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Cheese and Parsley Pide

Fresh cheeses (ricotta, quark, cottage and farmers cheese...) are so versatile. You can use them for so many creations, from savoury to sweet dishes.
The other day I  found this recipe at a blog that I follow:
I made Pide before, but wanted to taste this-one with parsley and cheese. Delicious!

Ingredients: (for 2 large or 4 small)
2 cups flour
1 tbs oil
3/4 tsp yeast
1/2 tsp salt
pinch of sugar
1 3/4 cups water
250 g ricotta
100 g tasty (or cheddar, grated)
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs, beaten (leave a bit for brushing edges of dough)
1 small bunch parley leaves, chopped
white pepper to taste

Make dough as you would for pizza. Let it double, covered.
In another bowl, mix all ingredients for filling. Preheat oven to 180*C.
Divide dough into 2 or 4. Roll out each into an oval, spread with filling leaving 2-3cm edges empty. Return edges towards centre, pressing  overlaps. Brush edges with reserved egg. Place pide onto flat baking pans and bake for 15+ minutes.

Pide sa sirom i peršunovim lišćem

Svjezi sirevi  (rikota, svapski, quark, 'cottage'...) su tako zahvalni za kreaciju raznih delicija, bilo slanih ili slatkih.
 Neki dan sam, na jednom blogu koji pratim  (, vidjela recept za pide sa sirom. Pravila sam pide ranije, ali sam zeljela probati ovu sa dosta persunovog lisca, koje veoma volim. Odlicno i ekonomicno!

Potrebno: (za 2 vece ili 4 manje)
2 solje brasna
1K ulja
3/4 k instant kvasca
1/2 k soli
malo secera
1 3/4 solje vode
250 gr rikote ili kvarka
100 gr tvrdog sira (kashkavalj, tasty...) rendanog
1/2 k soli  (+,-)
2 jaja, umucenih (ostavite malkice za premazivanje krajeva tijesta)
1 mali svezanj persunovog lisca, sjeckano
bijeli biber po ukusu

Umijesite tijesto kao sto biste za pizzu. Pokrijte i ostavite da naraste.
U drugoj posudi pomijesajte sve sastojke za fil. Ukljucite rernu na 180*C.
odijelite tijesto na 2 ili 4; razvaljajte svaki komad ovalno. Premazite sa filom, ostavljajuci krajeve ( 2-3) cm nepremazane. Vratite te krajeve prema sredini i pritisnite spojeve. Premazite sa prostalim dijelom jajeta, smjestite na tepsiju i pecite 15+ minuta.

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