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Bey's Soup

Soup from the Ottoman's Empire time. The first three rulers of the Ottoman realm were titled Bey.

5-6 chicken pieces, with bones (500 g)
2-3 carrots
1/2 bunch of parsley leaves
2 stalks celery
1/4 lemon
2 tbs ghee (clarified butter)
1,5 tbs flour
300 g Okra, fresh or caned (small preferably, or cut big ones)
2 eggs
150 ml sour cream
salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste
extra parsley leaves to garnish
Cook chicken pieces with carrots, celery and parsley leaves in 3 L water. Add 1/4 lemon and some salt and pepper. When cooked, strain liquid; dice chicken and vegetables.
In a large saucepan, heat ghee and flour. Cook for few minutes, should stay pale. Pour the strained liquid, add diced ingredients. Bring to boil, then add okra and cook until soft. Add beaten eggs and sour cream. Season to taste and garnish

Begova Čorba

5-6 komada piletine, oko 500 gr
2-3 mrkve
1/2 sveznja persuna
2 stabljike celera
1/4 limuna
2 kasike masla
1,5 kasika brasna
300 gr bamije, svjeze ili konzervisane (manje ili rezane vece)
2 jaja
150 ml kajmaka/pavlake
so biber i sok limuna po ukusu
malo svjezeg persunovog lisca za ukras
Skuhajte piletinu sa korjenastim povrcem i 1/4 limuna. Malo posolite i pobiberite. Ocijedite supu, a povrce i meso izrezite na kockice.
U vecu serpu zagrijte maslo pa proprzite brasno. Treba da ostane blijedo. Uspite supu i dodajte isjecene sastojke. Dovedite do kljucanja, pa ubacite bamiju. Kuhajte dok ne omeksa, zatim ubacite ulupana jaja i kajmak. Dotjerajte ukus sa zacinima i na kraju ukrasite svjezim persunovim liscem.

'Russian Salad' - A Classic of Balkans

I can't imagine New Year Eve without 'Russian Salad'. It's classic of Balkan countries, and I never heard any Russian mentioning something simmilar.
It goes well with any meat; it can last for whole week!

4-5 medium potatoes, red, cooked in their skin, peeled
2-3 medium carrots, cooked
4 eggs, cooked
500 g peas, cooked
300-400 g cornichons / gherkins
250 g chicken (ham) salami, diced (optional!)
400-500 g mayonnaise (Tommy or SW, or make your own)
salt, pepper, lemon juice, sour cream, mustard to taste
Dice all vegetables, eggs and salami, mix well. Add mayonnaise and seasonings. Refrigerate, covered with plastic foil.
One pictured is without salami.

Ruska Salata

4-5 srednjih crvenih krompira, kuhanih u ljusci
2-3 srednje mrkve, kuhane
4 jaja, kuhanih
500 gr graska, kuhanog
300-400 gr kiselih krastavcica
250 gr pilece salame ili sunkarice (nije neophodno!)
400-500 gr majoneze (tomy ili domace - recept)
so, biber, sok limuna, kajmak/pavlaka, senf po ukusu
Isjeckajte svo povrce, jaja i salamu na kockice. Dodajte majonez i ostale zacine, dobro promijesajte. Smjestite u frizider, pokriveno prozirnom folijom.
Verzija na fotografiji je bez salame.

Honey Nuts - 'Medenjaci'

Best recipe I found, so far!... FAT free!

250 g sugar
100 ml water
5-6 tbs honey
700 g flour
3 egg yellows
1 egg
1 tbs baking soda
1 teas cinnamon
1/2 teas cloves, ground
1/4 teas cardamom
Pinch of white pepper
Egg whites and icing sugar for glazing (optional)
Boil water and sugar until dissolved. cool slightly. Add honey. Sift flour, baking soda and spices, add beaten eggs and sugar mixture. Make a soft dough, cover with glad wrap and leave it for few hours, or overnight. Heat the oven to 180*C and prepare tins. Take pieces of dough (big walnut size) and roll between your palms (oil them for easier rolling). Set them on tin, making sure to leave space between them bake for 5-7 minutes. For icing mix egg white and icing sugar, and brush over each little cake.
Stored in a tin (cool place) they can last for 2 months.

