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Zucchini and Carrot Fritters with Beetroot Tzatziki

Delightful bites at any time and occasion!


2-4 small zucchinis
1 large carrot
1 large onion
2-3 medium potatoes
2 eggs
1-1,5 cups SR flour
1/2 cup fine corn meal
1 teas salt, pepper
oil for frying
Beetroot Tzatziki:
1 large beetroot,peeled and grated
1-1,5 cups yogurt
2-3 gloves garlic, crushed
Grate all vegetable, put salt and let rest for 10-15 minutes. Squeeze the moisture,replace into other bowl; add eggs, flours and pepper. Mix well. Heat oil in a frying pan. Place a spoonful into hot oil (I used egg rings for shape), and fry a minute each side (or until golden). Drain on absorbent paper.
For Tzatziki:
Grate beetroot, mix with yogurt and garlic.
Serve hot!

'Prženice' od Tikvica i Mrkve sa Cvekla 'Cacikijem'

2-4 manje tikvice
1 veca mrkva
1 veci crveni luk
2-3 srednja krompira
2 jaja
1 -1,5 solja samodizajuceg brasna
1/2 solje kukuruznog sitnog brasna
1 kasicica soli, biber crni
ulje za przenje
Cvekla 'Caciki':
1 velika cvekla, rendana
1-1,5 solja gustog yogurta/kiselog mlijeka
2-3 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog/sitno rendanog
Izrendajte svo povrce, posolite i ostavite 10-15 minuta. Ocijedite visak tecnosti (pritisnite rukama), dodajte brasno, jaja i biber. Umijesite. Zagrijte ulje, vadite smjesu kasikom i przite 1 minutu sa svake strane, ili dok nebude zlatno-zute boje. Izvadite na apsorbirajuci papir.
'Caciki': Izrendajte cveklu, dodajte jogurt i bijeli luk, pa dobro promijesajte.
Sluzite dok je toplo!

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