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Black Bean Brownies

Brownies made with Black beans?! Very unusual and new to me, so I had to give it a go. They're wonderfully moist and gluten free. Lots of fibre too..

4 eggs
1 cup sugar
2 cups black beans, canned or cooked and drained well
1/4 cup coconut oil or melted butter
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup cocoa powder
vanilla essence and a pinch of salt
chocolate for spreading; optional
Preheat oven to 180*C, prepare a baking dish (18 X 24 cm), line with baking paper.
Put eggs and sugar into a bowl, mix on high speed until pale and fluffy.
Process beans into puree, add other ingredients and mix well. Transfer this mixture into sugar/egg mixture and fold. Pour into prepared dish and bake for 30-35 min. Take out from oven and cool slightly, then decorate. Take out from tin and slice when completely cool.

'Brownies' sa bobom / grahom / pasuljem

'Braunis' od crnog graha? Veoma neobicno i novo za mene, tako da sam morala probati. Divno su socni i bez glutena. Dobri za probavu, takodje...

4 jaja
1 solja secera
2 solje kuhanog / konzerviranog crnog graha, dobro ocijedjenog
1/4 solje kokos ulja ili otopljenog maslaca
1/2 solje kiselog vrhnja
1/2 solje kakaa
vanila esencija i malo soli
cokolada za dekoraciju, po zelji
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite posudu za pecenje (18 X 24 cm), oblozite je papirom za pecenje.
Miksajte jaja sa secerom, dok se ne uspjeni. Meljite grah u sjeckalici dok ne postane pire, dodajte ostale sastojke. Pomijesajte rucno obje smjese i istresite u posudu. Pecite 30-35 minuta; zatim malo prohladit i ukrasite po zelji. Izvadite i sijecite kada je sasvim hladno.

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