1 cup water, skin warm
3 cups flour
1,5 teas salt
1 teas sugar
2 tbsp oil, or melted butter
1 teas yeast
Milk for glaze
For filling-
60 g Cheddar, or Tasty cheese, grated
2 tbs chopped parsley
2 tbs chopped chives
1 tbs chopped thyme
Make a dough as you would for bread, either by hand or by machine. Let it double.
Prepare filling; combine all ingredients together.
Roll out the dough to 1 cm thicknes, take out circles (8cm). On every other circle put some filling, cover with another circle and press edges.
Place bread rolls alternatively in a greased bread tin. Let it double, brush with milk and bake 15-20 min on 180*C.
Hljeb / Kruh za kidanje sa Začinskim biljem
1 solja tople vode
3 solje brasna
1,5 k soli
1 k secera
2 K ulja, ili otopljenog maslaca
1 k suhog kvasca
mlijeko za premazati
Za punjenje-
60 gr tvrdog sira, rendanog
2 K persunovog lisca
2 K vlasca
1 K timijana
Umijesite tijesto kao za hljeb / kruh, bilo rucno ili uz pomoc masine. Ostavite da naraste. Pripremite filing - pomijesajte sve sastojke zajedno.
Razvaljajte tijesto na debljinu od 1 cm; izvadite krugove 8 cm. Na svaki drugi krug nanesite punjenje, postavite drugi krug na povrsinu, pa krajeve pritisnite prstima. Slozite 'diskove' naizmjenicno u kalup za hljeb. Ostavite da naraste, premazite mlijekom i pecite 15-20 min na 180*C.
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