Zagorje is a part of Croatia, located north of Zagreb (capital city). It means 'beyond the mountain' (Medvednica mountain). People there have a specific dialect, called kajkavski and are fans of Bučnica (Boochnitza) - Philo pastry pie with pumpkin (buča) and cheese. White pumpkins are mostly used for this pie, but I couldn't find it in Australia, so I used Jap pumpkin.
-Dough / pastry
3 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1-2 tbs oil
300 ml water
500 g grated pumpkin
1 1/2 tsp salt
500 g ricotta (or similar) cheese
2 eggs
salt and white pepper
300 ml sour cream
1 egg
pinch of salt
Make a soft dough from all ingredients for pastry. Divide in 2 balls, dust both sides with flour, cover with a clean cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes.
Sprinkle salt over grated pumpkin, mix and set aside.
Mix ricotta and eggs, season. After 10 minutes, squeeze moisture out of pumpkin and mix in with ricotta mixture.
Swith your oven to 200*C; 180 fan forced.
Stretch your dough over a clean large tablecloth, fill edges with filling and shape into logs. Place filo pastry into an oiled square dish. Repeat with other ball of dough.
If you need reference on how to stretch dough and shape rolls, look here.
Cut prepared pastry into 3 (across the logs), oil the surface (spray OK) and place into oven and bake for 25+ minutes. Take out and spread mixture of sour cream, egg and a pinch of salt. Return to oven for another 5 minutes, or until golden and bubbly. Enjoy warm!
Znamo sta je 'Zagorje' i gdje se nalazi. Znamo i da tamo imaju specificno simpaticno narjecje (Kajkavski) i da vole 'Bučnicu' - pitu od vucenog tijesta, filovanu bundevom / tikvom / bučom i sirom. Zagorsko jelo u najboljem izdanju!
Obzirom da u mom mjestu ne mogu pronaci 'nase' bundeve / bucnice, koristila sam tzv 'Jap' tikvu.
Jufke / vuceno tijesto-
3 solje brasna
1 k soli
1-2 K ulja
300 ml vode
500 gr rendane / ribane bucnice / bundeve
1 1/2 k soli
500 gr svapskog / rikota sira
2 eggs
so i bijeli biber
300 ml vrhnja
1 jaje
prstohvat soli
Umijesite mekano tijesto , podijelite na 2 lopte, pobrasnite obje strane i pokrijte cistom krpom. Ostavite oko 30 minuta da se odmori.
Umijesajte so u rendanu tikvu, ostavite po strani 10 minuta.
Pomijesajte sir sa jajima, zasolite. Ocijedite tikvu, pa i nju ubacite i izmijesajte.
Ukljucite rernu na 200 *C (180* sa fenom).
Razvucite lopte tijesta, filujte krajeve sa bucnicom i smjestite u cetvrtasu tepsiju.
Izrezite poprijeko na 3 dijela, nauljite povrsinu i smjestite u rernu. Pecite 25+ minuta; izvadite prelijte sa vrhnjem u koje ste umijesali jaje i malo soli i vratite u rernu na jos 5 minuta, ili dok se vrnje na istopi i postane zlatno-zuto. Uzivajte dok je toplo!
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