krema sa cokoladom, mijesajuci dok sa ne ujednaci. Ohladite ali ne stavljajte u frizider.
Umutite preostali krem sa secerom pa dodajte cokoadnu smjesu. Ovime prelijte cijelu tortu, koju ste izvadili iz kalupa i stavili preko zice. Vratite u frizider.
Cokoladna glazura:
85 gr vode
80 gr krema
40 gr kakaa
125 gr secera
2 kasicice zelatina u prahu (ili listovi)
Skuhajte prva dva sastojka, dojajte kakao, dobro promijesajte pa dodajte i zelatin. Sklonite sa vatre i mojesajte sve dok sa zelatin ne rastopi. Ako je porebno procijedite ovu smjesu da bude potpuno glatka. Izvadite tortu iz frizidera i prelijte je ovom glazurom. Vratite u frizider i drzite je najmanje 2 sata prije sluzenja.

Apple (Cheese and Cherries) Strudel

Some of my lovely followers asked for 'Apple Strudel' recipe. Here it is!

1,5 cup flour
1 egg
pinch of salt
1 tbs oil
water enough to make 150 ml fluid - read instructions
1 kg apples (green), peeled, cored and grated
1/3 cup sugar (white or brown)
1/2 teas cinnamon
1/3 cup Sultanas (optional)
2-3 tbs biscuit (or bread) crumbs
125 g melted butter
(for cheese/cherry version you'll need
400g Ricotta
1 egg
1/3 cup sugar
1 cup Cherries
1 tbs corn flour)
Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt. Break the egg in a measuring cup, beat and then top up with water, making up 150 ml of egg/water liquid. Pour into flour, add oil and quickly mix everything together. Take out on a floured surface and knead until smooth; use flour all the time. Dust with flour on both sides and cover with a clean cloth. Let it rest for 25-30 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare surface for pastry and filings.
Cover large surface (dinner table) with a clean cloth, dust with flour.
Grate apples, set aside (for cheese/cherry strudel: mix 400-500 g ricotta with 1 egg and 1/3 cup sugar and 1 cup cherries+ 1 tbs corn flour).
After 1/2 hour of resting, dust dough with flour and roll out to 50-60 cm in diameter. Spoon 3-4 tbs of melted butter (not hot), and spread with your fingertips.
Now, with your palms (or backhands) try to stretch the dough as much as possible - a little at a time, going around all the time. Don't worry if the dough breaks.
On one side of the dough spoon the apples, which you have slightly squeezed out. Spoon sugar and cinnamon, sprinkle with crumbs. Pour some more melted butter all around the pastry and filing. Start rolling (lifting the cloth) to the other end. Place strudel in an buttered dish, brush some melted butter on top and bake for 25-30minutes ion 180*C. (if you're making cheese strudel use your filing instead of apples.
When baked, sprinkle with icing sugar (optional). Enjoy!

Štrudla sa Jabukama (ili sirom i višnjama)

1,5 solja brasna (250ml)
malo soli
1 jaje
vode toliko da sa jajetom napravite 150 ml tekucine (vidi objasnjsnje)
1 kasika ulja
1 kg jabuka, ociscenih i rendanih
1/3 solje secera
1/2 kasicice cimeta
2-3 kasike mrvica keksa (ili hljeba/kruha)
1/3 solje grozdjica (po zelji)
(za sir/visnje verziju
400 gr sira
1 jaje
1/3 solje secera
1 kasika gustina / brasna)
Prosijte brasno, dodajte malo soli. Umutite jaje, naspite na njega toliko vode da imate 150 ml tecnosti. Dodajte ulje pa ovime umijesite mekano tijesto.
Pospite brasnom, pa ostavite pokrivenoodmarati oko 30 min.
Pripremite punjenje. Izrendajte jabuke, ostavite po strani(ili umijesajte sve sastojke za sir/visnje verziju).
Pripremite povrsinu za rad - na cist stolnjak nanesite brasno.
Razvaljajte tijesto do velicine 50-60 cm u precniku. Nanesite 3-4 kasike otopljenog maslaca (ne smije biti vreo). Razmazite po povrsini koristeci vase vrhove prstiju. Pocnite rukama razvlaciti tijesto od sredine prema krajevima, malo po malo i ideci u krug.
Na jednu stranu tijesta nanesite svoje punjenje. Ako radite sa jabukama: pospite malo mrvica, iscijedite blago jabuke, nanesite, pospite secerom i cimetom i ostatkom mrvica.
Ako radite sa sirom: pomijesajte sve namirnice zajedno i nanesite.
Poprskajte tijesto i punjenje sa maslacem pa pocnite savijati prema drugoj strani (moze uz pomoc stolnjaka). Prebacite u posudu za pecenje, premazite maslacem i pecite na 180*C oko 25-30 minuta. Malo prohladjeno, pospite secerom u prahu i uzivajte!

