Do you refuse to taste certain food that other people eat? Do you say 'yuk' when you hear that some people eat chicken feet?...and you probably like munching on jelly babies. HA!...they're made from skin and bones of animals, by cooking for a very long time, so everything becomes gelatinous.
Da li ponekad odbijate da probate odredjenu hranu, koju drugi ljudi jedu? Kazete li 'fuj' kada cujete da neki ljudi jedu kokosije nozice?...a sigurno volite grickati zele bombone. HA!..napravljene su od ostataka zivotinjskih koza i kostiju; kuhaju se jako dugo dok sve ne postane zelatinosna masa.
Experts say that in future, main food for humans will be insects and sea algae....Mother Earth is probably going to have trouble to produce us enough food (then we might find our-self chasing grasshoppers).
Kazu da cemo u buducnosti uglavnom jesti insekte i morske alge... Majka zemlja ce vjerovatno imati poteskoca da nas sve ishrani (onda se mozemo uhvatiti kako lovimo skakavce za rucak).
If you have a look on following diagrams and numbers, it's not difficult to understand that rich (read spoiled) countries have too much food (and rather throw it away than send it to hungry kids), while poor (read smart) people try to use anything they can. How else would they survive?!
Ako pogledate dole na dijagrame i brojeve, nije tesko zakljuciti kako bogati (citaj razmazeni) imaju hranu i za baciti (jeftinije je nego poslati gladnoj djeci), dok siromasni (citaj pametni) pokusavaju iskoristiti sve sto se moze. Kako bi drugacije prezivjeli?!
I'd try anything!
Ok, maybe not dogs and cats, but any prepared food that other people eat around the World. After surviving a war (and eating canned meat from 1954), I promised myself I would never-ever say 'yuk' to someone-else's food.
Ja bih sve probala!
U redu, mozda ne pse i macke, ali bilo sta drugo pripremljeno sto se jede po svijetu. Nakon rata i konzervi iz 1954-te koje sam jela, obecala sam si da nikada necu reci 'fuj' za tamo neciju hranu.
according to the CIA World Factbook's 2013 data.
7–8 children 6–7 children | 5–6 children 4–5 children | 3–4 children 2–3 children | 1–2 children 0–1 children |
Svjetska populacija se uduplala (100% povecala) u zadnjih 40 godina (sa 3 na 6 biliona). Predvidja se da ce se za narednih 43 godine povecati za jos 50%, i postati 9 biliona do 2042. Realnost je da se nasa djeca mogu suociti sa gladju!
Vise ljudi zivi u CRVENOJ zoni, nego u svim preostalim zonama!
People in those aerias eat whatever is available; snakes, bats, insects, weeds!
Ljudi u tim erijama jedu sta god im je dostupno: zmije, sismise, insekte, korov!
Vise ljudi zivi u CRVENOJ zoni, nego u svim preostalim zonama!
People in those aerias eat whatever is available; snakes, bats, insects, weeds!
Ljudi u tim erijama jedu sta god im je dostupno: zmije, sismise, insekte, korov!
Number of people per sq km
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If you want to see how quickly numbers change, visit following link:
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