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Onion / Crveni luk

This root vegetable is not just adding flavour to your cooking, it also boosts your immune system and health.
Onion has a very high level of the flavonoid quercetin ( not destroyed by cooking), a strong antioxidant which can block formation of cancer cells. Quercetin has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibiotic  effects in our bodies. Onion is thought to suppress activity of bacterium that cause  stomach ulcers and food poisoning. It can help to lower cholesterol, thin the blood and prevent the formation of cloths.
Effective cooked or raw.  


-Anti- inflammatory
-Antioxidant (vit B1, B6, flavonoids, sulphur compounds)

Onion  (especially raw) may cause indigestion in people with gastro-intestinal condition.

Scroll down for  the recipes
Darwin Bell / / CC BY

Crveni luk

 Ovo podzemno povrce, ne samo da daje ukus hrani, takodje pospjesuje imuni sistem i zdravlje.
Luk ima visok sadrzaj flavonoida kversentin (nije unisten prilikom kuhanja), mocan antioksidant koji moze blokirati formiranje stanica raka. Kversentin ima protu-upalni, antivirusni i antibioticki efekt na nase organizme. Za luk se misli da usporava razvoj bakterije koja uzrokuje cireve zeludca i trovanja hranom. Takodje moze pomoci u snizavanju kolesterola, razrjedjivanju krvi i za prevenciju nastanka trombova.
Efektivan je termicki obardjen i sirov.

-Antioksidanti (vit B1, B6, flavonoidi, sadrzi sumpor)

Drugi Recepti

'Sogan Dolma ' - Stuffed Onions

Satay Beef Salad

'Papaz' Stew

French Onion Soup

Bosnian Pot

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