It is 43*C today in my place...I'm sitting in my (airconditioned) living room, watching Wozniacki - Kuznetsova fighting in the heat and enjoying my home-made icecream...I really love sports!
2 cups milk
200 ml double cream
3 egg yolks
100 g sugar
1 tbs green tea (matcha) powder
In a small bowl, mix the green tea powder with 2 tablespoons sugar.
In a separate bowl, mix together the egg yolks and remaining sugar.
Pour the milk into a small pan, heat it; don't to let it boil. Remove from the heat and mix a few spoonfuls of the warm milk with the green tea powder and sugar in a small bowl. When you have a smooth paste, strain and add it to the remaining milk in the pan, then gradually combine with the egg yolk mixture.
Return mixture to the stove and heat slowly over low heat (taking care to not let the mixture boil), until the mixture gets slightly thick and coats the back of a spoon. Remove from the heat and allow to cool completely.
Lightly whip the cream and then add it to the cold green tea-milk mixture.
Transfer the mixture to a large container and (chill for an hour or two in the fridge) and then put it in the freezer. As ice crystals start to form, remove, and mix well with a fork (or mixer) to break them up and return the mixture to the freezer. Repeat this a few times (every 15-20 min) as it freezes to ensure that the ice cream is smooth.
Enjoy after 4-5 hours, or when frozen.
Sladoled od (praha) Zelenog Čaja
Danas je 43*C u mom mjestu...Sjedim u mojoj (klimatiziranoj) dnevnoj sobi, gledam Wozniacki i Kuznetsovu kako se bore na ovoj vrelini i uzivam u domacem sladoledu od matcha caja...Ah, sto volim sport!
2 solje mlijeka
200 ml duplog vrhnja (45-50%masnoce)
3 zumanca
100 gr secera
1 K matcha caja (prah)
U manju posudu pomijesajte matcha sa 2 K secera.U drugu posudu izmiksajte jaja sa secerom.
Zagrijte mlijeko, ali nedajte da prokljuca. Smaknite s vatre, uspite par kasika mlijeka u matcha mjesavinu i promijesajte. Procijedite to nazad u mlijeko, umijesajte mjesavinu sa jajima. Vratite na vatru i zagrijavajte dok se smjesa ne zgusne (nemojte prokuhati). Ohladite.
Umutite vrhnje i ubacite u hldanu smjesu zelenog caja. Dobro promijesajte. Prebacite u plasticnu posudu i smjestite u zamrzivac. Svako 15-20 minuta izvadite i promijesajte viljuskom (ili mikserom) kako biste razbili vece kristale sladoleda. Sladoled je gotov nakon 4-5 sati ili kad se dobro zaledi.
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