Dear all...I'm very happy today - 100 000 is a big number, and I'm celebrating with my first attempt at creating a fondant covered cake (recipe follows).
But, first things first,...let me tell you who are winners of my giveaway.
Since 30/04, when I announced giveaway, I got 115 entries. All your names where written on paper pieces, put in a hat and then winners pulled one by one. Winners are following 3 ladies:
- Tamara - What's for dessert? (Croatia)
- Jelena - f o o d f o r t h o u g h t (Serbia)
Congratulations ladies; please send me your addresses to
Now, the recepies...
Fondant is made from marshmallows, following Nanny's recipe. Thanks Nanny for all the tips!
Cake is 'Coconut and Lemon Cake' that I have for long time (copied from a library book, probably)
Ingredients: (for a 23 cm cake)
(I used only 1/2 of recipe - for a small cake)
1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
5 large eggs
1/3 cup lemon curd (recipe)
2 tbs lemon juice
zest of 2 lemons
3 cups cake flour
1 tbs baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup coconut
2 tsp vanilla
1 cup milk
This is original recipe; I've cut the cake in half and filled with 1 cup of lemon curd! I decorated it with marshmallow fondant.
Dragi moji...Danas sam jako sretna - 100 000 je veliki broj, i ja slavim uz moj prvi pokusaj kreiranja torte pokrivene fondantom (recept slijedi)
Ali, najprije da vas upoznam sa pobjednicima mog darivanja.
Od 30/04, kada sam objavila nagradnu igru, dobila sam 115 ulaznica. Sva vasa imena su bila napisana na papirice, stavljena u sesir, zatim dobitnice izvucene jedna po jedna. Dobitnice su sljedece 3 dame:
Cestitke damama; molim da mi posaljete svoju adresu na
A sad recepti...
Za fondant sam koristila recept od Nanny. Hvala Nanny!
Torta je 'Kokos i Limun Torta', recept koji vec dugo imam, a koji je vjerovatno kopiran iz neke posudjene knjige.
Sastojci: (za 23 cm obruc)
(ja sam koristila 1/2 smjese - za jedan mali kolac)
1 solja maslaca (250gr)
2 solje secera
5 vecih jaja
1/3 solje limun 'curd' (recept)
2 K soka limuna
ribana korica 2 limuna
3 solje brasna
1 K praska za pecivo
1/2 k soli
1 solja kokosa
2 k vanile
1 solja mlijeka
Ovo gore su originale mjere; ja sam kolac prerezala na pola i filovala sa 1 soljom limun'curd-a'. Dekorisano sa marshmalou fondantom.
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