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Visit to the City

It was my birthday on Friday, but instead of posting another birthday cake recipe, this time I want to show you what did I do that day. My company was my younger son (Vigor), who loves same things as I do - art, architecture, design, literature, history, ...

U petak je bio moj rodjendan, ali umjesto jos jednog recepta za rodjendansku tortu, ovoga puta zelim vam pokazati sta sam radila tog' dana. Moj druzbenik je bio moj mladji sin (Vigor), koji voli iste stvari kao ja - umjetnost, arhitekturu, dizajn, knjizevnost, istoriju,...

    Hyde Park / St. Mary's Cathedral                          Hajd park / Katedrala Svete Marije

    Art Gallery of NSW                                                          Umjetnicka galerija Novog Juznog Velsa

    Exhibition of Asian arts                                                                             Postavka Azijske umjetnosti

A few Famous-ones        /           Nekoliko Poznatih





A couple of  Contemporary displays   /     Par postavki  Moderne umjetnosti

 After this, Vigor took me to the 'Sushi train' for lunch, then we caught a  real train back to home.

Poslije svega ovoga, Vigor me je odveo na ' Sushi voz / vlak' za rucak, zatim smo sjeli na jedan pravi i odvezli se kuci.

Presents          /           Pokloni

 From Vedar 
(MY FAVOURITE Australian flowers , 'Birds of Paradise')

 From Vigor (Painted by Vigor)... 'Refugee'   

 From M.
 Hm, I wonder if the laptop was really bought for me?  
 Hm, pitam se dali je laptop zaista namjenjen meni? ;-)

Dinner with a couple of surprising visitors  /   Iznenadjujuca posjeta par prijatelja

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