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Flodni / Fluden
After months and months of researching and hesitating, finally I found a good reason to make this famous Hungarian-Jewish cake. Traditionally, it's made in a form of slices (rectangle); I decided to bake it in form of a round (birthday) cake. It does take time, but it's not overly complicated. Result is so worth; 5 layers of pastry, 4 layers of filling...all melting in your mouth.
Happy birthday my dear M!
500 g flour
250 g butter, diced
100 g icing sugar
2 yolks
1 egg, beaten (reserve 2 tbs for brushing top pastry layer)
120 ml white wine (or apple juice)
-Poppy seed filling
250 g poppy seeds, grounded
120 g sugar
2-3 tbs honey
120 ml white wine (or apple juice)
zest of 1/2 orange (or lemon, or mandarin)
1-2 tbs rum (optional)
-Apple filling
1 kg apples, peeled and grated (7- 8 apples)
100 g sugar
1-2 tsp cinnamon
1 tbs semolina
-Walnut filling
250 g walnuts, grounded
120 g sugar
100 ml white wine (or apple juice)
-Final filling
500 g (a jar) of thick plum / prune jam
1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)
Pastry- rub butter pieces with flour (it's ok to use food processor) , add other ingredients and make dough. Divide into 5, cover with a cloth and let it rest.
Poppy seed and walnut fillings- Put all ingredients (separately) in 2 pans; cook for few minutes (I use microwave for this). Let it cool.
Apple filling- Grate apples. Let them rest 5 minutes, then squeeze excess juice. Mix apples with sugar, cinnamon and semolina.
Plum filling- mix plum jam with cinnamon.
Roll out 3 parts of the dough slightly bigger than tin which you're going to use (25 cm circle in my case); prick with fork and bake each for 5-6 minutes (they will shrink slightly).
Now you have 2 unbaked and 3 baked pastries.
1- Unbaked pastry at the bottom of a cake tin
2- Poppy seed filling
3- Baked pastry
4- Apple filing
5- Baked pastry
6- Walnut filling
7- Baked pastry
8- Jam filling
9- Unbaked pastry
Brush top of the dough with remaining egg, prick with fork and place in oven 180*C for 10 minutes, then lower to 160-170 *C and bake for another 40 minutes. Let it rest overnight before slicing.
Nakon mjeseci i mjeseci istrazivanja i neodluke, konacno je stigao dan (i razlog) da pokusam napraviti ovaj poznati Madjarsko-Jervejski kolac. Tradicionalno se pravi u obliku pravougaonika; Ja sam odlucila da ga napravim u okruglom obliku (rodjendanske) torte. Treba vremena za njega, ali nije pretjerano komplikovan. Rezultat vrijedi ulozenog truda; 4 sloja razlicitih filovanja, odvojeni sa 5 slojeva tijesta, koji se tope u ustima.
Sretan rodjendan mom dragom M!
500 gr brasna
250 gr maslaca, sjecenog na kockice
100 gr secera u prahu
2 zumanca
1 jaje, umuceno (odvojite 2 K za premazivanje)
120 ml bijelog vina (ili soka jabuka)
-Fil od maka
250 gr maka, mljevenog
120 gr secera
2-3 K meda
120 ml bijelog vina (ili soka jabuka)
ribana korica 1/2 narandze (limun ili mandarina)
1-2 K ruma (po zelji)
-Fill od jabuka
1 kg jabuka, izrendanih (7-8 jabuka)
100 gr secera
1-2 k cimeta
1 K griza
-Fil od oraha
250 gr mljevenih oraha
120 gr secera
100 ml bijelog vina (ili soka jabuka)
- Fil od dzema
500 gr (1 tegla) gustog dzema od sljiva
1/2 k cimeta (po zelji)
Umijesite tijesto (utrljajte maslac u brasno i dodajte ostale satojke), podijelite na 5, pokrijte i ostavite odmarati.
Stavite sastojke za filove od maka i oraha u 2 odvojene posude. Prokuhajte par minuta (ja sam to radila u mikrovalnoj). Ostavite prohladiti.
Jabuke izrendajte, ostavite 5-10 minuta, onda istisnite sok. Pomijesajte jabuke sa secerom, cimetom i grizom.
Pomijesajte dzem sa cimetom.
Razvucite 3 kruga ili cetvorougaonika malo veca od vase tepsije. Nabodite tijesto i pecite svaki krug oko 5-6 minuta.