Slimming World - Salmon Tikka Skewers

Slimming World - Salmon Tikka Skewers
Serves 4

Ready in about 50 minutes

Syns Extra Easy Free


For the chips

6 large baking potatoes, scrubbed, peeled and cut into chips
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Fry Light

For the marinade

198g fat-free natural yogurt
4 garlic cloves, finely grated
2.5cm piece fresh root ginger, finely grated
juice of 2 limes
3 tbsp tikka curry powder

For the Skewers

794g skinless salmon fillets, cut into large bite-sized pieces
4 red peppers, deseeded and cut into bite-sized pieces
A small handful of fresh coriander leaves, finely chopped to garnish

For the minted yogurt dip

198g fat-free natural yogurt
A large handful of fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
juice of half a lime


1. Preheat your oven to 200c/400f/Gas 6. Boil the chips for 4-5 minutes. Drain, leave for 10 minutes to dry, then shake the chips to roughen the edges. Place on a non-stick baking sheet and season. Spray with Fry Light and bake for 15-20 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, mix the marinade ingredients in a large bowl. Add the salmon and peppers, then season well. Toss to coat evenly, cover and chill for 15 minutes.

3. To make the dip, whisk together all the ingredients, season and transfer to a side dish.

4. Preheat your grill to high, Alternately thread the peppers and salmon onto eight metal skewers and frill for 4-5 minutes on each side, or until the fish is cooked through. Garnish with coriander, Serve with the chips, dip and salad.

Waldorf Salad

First created between 1893 and 1896 at the Waldorf Hotel in New York City. I got this recipe in 1992, when I was appointed as a 'housemeister' (housekeeper) in an Austrian noble family! Original recipe did not call for nuts / grapes.

2 green apples,peeled, julienned
1 celeriac, peeled, julienned (or 2-3 stalks celery, finely chopped
100 g finely chopped Walnuts
1-2 small bunches white grapes, halved if too big
mayonnaise, to your liking (should be 'neutral' - not to salty)
Mix all ingredients. Adjust the amount of your favorite ingredients according to your liking.
Serve as entree, side salad (meat and fish), or dessert salad.

"Waldorf"  (Valdorf) SalataKreirana izmedju 1893-1896 u Njujorskom Waldorf Hotelu. Originalni recept nije sadrzavao orasaste plodove i grozdje!

2 zelene jabuke, oguljene i isjecene na tanke prutice
1 korijen celera (prutici), ili 2-3 stabljike sjeckane sitno
100 gr oraha, sjeckanih
1-2 grozda bijelog grizdja, velike bobe prepolovljene
majoneza koliko zelite (neutralnog ukusa - ne slana)
Pomijesjte sve sastojke, umijesajte majonezu u kolicini koju zelite.
Odlicno uz meso ili ribu.
Servirajte kao predjelo, salatu ili desertnu salatu.

Slimming World - Beef Bourguignon

Slimming World - Beef Bourguignon
Serves 4

Ready in about 1 hour and 30 minutes

Syns - Extra Easy FREE
Original FREE


1lb 12oz/794g stewing beef, all visible fat removed and cut into bite-sized pieces
4 garlic cloves, crushed
12 shallots
4 celery sticks, roughly sliced
6 carrots, cut into large chunks
11oz/312g chestnut mushrooms
1lt beef stock
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
A handful of fresh thyme leaves, finely chopped
1.5kg celeric, peeled and cut into cubes
5oz/142g fat-free natural fromage frais
A pinch of nutmeg
A small handful of fresh parsley, chopped to garnish
Steamed courgettes and broccoli florets, to serve


1. Preheat your oven to 180c/350f/Gas 4. Spray a large, non-stick frying pan with Fry Light and place over a medium heat. Add the beef and stir-fry until browned all over.

2. Transfer the beef to a medium casserole dish with half the crushed garlic, the shallots, celery, carrots, mushrooms and the stock. Season well and add the thyme. Bring the mixture to the boil on the hob and then cover tightly and cook in the oven for 60-70 minutes, or until the beef is really tender.

3. Meanwhile, make the mash, place the celeriac in a large pan of boiling water and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes until tender. Drain well and return to the pan. Add the remaining garlic, fromage frais and nutmeg. Season to taste and mash well.

4. Divide the bourguignon between four plates and garnish with parsley. Serve with the celeriac mash and steamed courgettes and broccoli florets.