Medenjaci sada najbolji i bez masnoce

250 gr secera
1 dl vode
5-6 kasika meda
700 gr brasna
3 zumanca
1 jaje
1 kasika sode BB
1 kasicica cimeta
1/2 kasicice karanfilica u prahu
1/4 kasicice kardamoma
prstohvat bijelog bibera
bjelanca i secer u prahu za glazuru (po zelji)
Prokuhajte vodu sa secerom, ohladite. Umijesajte med.
Prosijte brasno, sodu i zacine, dodajte umucena jaja i secernu smjesu. Umijesite; ostavite nekoliko sati ili preko noci da se odmara.
Ukljucite rernu, pripremite plehove i rukama oblikujte kuglice velicine veceg oraha (nauljeni dlanovi ce pomoci). Stavite na povrsinu na kojoj cete peci, sa razmakom. Pecite 5-7 minuta. Izvadite ; ako zelite galzirati pomijesajte bjelanjak sa secerom u prahu i cetkicom nanesita na svaki medenja. Mozete ih i posuti secerom u prahu.
Na hladnom i suhom mjestu traju do 2 mjeseca.

Cardamom-Spiced Meat Loaf

Found on OPRAHS' website (adjusted!). I followed my intuition and put only 1/2 teas of cardamom - it was still overpowering!

2 tablespoons butter
2 carrots, finely grated
1 onion, finely chopped
1 zucchini, finely grated
2 cloves garlic,crushed
2 teaspoons ground cardamom (I ADDED 1/2 TSP)
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper/paprika
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 kg mince
2 eggs
1 cup fresh breadcrumbs
1/2 cup (plus 2 tablespoons ketchup)
1/3 cup plain yogurt
2 teaspoons salt
In a large pan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the carrots, onion, and zucchini and cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are tender, about 10 minutes. Add the garlic and cook 1 minute longer. Stir in the cardamom, cumin, cinnamon, red pepper, and black pepper; cook 30 seconds. Set the vegetable mixture aside to cool slightly.
Preheat the oven to 180*C. In a large bowl, combine mince, eggs, bread crumbs, 1/2 cup ketchup, yogurt, salt, and cooked vegetable mixture just until well blended but not over-mixed.
Shape the meat-and-vegetable mixture into a 10" x 5" loaf on the prepared pan, pressing firmly, or make a log. Brush the remaining 2 tablespoons ketchup on top and sides of the meat loaf. Bake 1 hour. Let the meat loaf stand 10 minutes to set juices for easier carving. Served with zucchini/red cabage with cous-cous.

Mesna vekna/rolat sa Kardamomom

2 kasike putera
2 mrkve, rendane
1 luk, sjeckan
1 tikvica, rendana
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
2 kasicice kardamoma ( JA SAM STAVILA SAMO 1/2 KASICICE)
1/4 kasicice paprike , ljute
1/4 kasicice crnog bibera, svjeze mljevenog
1 kg mljevenog mesa
2 jaja
1 solja suhih mrvica hljeba/kruha
1/2 solje kecapa (+2 kasike)
1/3 solje jogurta, cvrstog
2 kasicice soli
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk, zatim dodajte povrce, bijeli luk i zacine. Prohladite.
Zagrijte rernu na 180*C. U vecoj posudi pomijesajte sve preostale sastojke, dodajte proprzeno povrce, umijesite i oblikujte veknu (ili stavite u kalup za veknu). Premazite sa 2 kasike kecapa i pecite 1 sat. Ostavite 10 minuta da se odmara prije rezanja. Srevirano sa kus-kusom, tikvicama i crvenim kupusom.

Russian Black Bread

Authentic or not, I like this easy version!