1- Nepeceni krug tijesta (na dno tepsije / obruca)
2- Fil od maka
3- Peceni krug tijesta
4- Fil od jabuka
5- Peceni krug tijesta
6- Fil od oraha
7- Peceni krug tijesta
8- Fil od dzema
9- Nepeceni krug tijesta
Premazite povrsinu sa preostalim umucenim jajetom, nabodite viljuskom i smjestite u rernu na 180*C oko 10 minuta, zatim smanjite na 160-170*C i pecide jos 40 minuta dodatno. Najbolje rezati sljedeci dan!
at 17.18,
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Ecuadorian Mango Salsa
For mango lovers!
1 medium Spanish onion, diced
1 tsp salt
2 firm mangoes
1 orange or red capsicum
1 large chilli (not too hot), chopped
2-3 tbs finely chopped parsley
Juice of 1 orange
Juice of 1 lime
1 tsp cumin powder
Juice of 1 lime
1 tsp cumin powder
Sprinkle onion with salt, let it rest for 15 minutes.
Dice mangoes and capsicum; mix with parsley and chilli. Rinse onion and add to the mixture. Stir citrus juices and cumin; pour over the salsa. Mix well.
Best served with fish and seafood. (Fish in the photo is corn-flour coated bassa fillet, shallow fried)
Ekvadorska Mango Salsa
Za ljubitelje manga!
1 Ljubicasti luk, sjeckan na kockice
1 k soli
2 cvrsta manga
1 narandzasta ili crvena paprika
1 mala papricica (ne preljuta)
2-3 K persunovog lisca, sjeckanog
sok 1 narandze
sok 1 limete
1 k kima u prahu
Nacin:1 k soli
2 cvrsta manga
1 narandzasta ili crvena paprika
1 mala papricica (ne preljuta)
2-3 K persunovog lisca, sjeckanog
sok 1 narandze
sok 1 limete
1 k kima u prahu
Pospite luk sa solju, ostavite po strani 15-ak minuta.
Isjecite mango i papriku. Umijesajte persin i pIsperite luk vodom, ocijedite pa umijesajte i njega. Sastavite sokove citrusa, ubacite kim i promijesajte. Pospite ovo preko salse i promijesajte.
Najbolje servirati sa ribom i morskim plodovima. (Filet ribe na slici je uvaljan u kukuruzno brasno i isprzen)
at 21.48,
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Onion / Crveni luk
This root vegetable is not just adding flavour to your cooking, it also boosts your immune system and health.
Onion has a very high level of the flavonoid quercetin ( not destroyed by cooking), a strong antioxidant which can block formation of cancer cells. Quercetin has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibiotic effects in our bodies. Onion is thought to suppress activity of bacterium that cause stomach ulcers and food poisoning. It can help to lower cholesterol, thin the blood and prevent the formation of cloths.
Effective cooked or raw.
-Anti- inflammatory
-Antioxidant (vit B1, B6, flavonoids, sulphur compounds)
Onion (especially raw) may cause indigestion in people with gastro-intestinal condition.
Scroll down for the recipes
Crveni luk
Ovo podzemno povrce, ne samo da daje ukus hrani, takodje pospjesuje imuni sistem i zdravlje.
Luk ima visok sadrzaj flavonoida kversentin (nije unisten prilikom kuhanja), mocan antioksidant koji moze blokirati formiranje stanica raka. Kversentin ima protu-upalni, antivirusni i antibioticki efekt na nase organizme. Za luk se misli da usporava razvoj bakterije koja uzrokuje cireve zeludca i trovanja hranom. Takodje moze pomoci u snizavanju kolesterola, razrjedjivanju krvi i za prevenciju nastanka trombova.
Efektivan je termicki obardjen i sirov.
-Antioksidanti (vit B1, B6, flavonoidi, sadrzi sumpor)
Drugi Recepti
'Sogan Dolma ' - Stuffed Onions
Bosnian Pot
at 20.23,
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Italian Ricotta Fritters
If you like doughnuts, you're going to like these fritters. There is no waiting time for rising, they're enriched with protein, which makes them perfect for quick, hot breakfast and / or snack.
1 cup Ricotta
2 eggs
1/3 cup sugar
zest of 1/2 lemon (optional)
1 1/2 cups SR flour
-oil for deep frying
icing sugar (and cinnamon) for dusting
Mix first 3 ingredients into a smooth paste, add flour and fold in.
