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Slimming World - Curried Pork Brochettes with Mango Salsa

Serves 4
Prep time: 20 minutes + chilling
Cooking Time - 10 minutes

Syns - Original FREE


1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
6 spring onions, trimmed and finely sliced
900g/2lb lean pork mince
2 tbsp medium or hot curry powder
3 tbsp finely chopped mint leaves
50g/2oz very low-far natural yogurt
finely grated zest and juice of 1 lime
salt and freshly ground black pepper

for the salsa

1 ripe mango, peeled, stoned and finely diced
1 bottle roasted red pepper, drained and finely diced
2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
2 tbsp chopped mint leaves


1. Place the chilli, spring onions, pork, curry powder, mint leaves, yogurt, and lime zest and juice in a bowl and mix well using your fingers. Season, cover and chill for 2-3 hours in the fridge.

2. Meanwhile, make the salsa by combining all the ingredients in a bowl, toss to mix well and cover and store in the fridge until ready to serve. if you're using bamboo skewers, put eight of them into a bowl of water to soak.

3. Preheat the grill to high. Divide the mince mixture into 32 portions and shape each one into a small ball. Thread four balls onto each skewer and cook under the grill for 4-5 minutes on each side or until cooked through. Serve immediately accompanied by the salsa. 

Slimming World - Vegetable Quiche

Slimming World - Vegetable Quiche
Serves 1
Ready in about 50 minutes

Syns per serving: Green FREE, Original FREE, Extra Easy FREE


Peppers, diced
onions, chopped
courgettes, diced
baby sweetcorn, sliced
mushrooms, chopped
tomatoes, sliced
3 eggs
150g fat free natural cottage cheese


    1. Prepare whatever Superfree veggies take your fancy… we’ve used peppers, onions, courgettes, baby sweetcorn, asparagus, mushrooms and tomatoes. You can dry-fry them until soft or leave them raw for extra crunch.

    2. Mix together the 3 eggs, 150g fat-free natural cottage cheese and some chopped parsley.

    3. Lay the chopped vegetables out in an oven-proof flan dish then pour the cottage cheese mix over.

    4. Pop in the oven at 190ºC/375ºF/Gas 5 for around 30 minutes, or until the quiche is set and golden brown.

      Slimming World - Summer Prawn Salad

      Slimming World - Summer Prawn Salad
      Serves 4
      Ready in about 15 minutes

      Syns - Green Free


      800g/1lb 12 oz cooked tiger prawns
      1 large cucumber
      350g/12oz cherry tomatoes
      6 spring onions
      25g/1oz wild rocket leaves

      For the dressing

      100g/4oz very low-fat natural yogurt
      100g/4oz very low-far natural fromage frais
      8 tbsp chopped fresh dill
      1 tsp artificial sweetener
      juice of 1 lemon
      salt and freshly ground black pepper


      1. Place the prawns in a large mixing bowl. Peel the cucumber and then halve lengthways. Using a small spoon, deseed both the halves and discard. Cut the cumber into thin slices and place with the prawns.

      2. Halve the cherry tomatoes and thinly slice the spring onions and add to the salad bowl with the rocket leaves. Toss to mix well.

      3. Make the dressing by mixing together the yogurt and fromage frais until smooth. Add the dill, sweetener and lemon juice. Season and stir to mix well.

      4. To serve, divide the salad between four chilled plates and spoon over the dill and yogurt dressing.

      Cous-cous Salad

      Cous-cous is so easy to prepare! I always have a box of cous-cous in my pantry, and whenever I don't know what to serve as a side dish, I make cous-cous.
      Fresh vegetables and herbs are perfect  companions in a salad.

