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Tiramisu Ice Cream Torte

My son Vigor is 13!

1 sponge cake, bought or made (4 eggs, 6 tbsp sugar, 4 tbsp flour, 1 tbsp corn flour; I added 1 tsp instant coffee), cut horizontally in 2
1 cup strong coffee with 3 tsp sugar
1L (4 cups) coffee ice cream
Chocolate and cocoa for decorating
Take ice cream out of fridge to soften. Prepare cake tin (sponge has to fit in it), cover with plastic foil.
Spoon/brush coffee over each 1/2 of sponge cake. Mix ice cream well, until you achieve spreadable texture. Place 1 sponge into tin, spread 1/2 of ice cream,place another sponge, press slightly, the spread the rest of ice cream on top. Put in freezer for 2 hours. Make chocolate decorations/ shavings - your choice.
When torte has hardened, dust with cocoa and place decorations on top.

Tiramisu Sladoled Torta

1 biskvit za torte, kupljen ili napravljen (od 4 jaja, 6 kasika secera, 4 kasike brasna, 1 kasikom 'Gustina'; dodala sam 1 kasicicu instant kafe), prerezanu na pola
1 solja jake kafe, sa 3 kasicice secera
1L (4 solje) sladoleda od kafe
Cokolada i kakao za ukrasavanje
Izvadite sladoled iz zamrzivaca da omeksa. Pripremite obruc za torte u koji biskvit uklapa; oblozite folijom/celofanom.
Svaku polovicu biskvita prelijte (kasikom) sa kafom. Stavite 1 biskvit na dno kalupa, prerucite 1/2 sladoleda. Preko stavite drugi biskvit, malo pritisnite, pa onda i preostalu 1/2 sladoleda. Smjestite u zamrzivac na 2 sata. Pripremite vase cokoladne dekoracije, po vasem izboru.
Kada se torta stisnula, pospite kakao i ukrasite cokoladom.

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