Slimming World - Piri Piri Chicken

Slimming World - Piri Piri Chicken
Serves 4

Ready in about 40 minutes

Syns - Extra Easy FREE
Original FREE


3 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tbsp Schwartz Perfect Shake Piri Piri
4 skinless chicken breast fillets
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
8 medium vine tomatoes
4 red onions, quartered
Fry Light
A small handful of fresh coriander leaves, finely chopped, to garnish


1. Preheat your oven to 220c/435f/Gas 7. Rub the garlic and piri piri over the chicken breasts, then season. Place in a non-stick roasting tin and arrange the tomatoes and onions around the chicken pieces.

2. Spray all the ingredients with Fry Light and roast in the oven for 25-30 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Serve garnished with chopped coriander.

Make Your Own Piri Piri

Mix together 2 tsp paprika, 2 tsp chilli powder, 1 tsp crushed dried bay leaves, 3 tsp garlic salt and 3 tsp onion powder

Slimming World - Chicken Fajitas Salad

Slimming World - Chicken Fajitas Salad
Serves 4

Reading In About 20 minutes

Syns - Extra Easy 1 and a half


4 chicken breast fillets, cut into strips
2 tsp paprika
2 tsp ground cumin
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Fry Light
3 mixed coloured peppers, deseeded and cut into strips
142g fat-free natural yogurt
Juice of 1 lime
2 x 250g pouches Uncle Ben's Express Mixed Pepper Rice
1 large cos lettuce, leaves torn, washed and dried
100g baby spinach
4 tomatoes, cut into wedges
half a cucumber, sliced
3 limes, halved, to serve


1. Put the chicken strips in a bowl with the paprika and ground cumin. Season

2. Preheat a large, non-stick frying pan and spray with fry light. Add the peppers and stir-fry for 6-7 minute, until softened. Remove and put in a bowl. Keep warm

3. Spray the pan again and add the chicken strips. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring often

4. For the dressing, mix the natural yogurt and lime juice in a bowl and season. Cook the rice according to packet instructions.

5. To serve, put a layer of lettuce spinach on four places and spoon over the rice. Add he tomatoes, cucumber, peppers and chicken. Serve with the yogurt dressing and lime halves to squeeze over

Slimming World - Thai Duck Curry

Slimming World - Thai Duck Curry
Serves 4

Ready In About 25 Minutes

Syns - Extra Easy 2


Fry Light
1lb/454g skinless duck breast fillets, all visible fat removed and cut into cubes
2 shallots, sliced
6oz/170g butternut squash, peeled and cut into cubes
1 courgette, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
1 level tbsp Thai Taste Gang Ped Red Curry Paste
165ml can Blue Dragon Coconut Milk Light
284ml Chicken Stock
4 dried kaffir lime leaves
312g dried Thai fragrant rice
113g mangetout
113g bamboo shoots
1-2 tbsp nam pla (Thai fish sauce)
A handful of fresh coriander, chopped, to garnish
2 limes, halved, to serve


1. Heat a large saucepan and spray with Fry Light. Add the duck and cook over a high heat for 1 minute, until browned. Remove and set aside.

2. Spray the same pan again with a little more Fry Light. Add the shallots, butternut squash, courgette and carrots and cook for 2 minutes, until slightly softened. Stir in the curry paste and cook for 30 seconds. Pour over the coconut milk and stock. Bring to a simmer, return the duck to the pan with the lime leaves, cover and cook over a low heat for 10 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, cook the Thai fragrant rice according to the packet instructions. Add the mangetout and bamboo shoots to the curry and cook for a further 3 minutes.

4. Remove the lime leaves from the curry and season to taste with the nam pla. Serve in bowls of rice, garnished with coriander and lime halves to squeeze over.

Burnt Butter Brown Sugar Cupcakes

For the Cupcakes-
150g unsalted butter
125g self raising flour
60g golden caster sugar
65g brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking powder
2-3 tablespoons milk
For the Icing-
200 g cream cheese, softened.
60 g butter, softened
1 cup icing sugar
1 teas vanilla
(or your favorite icing)
Put butter in a saucepan, heat and stir until it starts burning (caramelised parts will become brown). Cool slightly, then sieve and let solidify (but not hardened).
Preheat the oven to 180*C, prepare 12 hole muffin tin.
Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla, until fluffy. Add butter (medium speed), and then alternately add flour (with baking powder) and milk. Do not over beat.
Pour into tins and bake for 12-15 minutes, or until golden brown.
For icing - Beat all ingredients together until smooth. Spread on top of each cupcake; decorate as you wish.

