I used homemade caramel (recipe follows), but to cut time of making it even shorter, you can use ready made 'Nestlle' caramel, just add 1/2 tsp salt.
400 g sugar
1 cup cream
165 g butter, salted (if you use unsalted add 1/2 tsp salt to cream)
1 tbs golden syrup (optional)
(you will not need all the caramel, but keep it and use for something else; I made pancakes with bananas and caramel )
200 g plain biscuit
1,5 tbs coca
1 tbs icing sugar
(or use 200 g chocolate biscuits)
125 g melted butter
Chocolate mousse-
400 g dark chocolate (65% )
400 ml thickened cream (35%)
2 tbs icing sugar
2 sheets gelatine
Caramel- Place sugar into a heavy bottom pan, place on high heat. When it starts melting, shake and swirl pan until caramel forms; be very careful - it's extremely hot! When happy with colour (golden brown) place butter and cream inside and carefully mix until all melted and smooth. Cook for another 5 min. Let it cool completely (it will thicken).
Crust- Place biscuits into food processor. Process until fine crumbs form, add other ingredients and pulse until incorporated. Replace it into a 22 cm spring form; press crumbs with spoon moulding a 'pie' crust. Refrigerate.
Mousse- Heat cream, sugar and chocolate pieces, mixing until melted and smooth. Place gelatin sheets into cold water for 5 min. Take it out, squeeze excess water and replace it into melted chocolate mixture. Mix well. Let it cool.
Assembling- Take crust out of fridge; pour 1/3 of caramel on it. Refrigerate for another 10 minutes, then place chocolate mousse on it and then another 1/3 of caramel on top. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours before slicing it with warmed knife.
Zasoljeni Karamel i Čokoladni Mus 'Torta'
Napravljeno za mog cokoholicara i njegov rodjendan...Bez pecenja!
Ako zelite vrijeme pripreme jos vise skratiti, koristite kupljeni "Nestlle' karamel, samo ga dodatno zasolite sa 1/2 k soli.
400 gr secera
1 solja pavlake/ slatkog kajmaka (35%)
165 gr maslaca, slanog (ili ako koristite neslani, dodajte 1/2 k soli u vrhnje)
1 K 'zlatnog sirupa' (nije neophodno)
(necete trebati cijelu kolicinu karamela, ali iskoristite visak za nesto drugo; npr- Palacinke sa bananama i karamelom)
200 gr petit (ili sl.) keksa
1,5 K kakaa
1 K secera u prahu
(ili 200 obicnog cokoladnog keksa)
125 gr maslaca, otopljenog
Cokoladni mus-
400 gr tamne cokolade (65% kakaa)
400 ml vrhnja / kajmaka (35%)
2 K secera u prahu
2 lista zelatine
Karamel- Istopite secer do karamelizacije; tresite i okrecite posudu pazljivo dok se ne pretvori u zlatno zutu tecnu masu. Budite pazljivi - izuzetno visoke je temperature! Dodajte maslac i vrhnje. Mijesajte dok se ne otopi, kuhajte jos 5 min, zatim ostavite da se skroz ohladi (postace gusce).
Podloga- Sameljite keks, dodajte secer i kakao, zatim otopljeni maslac i dobro izmijesajte.
Prebacite ovu smjesu u 22 cm kalup koji se otvara. Utisnite smjesu na dno i sa strane. Stavite u frizider.
Mus- Otopite cokoladu i vrhnje, dodajte secer i promijesajte. Stavite listove zelatine u hladnu vodu na 5 min. Ocijedite i prebacite u otopinu cokolade; izmijesajte dobro i ostavite hladiti.
Slaganje- Izvadite podlogu iz frizidera. Uspite 1/3 karamela, vratite u frizider na 10 min. Ubacite zatim cokoladni mus, i drugu 1/3 karamela na vrh. Hladite 1-2 sata prije rezanja toplim nozem.
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