2-2 1/4 cups water
3 tbs oil
2 cups rye flour
2 cups wholemeal flour
2 cups bakers flour
1 tbs sugar
3/4 tbs salt
1 tbs cocoa
2 teas instant coffee (I added chicory-coffee syrup)
2 teas yeast
1/2 tbs caraway or cumin seeds
If you're using bread machine, put all ingredients inside and program for making dough. (Or, knead by hand for at least 10 minutes, let it rest for 1 hour). After that, take the dough out on a floured surface, knead for couple of minutes, divide in 2, shape into loaves, put into pans and let double. Bake 40-45 minutes at 180*C.

Ruski Crni Hljeb/Kruh

2-2 1/4 vode
3 kasike ulja
2 solje razanog brasna
2 solje brasna od punog zrna psenice
2 solje brasna za hljeb/kruh
1 kasika secera
3/4 kasike soli
1 kasika kakaa
2 kasicice instant kafe
2 kasicice instant kvasca
1/2 kasike kima
Ako imate masinu za hljeb/kruh, stavite sve unutra i programirajte mijesenje. Ili, zamijesite tijesto od navedenih sastojaka - voda mora biti mlaka- mijesite bar 10 minuta. Ostavite nadolaziti 1 sat. Premijesite tijesto na pobrasnjenoj povrsini, oblikujte po zelji i smjestite u posudu u kojoj cete peci. Ostavite da postigne duplu velicinu, pa onda pecite 40-45 minuta na 180*C.

Shortbread Bells

                                                                                                                                         With oil dough

They melt in your mouth!
There are 2 options for the dough; one with oil, other one with cream cheese. Both are wonderful!

-(Oil dough)
500 g flour
1/2 teas baking powder
200 ml sour cream
200 ml oil
jam and icing sugar

-(Cream cheese dough)
200 g butter, soft
80 g cream cheese, room temperature
1/4 cup sugar (50 g)
lemon zest or vanilla essence
350 g flour

Mix first 4 ingredients (5 ingredients in second option) and make a dough. Leave it to rest for 20 minutes.
Roll the dough out to thickness of 2 mm on a floured surface; dust with flour all the time. Cut out circles 5 cm diameter; place them on a baking sheet, and put 2 sides together close to one edge to form a bell/Lilly shape. Put jam in a little bag, cut the corner off, and squeeze the jam into bell cavity. Bake 10 min on 160*C.
When slightly cooled, dust with icing sugar.

                                                                       Cream cheese dough

Prhki Zvončići

Tope se u ustima!

Imate opciju za tijesto sa uljem, ili sa krem sirom. Obje su podjednako divne.


(Tijesto sa uljem)
500 gr brasna
1/2 kasicice praska za pecivo
200 ml pavlake/kajmaka
200 ml ulja
dzem i secer u prahu

(tijesto sa krem sirom)
200 gr maslaca, omeksalog
80 gr krem sira, sobna temperatura
50 gr secera
ribana korica limuna ili vanila
350 gr brasna

Umijesite tijesto od prva 4 sastojka (5 sastojaka u drugoj verziji), ostavite odmarati 20 minuta. Na pobrasnjenu povrsinu, razvaljajte tijesto do debljine od 2 mm. Vadite krugove precnika 5 cm. Poredajte na pleh, pa prstima savijte krajeve jedne strane da formirate zvoncice.
Stavite dzem u manju plasticnu kesu, odrezite joj vrh pa u svaki zvoncic istisnite malo dzema. Pecite 10 minuta na 160-170*C. Kada se malo prohladi, pospite secerom u prahu.

Date and Oat Crumb Squares

Another quick and easy dessert.

185 g oats (flakes)
185 g flour 185 g brown sugar
1 teas cinnamon
1/2 teas baking soda
50 g walnuts, chopped
225 g butter, cut into small pieces (cold,from fridge)
500 g dates, chopped
185 g brown sugar
150 ml water
1 teas vanilla
First make filling. Put all ingredients into a saucepan and cook until soft.
For crust, process all dry ingredients, add cold pieces of butter and process until crumbs form. Spread half of this into a slice pan (20 x 30 cm), press slightly with spoon or your hand. On top of this spread filling, then follow with another half of crumbly mixture. Bake 20 minutes at 160*C in a fan forced oven.

