If you have that packet of Frankfurters (and/or other deli products) sitting in your fridge for long time and need to use them, this is recipe for you!... Quick to make and excellent for mobile lunches.
500 g SR flour
1/2 cup yogurt / lite sour cream
3-4 tbs olive oil
1/2 tbs salt
1 1/3 cup mineral water
oregano / basil / thyme dried or chopped (optional)
For filling- Frankfurters, olives, hard boiled eggs, jarred artichokes / paprika, cheese....whatever there is in your fridge!
Preheat oven to 180*C, prepare a round tin.
Take all deli products ( that you want to use as filling) out of fridge; cut into smaller pieces if necessary.
Mix all ingredients for bread in a bowl - it should stay 'watery' but not to liquid. Pour some of this mixture onto baking pan. Place your filling ingredients, then pour another layer of dough onto it. It doesn't have to cover all your deli products - it's quite attractive when some of them stay uncovered. Add some extra pieces on top layer (olives, strips of paprika...) Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until golden brown in colour. Slice and serve with some cottage cheese / salad.
Piknik Hljeb / Kruh
Ako u frizideru imate par namirnica koje se moraju iskoristiti (hrenovke, masline, paprike, sir...), ovo je recept za vas... Brz je za napraviti i odlican za mobilne ruckove.
500 gr brasna (samodizajuce)
1/2 solje masnijeg jogurta ili kisele pavlake / kajmaka
3-4 K maslinovog ulja
1/2 K soli
1 1/3 solje mineralne vode
origano / bosiljak / timijan (po zelji)
Za fil - hrenovke, tvrdo kuhana jaja, sirevi, masline...sta god imate u frizideru
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite tepsiju.
Pripremite namirnice koje cete koristiti kao punjenje, ako treba isjecite na manje komade.
Umijesite sve sastojke za tijesto; treba da ostane dosta 'vodenasto' ali ne tecno.
Uspite pola uvoga tijesta u tepsiju, poredajte vase namirnice na to, zatim prelijte sa drugom polovicom tijesta. Pri tome nemojte prekriti sve namirnice - sasvim lijepo izgleda kada neke od njih 'vire'. Stavite nesto vise namirnica po povrsini (masline, paprike...) i pecite oko 30-40 minuta ili dok ne postane zlatno zuto.
Servirajte sa svjezim sirom / salatom.
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