She was a princess (Klara), he was a gypsy musician. He played violin at the restaurant while she dined there with her millionaire husband. She removed a diamond ring from her finger and put it in Rigo's hand. Later, she abandoned her young family to live with him. Cake was created for her by Rigo and his confectioner friend.
4 large eggs, separated
185 g butter, melted
2/3 cup sugar
90 g dark chocolate, melted
2/3 cup sifted flour
300 ml double cream (heavy cream)
1/3 cup normal (35%) cream
280 g chocolate (65% cocoa)
1/3 cup icing sugar (optional; I added it because my chocolate was very bitter)
1 tsp vanilla essence / extract
2-3 tbs rum (dark)
1 gelatin leaf
150 g chocolate, broken into pieces
150 ml cream
Preheat oven to 170*C; prepare a square baking pan (22 x 32 cm), line with paper.
Beat egg whites with 1/3 cup sugar into a thick gateau. Set aside.
Beat remaining sugar with butter, yolks and chocolate. Add flour and fold in. Add 2-3 tbs egg whites and mix, then add the rest and carefully fold in. Bake for 20 minutes, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Take out and let it cool.
Heat creams and chocolate; add sugar, rum and vanilla. Soak gelatin in some cold water; take out when limp and squeeze out. Add it to chocolate mixture and mix until dissolved. Let it cool completely, then whip (do not overdo it).
Cut cake horizontally, fill with mousse.
Heat cream (do not boil), add chocolate pieces. Mix until melted, then spread on top of cake. Refrigerate for 1 hour, before serving.
Austro-Ugarski Cokoladni Kolac - Rigo Jancsi Kolac - 'Ciganin John' Kolac
Ona je bila princeza (Klara), on Ciganski muzicar. Svirao je violinu u restoranu gdje je ona veceravala sa svojim muzem milionerom. Skinula je svoj dijamantski prsten sa ruke i stavila ga u Rigovu ruku. Kasnije je napustila svoju porodicu, da bi zivjela s njim. Kolac je kreiran za Klaru, od strane Rige i njegovog prijatelja poslasticara.
4 veca jajeta, odvojena bjelanca od zumanaca
185 g maslaca, otopljenog
2/3 solje secera
90 gr tamne cokolade, otopljene
2/3 solje prosijanog brasna
300 ml slatkog vrhnja 45-50 % masnoce
1/3 solje normalnog slatkog vrhnja (35%)
280 gr cokolade (65% kakaa)
1/3 solje secera u prahu (opciono - ja sam ga dodala jer je moja cokolada bila jako gorka)
1 k vanile
2-3 K ruma
1 list zelatina
150 gr cokolade
150 ml slatkog vrhnja
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C; pripremite cetvrtastu tepsiju (32 x 22 cm).
Umutite bjelanca sa 1/3 solje secera; ostavite snijeg po strani.
Umutite maslac, secer i zumanca; dodajte cokoladu, zatim brasno koje rukom umijesate. Dodajte 2-3 K smjese bjelanaca, izmijesajte. Dodajte ostatak bjelanaca i lagano okrecite da biste izmijesali.
Pecite 20 minuta ili dok ubodena cackalica ne izadje cista iz biskvita. Ostavite da se ohladi.
Zagrijte vrhnje sa cokoladom, dodajte secer, rum, vanilu i list zelatina koji ste prethodno namocili u hladnoj vodi i iscijedili. Mijesajte dok se zelatin ne otopi. Ohladite potpuno, zatim blago utucitemasu.
Prerezite biskvit horizontalno na pola i filujte sa musom.
Zagrijte vrhnje, ubacite komadice cokolade i mijesajte dok se ne otopi. Prelijte preko biskvita i smjestite u frizider na 1 sat prije sluzenja.
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