500 g lentils
1 tbs oil
1 large onion,chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2-4 beef marrow bones
2 stalks celery, chopped
ground black pepper
beef stock powder / cubes
1/2 tsp each paprika, turmeric and cumin
coriander leaves for garnish
slices of lemon (optional)
toast or baguette for serving
Method :
Heat oil in a large pan, fry vegetables for few minutes. Add spices , marrow bones and lentils. Pour 2-3 l water. Season acording to your taste. Simmer for 30 minutes. Serve garnished with coriander leaves / lemon slices; use marrow bone fat to spread on bread.
Izraelska čorba od leće
500 gr leće / sočiva
1 K ulja
1 veci crveni luk, sjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta / sitno sjeckana
2-4 reznja govedje kosti sa kostanom srzi
2 stapica celera, sjeckanog
crni biber, mljeveni
govedja supa / bujon u kocki / prahu
1/2 k od paprike, turmerika i kima u prahu
korijander lisce za dekoraciju
kriske limuna (po zelji)
reznjevi tosta / bagete za servirati
Zagrijte ulje u vecem loncu, proprzite povrce. Dodajte zacine, lecu i govedje kosti. Nalijte sa 2-3 l vode i kuhajte oko 30 min. Zacinite. Servirajte ukraseno liscem korijandera i kriskama limuna. Srz iz kostiju koristite kao namaz za tost.
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