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Little Peaches

Another popular (and economical) recipe from Balkan countries...

4 eggs
pinch of salt
250 g sugar
250 g flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup oil
flavourings to your taste (vanilla, lemon zest, rum...)
extra flour
For filling-
Nuts processed, chocolate melted (or jam), a bit of milk
For dipping-
crystal sugar
a few drops of red and yellow food colours (each dissolved in 1/2 cup water)
Mix all ingredients by hand or mixer. Refrigerate for 2 hours +. Prepare baking tin, line with paper. Switch oven to 170*C.
Take the dough out, add more flour (so dough is pliable) and roll into balls. Place onto baking tin with some space between. Bake for 12-15 minutes. Let cool slightly, then hollow carefully each biscuit. Reserve the crumbs.
Place crumbs into food processor, add some nuts and melted chocolate (or jam + milk if needed) and process. Fill each hollowed biscuit with this, then press 2 together.
Dip each peach into red (one side) and yellow (other side) and roll into crystal sugar. Let it dry onto absorbent paper before serving.


Popularne, simpaticne, ekonomicne...

4 jaja
malo soli
250 gr secera
250 gr brasna
1 prasak za pecivo
1 solja ulja (250 ml)
Limunova korica, rum, vanila za aromu (sami izaberite)
jos brasna dodatno
Za fil-
Orasi, cokolada (ili dzem), malo mlijeka
za umakati-
secer u kristalicima
po par kapi crvene i zute boje rastvorene u 1/2 solje vode (svaka)
Umijesite tijesto od navedenih sastojaka; stavite u frizider na 2+ sati. Ukljucite rernu na 170*C, pripremite pleh sa papirom.
Izvadite tijesto iz frizidera, dodajte jos brasna, tako da mozete formirati kuglice.
Rasporedite ih na pleh sa malo razmaka. Pecite 12-15 min. Izvadite i malo prohladite. Zatim pazljivo izdubite svaku. Sacuvajte mrvice, koje cete pomijesati sa malo oraha, cokolade otopljene (ili dzem) i malo mlijeka. Ovime punite svaku lopticu, pa sastavljajte po 2. Umocite savku u jednu boju, drugu starnu u drugu boju, pa uvaljajte u secer. Ostavite na upijajuci papir, zatim sluzite.

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