'Cupcakes' sa Sagorenim Maslacem i Braon Šećerom

150 gr maslaca
125 gr samodizajuceg brasna
60 gr 'zlatnog' sitnog secera
65 gr braon secera
2 vecih jaja
1 kasicica vanila
1 kasicica praska za pecivo
2-3 kasike mlijeka
Za premazati-
200 gr krem sira, omeksalog
60 gr maslaca, omeksalog
1 solja secera u prahu
1 kasicica vanile
(ili krem po vasem izboru)
Najprije 'sagorite' maslac. Na srednje jakoj vatri zagrijte maslac do kljucanja (uz stalno mijesanje); kada postane mirisno i zlatno zute boje, skinite sa vatre. Malo prohladite, a zatim ocijedite necistocu iz maslaca. Ostavite ga da se malo stisne (ne previse).
Zagrijte rernu na 180*c, pripremite 'Muffin' modle.
Pjenasto izmiksajte jaja sa secerom i vanilom, dodajte maslac (sporija brzina miksera), a zatim i brasno (sa praskom) i mlijeko naizmjenicno. Pazite da ga ne 'preradite'.
Uspite u modle i pecite 12-15 minuta ili dok ne dobiju zlatno-zutu boju.
Za premaz- Mikserom izmijesajte sve sastojke, dok ne dobijete glatku masu. Premazite svaki 'cake' i ukrasite po zelji.

Chicken Fajitas

Another popular Mexican dish!

1/2 kg chicken breast or thigh fillets, sliced in strips
2 tbs olive oil
1/2 lime, juice only
1 teas cumin powder
1/2 teas oregano powder
1/2 teas chilli powder
2-3 garlic cloves, crushed
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tbs oil, extra
1 onion, sliced
1 large capsicum, sliced
1 small bunch of coriander
8 corn tortillas
Grated cheese(optional)
Guacamole, or diced avocado (optional)
Mix oil, lime juice, chilli powder, cumin, oregano, garlic, salt and pepper, and meat. Marinate chicken in the fridge for 30 minutes at least. Grill or pan fry the chicken over medium-high heat until cooked. (Reserve the marinade.)
Heat the oil in a pan. Saute the onions until tender. Add capsicum and the remaining marinade and saute until the peppers are tender, about 5-7 minutes.
Remove from heat and mix in the coriander and chicken.
On each tortilla put some of chicken mix, avocado, cheese...roll and enjoy!

'Fajita'(Fahita) sa piletinom

1/2 kg pilecih prsa ili karabataka, isjeceno na 'prutice'
2 kasike maslinovog ulja
sok od 1/2 limete
1 kasicica kima u prahu
1/2 kasicice oregana prah
1/2 kasicice chili praha
2-3 cena protisnutob bijelog luka
so i biber prema ukusu
1 kasika ulja, dodatno
1 crvrni luk, isjeckan
1 velika paprika, isjecena
1 mali svezanj korijandera, lisce
8 tortilja
Rendani tvrdi sir (po zelji)
gvakamola ili sjeckan avokado (po zelji)
Pomijesajte ulje, sok limete, chili i ostale zacine sa mesom. Ostavite u frizider na najmanje pola sata. Ispecite meso na grilu ili na tavi, marinadu rezervisite.
Zagrijte preostalo ulje, proprzite luk, dodajte papriku; dinstajte oko 5 minuta. Skinite sa vatre, pa dodajte korijander i meso.
Na savku tortilju stavite malo mjesavine sa mesom, avokado i sir ako zelite i zamotajte. Prijatno!

Grilled Salmon with Basil Pesto

4 salmon fillets (or other fish), skin on
salt, pepper, olive oil
4-5 tbs Basil Pesto, to serve
Salad / vegetable to serve
Salt and Pepper salmon, brush with olive oil. Pan fry, grill or BBQ - skin side first, until done - 3-5 minutes each side, depending on thickness (mine was BBQ-ed).
Arrange on plate, next to chosen salad.
Add 1 tbs of water to pesto, mix well. Pour over fillets and a bit over your salad.

Losos sa roštilja, sa Pestom od Bosiljka

4 fileta lososa (ili druge ribe)
so, biber i maslinovo ulje
4-5 kasika Pesta od Bosiljka, za servirati
Salata / povrce za servirati
Posolite i pobiberite losose, premazite ih uljem. Pecite na tavi, grilu ili rostilju - strana sa kožom prvo; obicno treba 3-5 minuta za svaku stranu, u ovisnosti o debljini fileta.
Postavite na tanjir, zajedno sa salatom / povrcem.
U pesto dodajte 1 kasiku vode, pomijesajte. Prelijte preko lososa i malo preko povrca. Uzivajte!