      1 cup of cous-cous (1 cup of boiling water for it, salt, pepper)
      salad vegetables (tomatoes, cucumber, capsicums...), diced
      2 green onions, sliced
      1/2 bunch of parsley leaves, chopped
      2-3 tbs olive oil
      1-2 tbs lemon juice
      1 clove garlic, crushed (optional)
      Pour boiling water over cous-cous, cover and let it stand for 5-10 minutes, then fluff it up with fork, seasoning to your taste.
      Dice and slice all vegetables and herbs. Mix it with cous-cous and dress with olive oil and lemon juice.
      Perfect with grilled meat.

      Kuskus salata

      Kuskus je tako zahvalan za imati u kuhinji. Kad god ne znam sta da napravim za prilog, ja posegnem za kuskusom. Brzo i lako, odlicno za iskoristiti povce i zacinsko bilje iz frizidera.

      1 solja kuskusa (prelivena sa 1 soljom kljucajuce vode, so, biber)
      salatno povrce (paradajz, krastavci, paprike...)sjeckano na kockice
      2 mlada luka, sjeckana
      1/2 sveznja persunovog lisca, sjeckana
      2-3 K maslinovog ulja
      1-2 K soka limuna
      1 ceno bijelog luka, protisnuto (po zelji)
      Prelijte kljucalu vodu preko kuskusa; pokrijte i ostavite 5-10 minuta. Viljuskom 'grebite' dok ne odvojite zrnca; zacinite po ukusu.
      Isjeskajte sve ostale sastojke, pomijesajte sa kuskusom i prelijte maslinovim uljem i sokom limuna.
      Najbolje sluziti sa pecenim (grilovanim) mesom.

      Apples in Chocolate Cake

      3 years ago I posted my first recipe. Since then I wrote  350 posts, gained 300 followers and more than 230 000 visits.  Great milestone, as I didn't think I would last so long. For that occasion, I made a beautifully moist and gluten free cake. Cheers!

      7-8 small apples, peeled and cored (left whole)
      5 eggs
      200 g sugar
      120 g butter, melted
      150 gr walnuts (or other nuts), grounded
      40 g cocoa
      1 tsp vanilla
      Preheat oven to 170*C. Prepare a 22 cm spring form, line with baking paper.
      Beat sugar and eggs, until light and fluffy. Add melted butter, walnuts and cocoa. Fold in.
      Place apples  inside of spring form  close to the edge (but not touching them). Pour prepared mixture, making sure that wholes on apples are filled too. Bake for 45-50 minutes, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Cool slightly, then turn over onto serving plate, take the paper off, slice and serve with cream (optional)

       Jabuke u  Čokoladnom kolaču

      Na danasnji dan, prije 3 godine je krenuo moj prvi post. Od tada  sam napisala 350 postova, dobila 300 sljedbenika i vise od 230 000 posjetilaca. Nije lose, obzirom da nisam mislila da cu trajati tako dugo. Za tu priliku evo jednog socnog kolaca bez glutena. U zdravlje!

      7-8 manjih jabuka, oguljene i izvadjena sredina (ostavite ih cijele)
      5 jaja
      200 gr secera
      120 gr maslaca, otopljenog
      150 gr oraha (ili drugih orasastih plodova), samljevenih
      40 gr kakaa
      1 k vanile
      Ukljucite rernu na 170*C, pripremite obruc za torte i postavite pepir za pecenje na njega.
      Miksajte secr sa jajima, dok ne uspjeni. Dodajte maslac, orahe i kakao. Rucno umijesajte.
      Postavite jabuke na pleh u krug, ali da ne dodiruju ivice obruca. Uspite pjenasu smjesu, pazeci da i supljine u jabukama ispunite. Pecite oko 45-50 min, ili dok ubodenu cackalicu ne izvucete sasvim suhu. Prohladite, izvrnite naopako na tanjir za serviranje, skinite papir i izrezite. Servirajte sa tucenim vrhnjem (po zelji)

      Rose Petals Cordial

      Rose petals are edible. In Bosnia (and many other countries) they're used for making cordials and jams. Only non-hybrid roses can be used, as only they have specific smell / aroma. Red roses give beautiful refreshing drink, while white roses are mostly used for jams.