Datule i Zob u Kockama

-za 'korice'
185 gr zobi (presovane pahuljice)
185 gr brasna
185 gr braon secera
1 kasicica cimeta
1/2 kasicice sode BB
50 gr sjeckanih oraha
225 gr putera, hladnog, sjeckanog
-za fil
500 gr datula
185 gr braon secera
150 ml vode 1 kasicica vanile
Najprije napravite fil, tako sto cete sve sastojke staviti u serpu i poklopljeno kuhati dok ne omeksa.
Za kore, sve sastojke osim putera pomijesajte, zatim dodajte puter i vrhovima prstiju trljajte dok se ne formiraju mrvice. Elektricna sjeckalica je idealna za ovo, ukoliko je imate. Polovinu ove smjese istresite na tepsiju (20 x 30 cm), pritisnite blago rukama ili kasikom. Preko ovoga istresite datule, pa onda drugu polovinu zobenog tijesta. Pecite 20 minuta na 160 -170 *C.

Gingerbread Dough

There is no smell like Gingerbread Dough smell.

750 g flour
3 tbs baking powder
2 teas cinnamon
1 teas cloves ground
1 teas ginger powder
1/4 teas cardamom powder
pinch of salt
190 g honey
150 g sugar, caster or icing
70 g butter, melted
juice and zest of 1/2 lemon
1 large egg
1 egg yolk
-Icing 'glue'..if you want to make a house
1-2 egg whites and enough icing sugar to make thick but still runny paste.
Mix all ingredients and make stiff dough. Cover and leave it rest for 20-30 minutes.
Dust working surface and roll out the dough 5 mm thick. At this stage you cut shapes, or 'house walls'. For a house you need to cut rectangles of following sizes;
12 x 19 cm - 2 times, 10,5 x 16 cm - 2 times and 16 x 18 - 2 times (you'll need to cut upper corners of those rectangles, so they support roof - see picture). From the rest of dough, cut out stars, ginger men, harts... Bake 10-15 minutes at 160*C. If you need to reshape (trim) your dough, do it while still warm.
Leave it cool completely, before you start assembling.

To do this you'll need some cans,
to hold walls up-right, while
corners (which you have spread with icing)
dry and become solid.
It usually takes couple of hours. Then you can
stick roof in the same way. After that
comes decorating part!
My Snowman is made of Raffaello truffles, which I have rolled into icing sugar.

'Gingerbread' Tijesto

Obozavam miris (i ukus) ovoga tijesta!

750 gr brasna
3 kasike praska za pecivo
2 kasicice cimeta
1 kasicica karanfilica
1 kasicica djumbir praha
1/4 kasicice kardamom praha
malo soli
190 gr meda
150 gr sitnog secera
70 gr putera, otopljenog
sok i kora 1/2 limuna
1 vece jaje
1 zumance
-Secerno 'ljepilo' za kucu
1-2 bjelanca i dovoljno secera u prahu da smjesa bude gusta ali jos uvijek 'tecna'.
Umijesite cvrsto tijesto od svih sastojaka, pokrijte i ostavite odmarati 20-30 minuta. Na pobrasnjenoj povrsini razvaljajte na debljinu od 5 mm i vadite oblike ili 'zidove' kuce. Za zidove cete trebati po 2 pravougaonika sljedecih dimenzija:
12 X 19cm, 10,5 X 16cm, i 16 X 18cm (od ovih cete odrezati gornje uglove, da bi mogli podrzati krov - vidi sliku).
Pecite 10-15 minuta na 160*C. Kada izvadite i prije nego se ohladi, odrezite/dotjerajte oblike. Ohladite prije nego zapocnete 'gradnju'.
Kada podignete zidove, ivice namazite bjelanjkovom smjesom, pa zidove ucvrstite sa konzervama. Ostavite da se stegne prije nego stavite krov na isti nacin. Poslije ovoga dolazi dekoracija, koju cu prepustiti vama.
Od ovoga tijesta mozete praviti i druge oblike.

Raffaello Truffles

Very popular dessert in Balkan countries. No baking involved (if you buy pre-roasted hazelnuts)!

