Another Bosnian dish that came from time of Ottoman Empire.
3-4 large onion heads
water and 2 tbs vinegar for cooking onions
2 tbs olive oil
500 g beef mince
1 small onion, finely diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tbs paprika
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
8-10 tbs rice (short grain)
2-3 parsley springs, chopped
2 - 3 cups of stock
oil for pan
(sour cream and pinch of paprika to serve)
Peel onions, cut ends, taking off more flesh at root side. Place them in a pan, cover with water and pour vinegar. Bring to boil and cook for 25-30 minutes. Take onions out and let them cool. When cool enough for handling, carefully squeeze onions towards cut side, so you get it's layers (cups). Don't worry if some of them break/split.
Prepare filling- Mix all ingredients well, add 1 cup of stock to it. Take filling by teaspoon and stuff inside of each onion layer (do not over-stuff, rice will expand). Repeat until all stuffing used. Place stuffed onions into an oiled pan (with lid), add the rest of stock. Place dish in heated oven (190*C) for 45-50 minutes. When done, take out on a serving plate. Serve with sour cream and a pinch of paprika on each onion.
'Sogan Dolma' - Filovani Luk
Jos jedno Bosansko jelo koje dolazi iz doba Otomanskog carstva.
3-4 vece glavice luka
voda i sirce za kuhanje luka
2 K maslinovog ulja
500 gr mljevene junetine
1 manji crveni luk, sitno sjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
1 K paprike mljevene
1 k soli
1/2 k svjeze mljevenog crnog bibera
8-10 K rize (krace zrno)
2-3 izdanka persuna, sjeckana
2-3 solje 'supe' (ili vode sa vegetom)
ulje za serpu
(vrhnje / kajmak i crvena paprika za serviranje)
Ocistite glavice luka i zasijecite dublje na strani sa korijenom. Stavite ih u posudu, zalijte vodom, dodajte sirce i kuhajte 25-30 minuta. Izvadite ih i prohladite. Kada se mogu uzeti u ruku, lagano stisnite svaki prema odrezanoj strani, tako da unutrasnjost isklizne, ostavljajuci svaki put sloj po sloj luka. Ne brinite ako neki slojevi popucaju.
Pripremite nadjev- Pomijesajte sve sastojke, dodajte 1 solju supe ( ili vode sa vegetom). Kasicicom punite pripremljene slojeve, pazeci da ih ne pretrpate - riza ce se nakuhati. Postavite u serpu (sa poklopcem), zalijte sa preostalom supom i pecite u rerni oko 45-50 minuta na temperaturi od 190*C. Kada je gotovo, prebacite sogan dolmu na tanjir za posluzivanje i servirajte sa pavlakom / vrhnjem i malo crvene paprike na vrhu.
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