December is always very busy in many homes of Australia, including mine. It looks like the end of year have accelerated even more...everyone is running somewhere or has something to finish, a lot of parties is held, school classes are ending, yearly holidays beginning for many employed, Christmas gifts have to be purchased, food prepared, homes decorated...
Roasts are ideal when you don't have time on your hand. Preparation is quick and the rest does the oven. Moreover, they can feed a large number of people and they look good on the table
1 leg of pork (or other part of pork; lamb can be used in the same way too)
5-6 garlic cloves
1 large onion
favourite herbs (I added thyme sprigs)
salt and pepper
olive oil
Preheat oven to 180*C.
Slice onion, place on bottom of your roasting pan, along with 4 garlic cloves and herbs.
Score pork skin with a very sharp knife ( I used scalpel) for easier carving later. Make incisions in the meat (10-14); place slivered garlic into each. Sprinkle salt all over the leg; oil surface well and massage into the skin. Place it onto onion, add 1/2 cup of water in pan. Cover with al- foil and place in the oven. Lower the temperature to 160, and forget about it for 5-6 hours. You'll get tender meat, that falls apart.
Alternatively, you can roast pork on 180-190 *C (30 minutes for each 500 g), without foil. Crackle would be crisper in that case, but you need to watch it during cooking and spoon juices over the meat now and then.
Svinjetina spikovana bijelim lukom
Decembar je uvijek pun obaveza u mnogim domovima Australije, ukljucujuci moj. Izgleda kao da je kraj godine ubrzao jos vise...svako negdje zuri ili treba nesto da zavrsi, mnogo zabava se odrzava, skolska godina zavrsava, godisnji odmori za mnoge pocinju, Bozicni pokloni se kupuju, hrana priprema, kuce ukrasavaju...
Pecenja su idealna kada nemate mnogo vremena. Priprema je brza i ostatak ucini rerna. Stavise, veliki broj ljudi se moze nahraniti i dobro izgledaju na stolu.
1 veliki komad svinjetine (najbolje noga), mozete koristiti i jagnjetinu na isti nacin
5-6 cena bijelog luka
1 veci crveni luk
zacinsko bilje koje volite (ja sam dodala timijan / majcinu dusicu)
so i biber
maslinovo ulje
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C.
Izrezite luk na kolutove, postavite ga na dno tepsije za pecenje, zajedno sa bijelim lukom i zacinskim biljem.
Narezite kozu svinjetine ostrim nozem (skalpelom). Napravite ubode u mesu (10-14) i u svaki ugurajte komadice bijelog luka. Posolite svinjetinu sa svih strana, zatim utrljajte maslinovo ulje u kozu.
Postavite meso na luk, uspite 1/2 solje vode, pokrijte sa al-folijom i smjestite u rernu. Smanjite temperaturu na 160*C i zaboravite na meso u narednih 5-6 sati. Dobicete mekano pecenje koje se raspada.
Opciono, meso mozete peci na 180-190*C (30 minuta na svakih 500 gr mesa), bez folije. Dobije se hrskavija kozica, ali u tom slucaju meso morate nadgledati i zalijevati sokovima od pecenja.
A few other suggestions for roasts / Nekoliko drugih prijedloga za pecenje
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