100 ml water
260 g milk powder
135 g coconut + extra for rolling
200 g sugar
165 g butter
40 g plain biscuits (milk coffee or sim.), processed into fine crumbs
Whole roasted hazelnuts (120g)
Put sugar and water into a saucepan, bring to boil. When sugar dissolved, add milk powder, coconut and biscuit crumbs. Take off the heat and mix well. Cool slightly.
Cut butter into small pieces, add to the mixture and mix vigorously until incorporated. Refrigerate until firm.
Take 1/2 tbs of the mixture, put a hazelnut in the middle and roll between your palms to form a ball. Throw into a bowl with some coconut, shake and roll to coat each ball. Refrigerate until firm.

Rafaelo Kuglice

100 ml vode
260 gr mlijeka u prahu
135 gr kokosa + za uvaljati
200 gr secera
165 gr putera
40 gr 'petit' keksa, samljevenog
Cijeli ljesnici (peceni) za unutrasnjost Rafaela (120gr)
Prokuhajte vodu i secer, kada se istopi dodajte kokos, mlijeko u prahu i keks. Smaknite sa vatre i dobro promijesajte. Prohladite.
Izrezite puter na sitne komadice, ubacite u smjesu i energeticno mijesajte dok se ne istopi. Stavite u frizider.
Kada se stislo, uzimajte 1/2 kasike od smjese, ubacite 1 ljesnik i valjajte izmedju dlanova da oblikujete kuglice. Uvaljajte u kokos i stavite u frizider do sluzenja.

Forest Fruit and Coconut Cake

6 eggs
2 cups caster sugar
250 g butter, melted
2/3 cup sour cream, warmed
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup SR flour
1 cup coconut, dessicated
300 g mixed berries (rasberries, bluberries,...) fresh or frozen
250 g cream cheese
2/3 cup icing sugar
2/3 cup milk powder
Preheat oven to 180*C (160* fan forced). Prepare a rectangular slice tin.
Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy, add melted butter and sour cream. Mix well, then sift flours on top of mixture, add coconut; fold in slowly by hand (spatula). Finally add fruit and pour into tin. Bake for 1 hour (or more) or until inserted toothpick doesn't come out clean.
For icing - put all ingredients into a bowl (cream cheese should be soft -room temperature), mix on a high speed until soft and fluffy. Spread the top of cake with icing. Serve with some extra fruit on top (optional).

Kolaci sa kokosom i sumskim vocem

6 jaja
2 solje secera
250 gr maslaca, otopljenog
2/3 solje kajmaka/pavlake
1 solja brasna
1/2 solje samodizajuceg brasna
1 solja kokosa
300 gr sumskog voca/bobicastog
250 gr krem sira (Philadelphia)
2/3 solje prah secera
2/3 solje mlijeka u prahu
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C (160 sa fenom). Pripremite cetvrtasti kalup za kolace.
Umutite jaja sa secerom u pjenu, dodajte otopljeni puter i kajmak. Promijesajte. Na povrsinu prosijte brasna, dodajte kokos, pa lagano rucno sjedinite. Ubacite voce, promijesajte i sve prerucite u kalup. Pecite oko sat vremena ili duze (provjerite sa cackalicom).
Za kremu - mikserom sjedinite sve sastojke, pa premazite kolac po povrsini. Mozete ukrasiti sa vocem, po zelji.

Cottage Walnut Pesto Mushrooms

'Weight Watchers' recipe. Unusual combination, excellent taste, low calories.

12 large, or 6 giant mushrooms, stems removed
1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
30 g walnuts, chopped
120 g Cottage cheese
1/2 cup carrots, grated
10-20 g bread crumbs
1/2 tbs soy sauce
1-2 tbs Basil Pesto
Preheat oven to 180*C. Sprinkle mushrooms with 1/2 bread crumbs.
Place walnuts, cheese, onion, and soy sauce into food processor. Process until fine.
Stir in carrot and pesto. Mix well and spoon the mixture into mushrooms. Sprinkle with the rest of bread crumbs. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Serve hot or cold.

