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It is truly place where East meets West. Istanbul is a huge city; they say 18.000.000people live here! Many things here are modernised, many are still very traditional. I loved learning about it's history, seeing beautiful parks full of flowers. It is city where cats (a lot of them) and dogs walk and live anywhere they like. They sleep next to each other, without fighting or someone disturbing them. Istanbul is city where you have to open your eyes very wide if you're a tourist; Most of the Turks will try to rip you off in any way, if they realise you're foreigner. I also feelt uneasy as a woman, especially because you don't see many of local women arround. Men are working everywhere and in any industry. They smoke a lot! Everyone! My son didn't want to eat. He said "they smoke and serve people at the same time", but once you try their food you quickly go over their smoking. Bye...Barcelona is waiting!


To je zaista mjesto gdje Istok susrece Zapad. Istanbul je ogroman grad; kazu da 18.000.000 ljudi zivi ovdje. Mnoge stvari su savremene, mnoge su jos uvijek tradicionalne. Svidjelo mi se uciti o njihovoj istoriji, vidjeti parkove pune cvijeca. To je grad gdje macke (mnogo njih) i psi setaju i zive slobodno gdje god im se svidi. Spavaju jedi do drugih bez svadje ili da ih neko ometa. Istanbul je grad u kojem morate dobro otvoriti oci ako ste turista. Vecina Turaka ce pokusati ( i mnogi uspjeti) da vas prevari/nadmudri na bilo koji moguci nacin. Kao zena, takodje se nisam osjecala bezbrizno na ulici, pogotovu zato sto njihove zene rijetko mozete vidjeti vani. Muskarci rade svugdje i u svakom zanimanju. Turci puse MNOGO! Svi od njih! Moj sin nije zelio da jede; kaze " ono puse i serviraju ljude u isto vrijeme". Ali jednom kada probate njihovu hranu, brzo prevazidjete njihovo pusenje! Do Barcelone!

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