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Tomato, Coriander and Cumin Rice with Grilled Lamb

Rice dishes are very often on my table and this is one of my favourite ways of serving it. Perfect as a companion to any kind of red meat. 4 serves -  3,5 WW points each ( add points for meat - in this case 5 points per chop) 

1,5 tbs olive oil
1 cup long grain rice (Basmati)
1 small onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp cumin, ground
3-4 tomatoes, diced
2 cups chicken or vegetable stock
1/3 cup coriander leaves  
4 lamb chops
salt and pepper
spices for meat according to your taste
(I like using coriander, cumin and oregano powder with lamb)
Heat oil, add rice and stir for a couple of minutes. Add onion, garlic and cumin. Cook until aromas are released, then add tomatoes, mix well and pour stock. Cover and cook (reduce heat) 20 minutes. Remove pan from heat and let it (covered) cool slightly. Fluff the rice (with a fork) and stir in coriander.
Season lamb chops and grill them 5-6 minutes each side (or according  to your liking). Serve with rice and salad.

Riža sa Paradajzom, Korijanderom i Kimom uz Grilovano Meso

Razliciti prilozi od rize se jako cesto nadju na mojoj trpezi, a ovaj dolje navedeni nacin je jedan od meni najdrazih. Perfektno za servirati sa bilo kojim crvenim mesom.

1,5 K maslinovog ulja
1 solja rize dugog zrna (Basmati)
1 manji crveni luk, sjeckan
3 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
1 k praha kima
3-4 paradajza, sjeckana na kocke
2 solje kokosijeg ili povrtnog bujona / supe
1/3 solje lisca korijandera, sjeckana krupno
4 kotleta (ja sam koristila jagnjetinu)
so i biber
zacini za meso po vasem ukusu
(u ovom slucaju korijander, kim i origano u prahu) 
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite rizu par minuta, zatim ubacite luk i kim. Mijesajte i kuhajte malo zatim dodajte paradajz i supu / bujon. Poklopite, smanjite i kuhajte 20-ak minuta. Smaknite s vatre, ostavite poklopljeno par minuta, zatim viljuskom 'izgrebite' rizu (da se odvoji) i pospite sa liscem korijandera.
Zacinite meso i pecite / grilujte 5-6 minuta svaku stranu (ili duze ako volite dobro peceno). Servirajte sa rizom i salatom.

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