Heat oil in a deep pan (medium heath). Take dough with an ice-cream server (or spoon), few at a time, and place it carefully into hot oil. Fry for 1-3 minutes, then turn fritters to other side and fry until golden. Take out on an absorbent paper. Repeat with the rest of dough. When all done, dust with icing sugar.
Serve with jam / honey / custard, or by them-self ...your choice.
Ako volite krofne, onda ce vam se svidjeti i ove fritule. Nema cekanja da tijesto naraste, obogacene su proteinima, sto ih cini savrsenim za brzi, topli dorucak ili uzinu.
1 solja Rikota sira
2 jaja
1/3 solje secera
riban korica 1/2 limuna (po zelji)
1 1/2 solja brasna (samodizajuce ili dodajte 1,5 k praska za pecivo u obicno)
- ulje za duboko przenje
secer u prahu (i cimet) za posuti
Umutite prve 3 namirnice u glatku masu, zatim dodajte brasno i lagano rukom umijesajte.
Zagrijte ulje na srednjoj temperaturi; uzimajte tijesto sa hvataljkom za sladoled (ili kasikom) i spustajte u vrelo ulje, po nekoliko u jednom mahu. Przite 1-3 minute, okrenite i przite i drugu stranu dok ne porumeni. Izvadite na upijajuci papir, pa ponovite przenje i sa ostalim tijestom. Kad je sve utroseno, pospite secerom u prahu. Servirajte sa dzemom / medom / pudingom, ili same - vas izbor.
at 23.05,
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Mushroom and Garlic Sauce
Mushrooms are one of my favourite ingredients in cooking. Low in calories but high in flavour, they can be used in so many ways. Following recipe for sauce is going well with pasta, as a side sauce, for breakfast with eggs... If you want extra creamy version and don't care about calories, use full fat products.
25 g butter (low fat, for low calorie version)
1 onion, diced
4 garlic cloves, crushed
450-500 g mushrooms, sliced
25 g flour
175 ml (semi-skimmed) milk
120 ml vegetable stock
2 tbs (light) sour cream
1 tbs parsley leaves, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Heat butter in a pan, sautee onion. Add mushrooms and garlic. Cook until most of moisture evaporates. Mix flour and milk until smooth. Add to the pan together with vegetable stock. Cook for 5 minutes, or until mixture thickens. At the end,season to taste, stir in sour cream and sprinkle with parsley leaves.
Umak / sos od Ċ ampinjona
Gljive su mi jedan od najdrazih sastojaka za kuhanje. Nizak sadrzaj kalorija i jedinstven ukus su samo dodatci njihovoj upotrebljivosti. Sljedeci recept ide dobro sa tjesteninom, kao prilog, za dorucak sa jajima... Ako zelite vise kremastu structuru i ukus, te nebrinete o kalorijama, koristite punomasne sastojke.
25 gr maslaca (sa smanjenom masnocom za niskokaloricnu verziju)
1 crveni luk, sjeckan
4 cena bijelog luka, sitno sjeckana
450-500 gr sampinjona, rezanih
25 gr brasna
175 ml (polu-obranog) mlijeka
120 ml povrtnog temeljca
2 K pavlake (smanjene masnoce)
1 K persunovog lisca, sjeckanog
so i biber prema ukusu
Zargrijte maslac, proprzite luk. Ubacite sampinjone i bijeli luk. Dinstajte nekoliko minuta, zatim uspite
temeljac i mlijeko u koje ste umijesali brasno. Kuhajte 5 minuta ili dok se sos ne zgusne. Na kraju umijesajte pavlaku i pospite persunovim liscem.
at 21.33,
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Beetroot Goodness / Dobrota Cvekle
Today I'm starting a series of posts about Super Food. Each Friday I will present an immunity booster / medicine for our bodies, accompanied with recipes.
Beetroot was first used in Roman times; ancient Greeks prised it so much that they were offering it to the Gods. Rich in iron, it enhances the production of white blood cells (disease fighting antibodies). It also stimulates red blood cells and improves the supply of oxygen to cells. Very rich in antioxidants, prevents cancer and heart disease. Good for improving kidney and liver health; high in fibre - important for digestive health.
Pigment betanin in beets can turn urine pink, which is harmless.
-Anti- inflammatory
-Antioxidant (vit A, C, Iron, Calcium, Manganese, Interferon, Anthocyanin)
-Good for the hart
Use root and young leaves. (Leaves contain oxalic acid and should be avoided by people with arthritis or kidney stones).
