Mushroom and Garlic Sauce
Mushrooms are one of my favourite ingredients in cooking. Low in calories but high in flavour, they can be used in so many ways. Following recipe for sauce is going well with pasta, as a side sauce, for breakfast with eggs... If you want extra creamy version and don't care about calories, use full fat products.
25 g butter (low fat, for low calorie version)
1 onion, diced
4 garlic cloves, crushed
450-500 g mushrooms, sliced
25 g flour
175 ml (semi-skimmed) milk
120 ml vegetable stock
2 tbs (light) sour cream
1 tbs parsley leaves, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Heat butter in a pan, sautee onion. Add mushrooms and garlic. Cook until most of moisture evaporates. Mix flour and milk until smooth. Add to the pan together with vegetable stock. Cook for 5 minutes, or until mixture thickens. At the end,season to taste, stir in sour cream and sprinkle with parsley leaves.
Umak / sos od Šampinjona
Gljive su mi jedan od najdrazih sastojaka za kuhanje. Nizak sadrzaj kalorija i jedinstven ukus su samo dodatci njihovoj upotrebljivosti. Sljedeci recept ide dobro sa tjesteninom, kao prilog, za dorucak sa jajima... Ako zelite vise kremastu structuru i ukus, te nebrinete o kalorijama, koristite punomasne sastojke.
25 gr maslaca (sa smanjenom masnocom za niskokaloricnu verziju)
1 crveni luk, sjeckan
4 cena bijelog luka, sitno sjeckana
450-500 gr sampinjona, rezanih
25 gr brasna
175 ml (polu-obranog) mlijeka
120 ml povrtnog temeljca
2 K pavlake (smanjene masnoce)
1 K persunovog lisca, sjeckanog
so i biber prema ukusu
Zargrijte maslac, proprzite luk. Ubacite sampinjone i bijeli luk. Dinstajte nekoliko minuta, zatim uspite
temeljac i mlijeko u koje ste umijesali brasno. Kuhajte 5 minuta ili dok se sos ne zgusne. Na kraju umijesajte pavlaku i pospite persunovim liscem.
on Minggu, 21 April 2013,
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