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Korčula (Korchula) Island

Remember story about F. and N., both from Korcula, but apart for many years...him in Australia, her in Holand? Well, F. has returned to this beautiful island for good, and we  (my family and me) went to visit her. She was kind to offer her beautiful home for us to stay as long as we wanted, she took us all over the Island and she is responsible for all these awesome photos that I took.
By the way, N. (her darling), sold his house, packed his belongings and is on his way to Korcula,  literally as I'm writing!
Good luck to both of them - I couldn't ask for better friends!

Korcula is very beautiful island. It's got crystal clear waters, rich history and wonderful people.
I couldn't decide what I liked more - all charming little cities on edges of island, or inside the island and it's olive and fig trees, stone protected land parcels and vineyards.
The island was inhabited since pre-historic times and went through Greek, Roman, Venetian, English, Slavic and Austro-Hungarian empires. I would say, Romans left cultural and culinary impact more than others, so we enjoyed pasta, pizza and seafood prepared in Italian way mostly.
Next post -  recipe  from Žrnovo, Handmade Macarons (Zrnovski Makaruni)


 Otok Korčula

Sjecate se price o F. i N., oboje sa Korcule, ali razdvojeni mnoge godine- ona u Holandiji a on u Australiji? E pa, F. se vratila na rodnu Korculu, pa smo odlucili da je posjetimo. Bila je jako ljubazna i ponudila nam je svoj dom na raspolaganju onako dugo kako zelimo. Provela nas je preko cijelog otoka i ona je odgovorna za mnostvo divnih fotografija koje sam uspjela uhvatiti.
Jos nesto, N. (njen dragi) je prodao svoju kucu, spakovao svoje stvari i nalazi se na putu prema Korculi - bukvalnou ovom momentu kako ja pisem!
Sretno oboma - ne bih mogla pozeljeti bolje prijatelje!

Korcula je prekrasan otok. Ima kristalno ciste vode. bogatu istoriju i divne ljude. Nisam mogla da odlucim sta mi se vise dopalo - sarmantni mali gradovi na obalama otoka ili unutrasnjost sa maslinama i smokvama, kamenom ogradjena polja i vinogradi.
Otok je nastanjen od pre-istorijskog doba i isao je kroz ruke Grckih, Rimskih, Venecijskih, Engleskih, Slavskih i Austro-Ugarskih vladara. Ipak bih rekla da su Rimljani ostavili najveci pecat na njihovu kulturu i kulinarstvo, tako da smo uzivali u tjestenini, picama i morskim specijalitetima pripremljenim na Italijanski naci u glavnom.
Sljedeci post - Recept za Žrnovske Makarune (rucno napravljene makarone)

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