Effective cooked or raw.
at 20.29,
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Mushroom Risotto (Venetian Style)
Mondays are meat free in my household. Last night we had this wonderful risotto; craving for meat didn't occur after this meal - very satisfying!
4 tbs oilve oil
1 onion, diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
200 g fresh mushrooms, diced (or 30 g dried porcini, soaked in water)
2 cups Arborio (short grain) rice
4 tbs grated Parmesan cheese
5 cups chicken stock, hot
1/2 cup white wine
salt and pepper
Parmesan, parsley and shallots for sprinkling - optional
Heat oil and saute onion; add garlic and mushrooms, saute a couple of minutes more. Mix well then add rice and a ladle of stock. Stir rice until all stock absorbed; continue this process until all stock used and rice cooked. At end add wine, parmesan and seasonig. Mix well; rice should be creamy. Plate and sprinkle with chosen ingredients. Enjoy!
Venecijski rizoto sa gljivama
Ponedjeljkom nastojim izostaviti meso iz jelovnika mojih ukucana. Prosle noci smo imali ovaj divni rizoto za veceru. Nismo osjetili nedostatak mesa - veoma zadovoljavajuci obrok!
4 K maslinovog ulja
1 crveni luk
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
200 gr gljiva, sjeckanih (ili 30 gr suhih Porcini, namocenih u vodi)
2 solje Arborio rize (krace zrno)
4 K Parmesan sira, rendanog
5 solja pileceg bujona / supe, vrele
1/2 solje bijelog vina
so i biber
Parmezan, persunovo lisce i mladi luk za posuti - po zelji
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk. Ubacite bijeli luk i sampinjone, pirjajte par minuta. Dodajte rizu i 1 solju supe. Mijesajte dok se supa ne apsorbira. Nastavite sa ovim postupkom dok svu supu ne potrosite, a riza ne bude potpuno kuhana. Na kraju dodajte vino, parmezan i zacine. Izmijesajte dobro, postavite na tanjir i pospite izabranim sastojcima. Uzivajte!
at 19.37,
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Cheese and Sesame Biscuits
It's Friday!!! ... and for Friday something that goes well with (Fridays') drinks. Cheers!
These wonderful savoury biscuits are from an old Australian cook book "Women's Weekly".
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
pinch cayenne pepper (optional)
1/2 tsp dry mustard
1/2 tsp sugar
60 g grated cheese (tasty)
1/3 cup sesame seeds
1 egg yolk
1 tbs water
Mix all ingredients, form a log. Wrap in cellophane or baking paper; refrigerate. When firm, take out and slice into 2-3 mm discs. Place onto lined biscuit pan and bake for 10-12 minutes at 180*C.
Enjoy them with drinks!
Tip: If you want perfectly rounded biscuits,
place dough log into a tissue / aluminium foil
cardboard core before refrigerating it.
Savjet: Ukoliko zelite perfekto okrugle keksice,
smjestite valjak tijesta u kartonsku osnovu od
al-folije ili papirnih maramica, prije rashladjivanja.
Slani keksi sa sirom i sezamom
Konacno petak!!!...a za petak nesto sto odlicno ide sa picem . U zdravlje!
Recept je iz Australijske knjige recepata 'Women's Weekly'.
1 solja brasna
1/2 k soli
prstohvat 'cayene' bibera (po zelji)
1/2 k senfa (prah)
1/2 k secera
60 gr tvrdog rendanog sira
1/3 solje sezama
1 zumance
1 K vode
Pomijesajte sve sastojke i umijesite tijesto. Formirajte valjak, zamotajte ga u plasticnu foliju i stavite u frizider. Kada se stegne, izvadite i rezite na 2-3 mm kolutove . Smjestite ih na papirom prekriveni pleh i pecite 10-12 minuta na 180*C. Uzivajte u njima uz vase omiljeno pice.
at 21.36,
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Quick Portuguese Custard Tarts
For a long time now, I wanted to try these famous Portuguese tarts. I opted for quick version with puff pastry. Everyone was delighted with the taste; only non-satisfying fact was that they were not crispy the next day. Next time, I'll make them with short-crust pastry instead, so they can stay good for a couple of days at least.
I got 24 small and 12 (muffin size) large tarts.
4 sheets puff pastry (cinnamon and icing sugar for sprinkling them)
1 ¾ cups whole milk
¼ cup cream
1 whole egg
3 egg yolks
4-5 Tbsp white sugar
Pinch of salt
2 tbs Plain flour
2 strips lemon peel
½ tsp vanilla extract
-icing sugar, for dusting
Take the puff pastry out of freezer; cover with a cloth and let it defrost.
