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Mushroom Risotto (Venetian Style)

Mondays are meat free in my household. Last night we had this wonderful risotto; craving for meat didn't occur after this meal - very satisfying! 

4 tbs oilve oil
1 onion, diced 
2 garlic cloves, crushed
200 g fresh mushrooms, diced (or 30 g dried porcini, soaked in water)
2 cups Arborio (short grain) rice
4 tbs grated Parmesan cheese 
5 cups chicken stock, hot
1/2 cup white wine
salt and pepper 
Parmesan, parsley and shallots for sprinkling - optional
Heat oil and saute onion; add garlic and mushrooms, saute a couple of minutes more. Mix well then add rice and a ladle of stock. Stir rice until all stock absorbed; continue this process until all stock used and rice cooked. At end add wine, parmesan and seasonig. Mix well; rice should be creamy. Plate and sprinkle with chosen ingredients. Enjoy!

Venecijski rizoto sa gljivama

Ponedjeljkom nastojim izostaviti meso iz jelovnika mojih ukucana. Prosle noci smo imali ovaj divni rizoto za veceru. Nismo osjetili nedostatak mesa - veoma zadovoljavajuci obrok!

4 K maslinovog ulja
1 crveni luk
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
200 gr gljiva, sjeckanih (ili 30 gr suhih Porcini, namocenih u vodi)
2 solje Arborio rize (krace zrno)
4 K Parmesan sira, rendanog
5 solja pileceg bujona / supe, vrele
1/2 solje bijelog vina
so i biber
Parmezan, persunovo lisce i mladi luk za posuti - po zelji
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk. Ubacite bijeli luk i sampinjone, pirjajte par minuta. Dodajte rizu i 1 solju supe. Mijesajte dok se supa ne apsorbira. Nastavite sa ovim postupkom dok svu supu ne potrosite, a riza ne bude potpuno kuhana. Na kraju dodajte vino, parmezan i zacine. Izmijesajte dobro, postavite na tanjir i pospite izabranim sastojcima. Uzivajte!

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