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'Leskovacka Muckalica'- Serbian Pork and Capsicum Stew

Leskovac is a city of southern Serbia. They're famous for producing beautiful red (bullhorn) peppers (capsicums) and their love for grilled meat. Each year in beginning of September, main streets are closed for traffic for 5 days and 'Rostiljijada' ( grilling / barbecuing festival) begins.
The following recipe is product of  grilled leftovers and most loved vegetables from this part of the world. Any grilled meat can be used, but pork is always favourite in this city. The distinctive flavour comes from wood fired smoke, which penetrate the meat during cooking and also from char grilled peppers. For authentic experience, the meal is cooked in a clay / stone pot.  Divine!

1 - 1,5 kg pork  (bbq leftovers, or specifically grilled for this recipe)
200 g smoked bacon, sliced
4-5 onions, diced
2 tbs oil (or lard)
6-8 garlic cloves
1 kg red bullhorn peppers / capsicums, grilled or oven cooked, peeled
1 can tomatoes (or 4-6 diced tomatoes)
chilly powder / flakes, or dried hot peppers, to taste
salt and black pepper, to taste

Grill seasoned  meat; leave large pieces (which will be sliced later), or thread cubes onto skewers (adding a few bacon slices between). Wood fired bbq is most desirable for this.
Grill capsicums (or bake in oven) until skin blistered and partially blackened. Place them into a plastic bag to slightly cool, then take out and peel the skin. Slice them and set aside.
Heat oil in a pan, add bacon and onions. Cook until onions slightly change colour. Add garlic, tomatoes, capsicums and meat. Mix well and season to taste. Cover and place in oven for 45+ minutes, on 160-180*C. Take the lid off for the last 10 minutes, if you want more coloured top. Serve with bread and green salad.

Leskovac je grad u juznoj Srbiji. Poznat je po proizvodnji divnih duguljastih crvenih paprika ('roge / silje') i po ljubavi prema mesu sa rostilja / grila. Svake godine, pocetkom septembra, glavne ulice se zatvaraju za saobracaj na 5 dana i 'Rostiljijada' pocinje.
Sljedeci recept je nastao kao potreba za iskoristenjem preostalog mesa sa rostilja i Leskovackog najdrazeg povrca. Bilo koje meso moze biti koristeno, ali svinjetina je ovdje uvijek najradje koristena. Specifican ukus dolazi od dima sa vatre (drvo), koja penetrira meso i takodje od pecenih paprika. Za autentican dozivljaj, obrok je kuhan u glinenoj / kamenoj posudi. Bozanstveno!

1-1,5 kg svinjetine (ostatke sa rostilja, ili posebno pecene za ovu priliku)
200 gr dimljene prosarene slanine, sjeckane
4-5 glavica crvenog luka, sjeckanog
2 K ulja (ili masti)
6-8 cena bijelog luka, cjeckanog
1 kg crvenih paprika (pecenih i oguljenih)
1 konzerva paradajza u soku (ili 4-6 sjeckanih svjezih)
Prah ljute paprike ili susena ljuta papricica, po ukusu
so i crni biber, po ukusu

Meso zasolite i ispecite na rostilju (vatra od drva daje najbolju aromu); ostavite vece komade, ili izrezite na kockice i nanizite (sa malo slanine) na drvene stapice. Paprike ispecite i ogulite. Isjeckajte i ostavite po strani.
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk i slaninu. Dodajte paprike, bijeli luk, paradajz i meso. Promijesajte, provjerite ukus. Poklopite i stavite u rernu na 160-180*C, oko 45+ minuta. Otklopite zadnjih 10 minuta, ako zelite bolje zapeceno po povrsini. Servirajte sa hljebom i zelenom salatom.

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