'Blind' Pie
This is an old recipe from times when families had many members and not plenty of food. It's called blind, because no one knew what they gonna get in their portion.
I would call it 'Comfort food' because it's very satisfying.
2 large eggs
1 teas salt
3-4 tbsp olive oil (or melted butter)
1/4 teas black pepper
1 cup yogurt/buttermilk
1 cup wholemeal flour
1,5 cup plain flour
1 tbs dried onions
2 medium potatoes, grated
1/4 teas baking powder
milk to need (to make consistency of pancake mixture)
Cooked chicken meat (usually from making soup)
Cumin and Nigella seeds to sprinkle
Sour cream to serve (optional)
Preheat oven to 180*C; grease an ovenproof dish.
Mix eggs with buttermilk, oil and spices, add flour and enough milk to make it 'pancake mixture' consistency. Mix grated potatoes. Pour half the mixture into pan, arrange cooked meat, and pour the other half of mixture on the top. Sprinkle with seeds and bake for 40-45 minutes. Serve with sour cream.
Ćorava Pita
Stari recept moje stare tetke; Malo mesa koje se imalo moralo se razvuci za sve clanove porodice. Da ne bi bilo ljubomore, meso se sakrivalo u tijestu, tako da niko nije znao sta ce dobiti u svojoj porciji.
2 jaja
1 kasicica soli
3-4 kasike ulja (ili otopljenog maslaca)
1/4 kasicice bibera
1 solja jogurta/kiselog mlijeka
1 solja 'crnog' brasna
1,5 solja obicnog brasna
1 kasika suhog crvenog luka (ili 1 manja glavica sjeckanog)
2 srednja krompira, rendana
1/4 kasicice praska za pecivo
Mlijeko po potrebi (tijesto treba da bude gustine kao za palacinke)
Kuhano pilece meso (obicno iz supe)
Kim i crni sezam za posuti
Kajmak/pavlaka za servirati (po zelji)
Zagrijte rernu na 180*C, pripremite posudu u kojoj cete peci.
Umutite jaja, dodajte zacine i jogurt. Uspite brasno, promijesajte,razrijedite sa mlijekom, dodajte krompir.
Uspite pola smjese u posudu, rasporedite meso po tome, pa uspite i drugu polovinu smjese preko mesa. Pospite sjemenom i pecite 40-45 minuta. Sluzite sa kajmakom/pavlakom.
on Senin, 15 November 2010,
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