Mix egg, yolks, sugar, flour and a little milk into a smooth paste. Add the rest of milk, vanilla and lemon peel and cook, stirring until thick (take out the lemon peel later). (I microwaved it for 4 minutes, stirring it every 30-40 seconds). Let it cool slightly. Preheat oven to 180*C, fan forced.
Put 2 sheets of dough next to each other; Sprinkle them with cinnamon and icing sugar. Roll them together into a 'sausage'. (I cut this dough into 24) . Repeat with other 2 ( this time I cut the dough into 12 pieces).
Press each 'dough disc' into the muffin hole. Fill dough bases with prepared custard; small with 1 full teaspoon, large with 1 tablespoon (or more) of filling. Place in oven, bake for 5 minutes, then lower temperature to 160*C and bake another 10-15 minutes. Take out, cool on a wire rack and sprinkle with icing sugar. Enjoy!
Portugalski Brzi Puding TartiÄi
Vec dugo vremena zelim da isprobam ovaj poznati Portugalski desert. Odlucila sam se za brzu metodu sa lisnatim tijestom. Svi su bili odusevljeni ukusom; jedina nezadovoljavajuca komponenta je bila ta da sljedeci dan nisu bili tako hrskavi. Sljedeci put cu ih sigurno praviti sa prhkim tijestom, tako da se u njima moze uzivati i sljedecih nekoliko dana.
Od ovog recepta, dobila sam 24 mini i 12 mafin-velicine tartica.
4 lista lisnatog tijesta (25 X 25 cm) + cimet i secer u prahu za posuti
1 3/4 solje mlijeka
1/4 solje slatke pavlake (35% masnoce)
1 jaje
3 zumanca
4-5 K secera
prstohvat soli
2 K brasna
2 komada korice limuna
1/2 k vanila ekstrakta
- secer u prahu za posipati po povrsini
Nacin:Izvadite lisnato tijesto iz zamrzivaca, pokrijte cistom krpom i ostavite da se odmrzne.
Pomijesajte jaje, zumanca, secer i brasno sa malo mlijeka. Dodajte preostatak mlijeka, vanilu i korice limuna (koje cete kasnije izvaditi) i skuhajte puding, mijesajuci dok se ne zgusne. (Ja sam smjesu stavila u mikrovalnu pecnicu na 4 minute, vadeci svakih 30-40 sekundi i mijesajuci). Ostavite da se prohladi.
Zagrijte rernu na 180*C (sa fenom).
Sastavite po 2 lista tijesta (znaci 25 cm X 50 cm, ako rezete vece tijesto), pospite sa cimetom i secerom u prahu. Zarolajte u rolnu po duzini, tj 'rolna' treba da je 25 cm duga. Izrezala sam ovo tijesto na 24 diska (za mini- mafin kalupe). Ponovite sa ostala 2 lista - ove sam izrezala na 12 (za normalnu velicinu mafin kalupa).
Pritisnite tijesto u kalupe, zatim ih filujte; Male sa po 1 kasicicom / zlicicom pudinga, velike sa 1 kasikom / zlicom ili vise. Stavite u rernu i pecite 5 minuta, zatim smanjite temperaturu na 160*C i pecite jos 10-15 minuta. Izvadite tartice, prohladite i pospite sa secerom u prahu. Uzivajte!
My hens checking out what I do with their eggs!
Moje koke provjeravaju sta ja to radim sa njihovim jajima!
at 20.27,
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Decorative Bread / 'Sunflower Bread'
This is a simple way of making everyday bread look special. Along with braiding, it's most common way of decorating bread in central and Eastern Europe (usually during Easter and Christmas). You can use any recipe for basic white bread, that calls for 5-6 cups of flour. Pan for baking is a pizza size pan, only much deeper (5 cm).
1 cup water
1 cup milk
2 tbs olive oil
1 tbs sugar
1,5 teas salt
2 teas yeast
5,5 cups flour
- extra oil (or melted butter), for brushing each layer
Beaten egg white for brushing the top + seeds for sprinkling
Coloured boiled egg for centre (optional)
Put all ingredients in a bread maker, and program it for dough only (or make a dough by hand, and let it rise on a warm spot for 1 hour). When ready take out, and divide into 4. Roll out each into a circle, brush with oil or butter. Stack them onto one pile; Don't brush the top layer. Cut the dough as you would slice pizza, only leave the edges non-cut through. Now, make cuts in the middle of each 'slice'. Turn the corner of dough through that cut and place onto same spot. Repeat with other 7. (You can place an boiled egg in the middle) Cover with a clean tea towel and let it rise on a warm spot.
