I've managed to try another dessert from one of my bloger friends. Today I'm presenting a recipe from 'La cuisine creative', Serbian bloger with a great collection of wonderful posts. I wanted something quick and without cooking, that is different and unusual. I found it in this recipe; very aromatic, fruity and tasty.
'Bombs' with Apricots (original recipe in Serbian)
200 g dried apricots
100 g dessicated coconut
75 g margarine (I replaced it with butter), ct into pieces
50 g icing sugar
1-2 tbs apricot liqueur (I added almond liqueur and rum)
lemon zest (I added orange zest)
pinch of cinnamon
white chocolate (melted) for rolling bombs in
Cut apricots roughly, pour liqueur over them; let it aside for 30 + minutes, mixing now and then a few times. Place all ingredients into a food processor, and pulls it until all come together. Take a spoonful at a time, roll between your palms to form little balls. Refrigerate until firm. Melt white chocolate, dip each ball into it and place onto baking paper to firm again. Place balls into paper cases and serve.
Bombice sa kajsijama
Uspjela sam probati jos jedan od vasih recepata koji su bili na listi. Zeljela sam nesto brzo, bez pecenja, nesvakidasnje i originalno. Pronasla sam ovaj recept od 'La cuisine creative', i odusevila se. Lana ima divnu kolekciju recepata sa sitnim kolacicima!
Pogledajte Originalni recept; napravila sam male promjene, jer nisam imala sve sastojke iz Laninog recepta, pa sam se posluzila onime sto se naslo u mojim zalihama.
200 g suvih kajsija,
100 g kokosa,
75 g margarina, (zamijenila sam ga sa maslacem)
50 g secera u prahu,
par kasika likera od kajsija, (stavila sam liker od badema i malo ruma)
malo naribane limunove korice, (stavila sam narandzinu koricu)
na vrh noza cimeta
Bijela cokolada (otopljena) za uvaljati bombice
Kajsije se izrezu i namoce u liker. Zatim se svi sastojci ubace u sjeckalicu; ukljuci se dok se ne isjecka i pomijesa. Oblikuju se loptice i rashlade. Zatim svaku uvaljati u otopljenu cokoladu i ponovo vratiti da se cokolad stegne. Staviti u papirnate korpice i sluziti.
Here is link for my previous biscuits / slices recipes.
Evo linka za moje prethodne recepte za keksice i slicne kolacice.
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