      Ingredients: (for 1L of cordial)
      6 large red roses (petals only), quickly washed in cold water
      1 1/2 tsp citric acid granules (from your supermarket)
      a 500 ml jar with lid
      1 1/4 cup sugar + 1 cup water (for syrup)
      Place rose petals into a jar, sprinkle citric acid on top and pour water to the top. Close the lid, shake jar well until citric acid solved. Place jar into sunny spot for at least 48 hours.
      After 2  days, strain water with rose petals into a bottle. Boil sugar with 1 cup water and let it cool slightly. Pour it in bottle with rose water and shake well. Keep refrigerated. Use as cordial.
      Note: If you boil strained petals with 1/2 cup sugar (6-8 minutes in microwave), you'll get rose jam!

      Sirup od Ružinih Latica

      Kao sto znate, ruzine latice se mogu koristiti u prehrani. U nasim krajevima (a i sire) se koriste za pravljenje sirupa i dzema. Samo ne-hibridne ruze mozete koristiti, jer imaju specificnu aromu, za razliku od hibridnih, koje gotovo da nemaju nikakav miris. Crvene ruze se uglavnom koriste za pripremanje sirupa, dok se bijele ruze upotrebljavaju za pravljenje dzemova.

      Potrebno: (za 1 L sirupa)
      6 velikih crvenih ruza, latice saprane u hladnoj vodi
      1,5 k limunske (citricne) kiseline - granule
      1/2 L zapremine tegla / galon sa poklopcem
      1 1/4 solje secera + 1 solja vode - za sirup
      Smjestite latice ruza u teglu, pospite sa limunskom kiselinom i zalijte vodom. Zavrnite poklopac, dobro izmuckajte sadrzinu i ostavite na suncanu poziciju najmanje 48 sati.
      Nakon 2 dana, procijedite sadrzaj u flasu od 1 l. Prokuhajte secer sa 1 soljom vode, malo prohladite. Naspite u flasu sa ruzinom vodom i dobro promijesajte. Smjestite u frizider; koristite kao sirup za osvjezavajuci napitak. 
      Napomena:  Ako preostale latice ruze prokuhate sa 1/2 solje secera (u mikrovalnoj 6-8 minuta), dobicete dzem od ruza!


      Tomatoes are full of vitamin C, which is powerfully anti-viral and crucial for good functioning of the imune system. They're packed with lycopene (type of carotenoid) that helps prevent the cancer, particularly prostate cancer. Beta-carotene in tomatoes is necessary for production of vitamin A, that helps to mantain healthy thymus gland, which plays vital role in immune response. Vitamin E in tomatoes helps to protect body from toxins.
      Cooking tomatoes releases the lycopene, making it more available to the body.
      -Antioxidants (Vitamins B3, C, E, betacarotene, lycopene, potassium)

      Paradajzi / rajcica / pomidori su puni vitamina C, koji je mocan protiv virusa i neophodan za dobro funkcionisanje imunog sistema. Bogati su likopenom, (vrsta karotenoida) koji pomaze prevenciju raka, posebno raka prostate. Beta-karoten u paradajzu je neophodan za proizvodnju vitamina A, koji pomaze odrzavanju zdravog timusa (zlijezda iza grudne kosti), koji igra vitalnu ulogu u aktivnom imunom sistemu. Vitamin E u paradajzima pomaze zastititi organizam od otrova.
      Kuhanje pradajza oslobadja likopen, koji onda lakse apsorbovan od strane tijela.
      -Anti- virusne
      -Antioksidantne (vitamin i B3, C, E, betakaroten, likopene, kalijum)
      Svi moji recepti

      Italian Filled Tomatoes

      Best, quickest tomato sauce


      Tomato Soup ... feel-good-soup

      German Liver Dumplings (Leberknoedel)

      These dumplings are usually served with soup / broth, or in a thick gravy-like sauce as stew (in that case you'll have to double the recipe and make dumpling larger). Speciality of German countries.
      I like them with a lot of parsley leaves and black pepper.