Preheat oven to 180*C. Brush risen dough with beaten egg white, decorate with seeds and bake for 45-50 minutes.
Dekorativni Hljeb /Kruh ('Suncokret pogaÄa')
Jednostavan nacin za uciniti svakodnevni hljeb / kruh specijalnim. Uz 'pletenje', ovo je jedan od najuobicajenijih nacina dekorisanja u centralnoj i istocnoj Evropi (obicno za vrijeme Uskrs i Bozica). Mozete koristiti bilo koji recept za bijeli hljeb / kruh, koji koristi 5,5 -6 solja brasna (oko 850 gr). Pleh je velicine pice, samo nesto dublji (oko 5 cm).
1 solja (250ml) vode
1 solja mlijeka
2 K maslinovog ulja
1 K secera
1,5 k soli
2 k instant kvasca
5,5 solja brasna za hljeb/kruh
- ulje (ili otopljen maslac) za premazivanje svakog sloja
bjelance umuceno za premazivanje povrsine + sjemenke za posuti
Obojeno jaje za centar (ako zelite)
Stavite sve sastojke u masinu za mijesenje i programirajte na tijesto; ili umijesite rucno i ostavite na toplom 1 sat. Kada je spremno, podijelite na 4 dijela. Razvaljajte svaki na krug i premazite maslacem ili uljem svaki osim posljednjeg. Slozite ih jedan na drugi. Izrezite tijesto kao sto biste picu, tj na 8 dijelova, s tim sto krajeve ostavite ne prorezane. Sada svaki komad prorezite po sredini. Kroz taj prorez zavrnite tijesto i vratite ga na mjesto. Ponovite isto sa ostalih 7 dijelova. Pokrijte tijesto i ostavite na toplome.
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C. Premazite kruh sa umucenim bjelance i ukrasite sa sjemenkama. Pecite oko 45-50 minuta.
at 00.18,
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Easter - Food ideas for a large group
Photo credit: naftels / Foter.com / CC BY-NC
Most important thing in organising a party for a big group is planing. At least 7 days before the date, put everything on paper; number of people ( and kids), what you want to serve, then what are you going to cook on what day. Make a list of groceries that you need to buy and get them in advance.
First make food that you can freeze; bread, cakes and other. Couple of days in advance make food that you can store in fridge, and for last day plan making food that needs to be fresh (example green salad, roasts...).
Serve all food as a buffet, so everyone can help themselves easily.
Here is the list and order of food that I made for my Easter party.
Planiranje je najvaznija stvar u organizovanju zabave za veliki broj ljudi. Najmanje 7 dana prije datuma, stavite sve na papir; broj ljudi (i djece) koji ce vam doci, sta zelite servirati, i sta cete kuhati koji dan. Napravite listu namirnica koje trebate za proslavu i kupite ih.
Servirajte svu hranu na jednom mjestu (Svedski sto / samoposluzivanje) tako da je pristupacno i lako za rukovanje.
Evo liste i redoslijeda hrane koju sam pravila za moju posljednju zabavu.
Zao mi je zbog loseg posta; pokusala sam ispraviti, ali ne ide!
Zao mi je zbog loseg posta; pokusala sam ispraviti, ali ne ide!
Coloured/ hard boiled eggs can be prepared up to 5 days in advance.
Bojena jaja mozete pripremiti do 5 dana u naprijed.
Eggs cooked with onion skins get beautiful brownish - red colour.
Freezer / Zamrzivac
Apple, Date and Caramel Cake
Pear and Almond Tart
Light Ray Bread Rolls (recipe coming)
Corn Bread with Sage and Sheep Cheese (in form of muffins)
Fridge / Frizider
(2 days before) / 2 dana unaprijed
Bosnian 'Pita' (in form of small scrolls)
Mayonnaise (for Waldorf salad)
(1 day before) / jedan dan prije
Salted Caramel Chocolate Mousse Cake
Waldorf Salad
On the day / Na sam dan
Ham - bought ready for serving and other deli products (olives, cheeses,dips...
Sunka kupljena spremna za serviranje i ostale delikatese (masline, sirevi i slicno)
Easter bread (recipe in next post)
Swedish Potato bake (recipe coming)
Crumbed Lamb Cutlets (recipe coming)
at 16.38,
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