      250 g livers (veal or chicken)
      1 tsp butter, melted
      1 egg, beaten
      1 cup bread crumbs
      1-2 tbs flour
      1 clove garlic, crushed
      (a bit of milk if needed)
      1-3 tbs parsley leaves, chopped finally
      salt and black pepper, to taste
      Process all ingredients, take spoonfulls of this mixture and roll between your hands.  Place them into a pan with boiling soup of your choice.  Cook until dumplings come to surface; plate and serve with extra parsley leaves on top.

      Jetrene knedlice 

      Ove knedlice su obicno servirane u supi /juhi ili u gustom sosu same po sebi (u tom slucaju morate napraviti duplu smjesu i praviti ih vecim). Specijalni recept Germanskih zemalja.
      Ja licno ih volim sa mnogo persunovog lisca i svjeze mljevenim crnim biberom.

      250 gr pilece ili telece dzigerice / jetre
      1 K maslaca, rastopljen
      1 jaje, umuceno
      1 solja suhih mrvica hljeba / krusne mrvice
      1-2 K brasna
      1 ceno bijelog luka, protisnuto
      (malo mlijeka, po potrebi)
      1-3 K persunovog lisca, sitno sjeckano
      so i crni biber, po ukusu 
      Stavite sve sastojke u elektricnu sjeckalicu  dok se sastojci ne usitne i pomijesaju. Uzimajte kasikom i oblikujte kuglice rukama. Spustajte u kljucalu supu po vasem izboru i kuhajte dok se kuglice ne pojave na povrsini. Uspite i sluzite sa  posutim persunovim liscem.

      Mushroom strudel

      Happy Easter to Orthodox Christians; Happy St. George's day! 
      2 cups plain flour, sifted
      200 ml(+)water
      1/2 teas salt   

      Mixture of oil and melted butter for spreading the dough
      Mushroom filling-
      650-700 g mushrooms, sliced
      1 tbs olive oil
      2 tbs sour cream
      1-2 tbs bread crumbs
      salt and pepper, to taste
      garlic powder (optional)

      Make soft dough; click on highlighted  link for details: How to stretch  the dough 
      Mix sliced mushrooms with other ingredients. Sprinkle on half of dough, spoon 1-2 tbs oil over stretched dough, roll pastry into a log shape (tuck side edges in). Brush with oil and bake for 35-40 minutes at 180*C. Divine!

      Štrudla sa šampinjonima

      Srecan Uskrs (Vaskrs) onima koji danas slave!
      Srecan Djurdjevdan / Jurjevo  (kod mene je vec ponedjeljak)! 

      Najljepse memorije nosim vezan za ovaj dan koji je slavljen kod svih etnickih grupa u mom kraju. Sacuva se crveno jaje (od bilo kojeg Uskrsa), porani se ujutro rano i otidje u berbu mirisnih trava i sarenih cvjetova proljeca; sve se potopi u izvorsku vodu (jaje i biljke) i tom vodom se djevojke umivaju. Vjerovalo se da ce biti zdrave, jedre, mirisne i rumene kao sastojci u vodi. 

      2 solje prosijanog brasna
      200 ml (+) vode 
      1/2 k soli 
      Mjesavina topljenog maslaca i ulja za premazivanje tijesta
      650-700 g sampinjona, rezanih
      1 K ulja
      2 K pavlake
      1-2 K mrvica kruha / hljeba
      so i biber prema ukusu
      bijeli luk u prahu (po zelji) 
      Mozete pogledati na link za detalje: Kako da razvucete tijesto 
      Za fil, pomijesajte sve sastojke. Nanesite na 1/2 razvucenog tijesta, pospite sa malo ulja, zatim zarolajte (zavrcuci krajeve). Premazite uljem i pecite 35-40 min na 180*C. 
      Divna je!