Šampinjoni filovani Sirom, Orasima i Pestom

12 vecih, ili 6 ogromnih Sampinjona, odstranite drske
1/2 srednjeg luka, sitno sjeckanog
30 gr oraha, sjeckanih
120 gr uzrncenog sira
1/2 solje rendane mrkve
10-20 gr suhih mrvica hljeba/kruha
1/2 kasike soja sosa
1-2 kasike Basil Pesto
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C. Pola kolicine mrvica pospite po gljivama.
U elektricnoj sjeckalici isjeckajte sve sastojke, osim mrkve i pesta, koje cete dodati naknadno i promijesati. Ovime filujte gljive, pa pospite sa preostalim mrvicama. Pecite 10-12 minuta. Sluzite toplo ili hladno.

Cheesy Lentil And Spinach Soup

For my followers from Northern Hemisphere...Something to warm you up.

1 tbs olive oil
1 brown onion, finelly chopped
1 large garlic clove, pressed
1 teas cummin powder
1/2 teas turmeric powder
1/2 teas coriander powder
1,5 cups red lentils
5 cups water
4 vegetable stock cubes
250 g baby spinach, chopped (frozen is OK)
100 g Grated cheese, for serving
Heat oil, fry onion. Add garlic and spices, cook for 1 minute.
Stip in the lentils, add the water and stock.
Bring to the boil, lower heat and cook uncovered for 25 minutes.
Blend or process the soup, and stir through the spinach.
Serve with crusty bred/French toast, sprinkled with cheese.

Supa/Čorba od leće i špinata sa sirom
Za one kojima je zimski period nastupio!

1 kasika maslinovog ulja
1 veci luk, sitno sjeckan
1 vece ceno bijelog luka, protisnutog
1 kasicica kima u prahu
1/2 kasicice turmerika u prahu
1/2 kasicice korijandera u prahu
1,5 solja (300gr) crvene lece
5 solja (1,25 L)vode
4 kasicice Vegete
250 gr spinata, sjeckanog
100 gr rendanog sira, za posluziti
Zargijte ulje pa proprzite luk, dodajte bijeli luk i zacine i przite jos 1 minutu.
Uspite lecu i vodu, pospite Vegetom. Kada prokljuca, smanjite i nepoklopljeno kuhajte oko 25 minuta. Izmiksajte u kasu, ubacite spinat.
Servirajte sa przenicama ili hljebom, posuto sa rendanim sirom.

Sesame Wafers

It takes only 10 minutes to make and bake these.

50 g sesame seeds
1 tbs butter, melted
185 g brown sugar
3 tbs flour
1 egg
1 teas vanilla
pinch of salt
Preheat oven to 180*C, line tins with baking paper.
Mix all ingredients into a smooth mixture. Take teaspoon full of it and drop onto sheets, making sure you leave enough place for spreading.Bake 4-5 minutes, or until golden brown. Leave it cool in the tins, before you serve/store them.

Hrskavi keksici od sezama

50 gr sezamovog sjemena
1 kasika otopljenog putera
185 gr braon secera
3 kasike brasna
1 jaje
1 kasicica vanile
malo soli
Zagrijte rernu na 180*C, postavite papir za pecenje na plehove.
Pomijesajte sve sastojke, dok se ne postane jednolicna masa. Kasicicom vadite masu i stavljajte na papir, ostavite dosta mjesta izmedju, jer se tokom pecenja rasire.
Pecite 4-5 minuta, ili dok ne postanu zlatnozuti. Neka se ohlade na plehu, pa ih tek onda vadite.


Easy way to feed large number of people. Traditionally made by men on Sundays, because women needed break from cooking. It can be made with anything found in the fridge.

for 6-8 people
1 kg Marinara mix (or choose your favorite seafood)
1/4 cup olive oil
2 medium onions, chopped
3-4 garlic cloves, chopped
favorite vegetables (capsicum, green beans, peas, corn...)chopped
2-3 cups Arborio (risotto) rice
4-6 cups fish (or chicken) stock
salt, pepper, parsley leaves
1/2 cup white wine
Saffron (optional)
Heat oil in a large pan. Fry onion for a few minutes, add garlic, sea food, vegetables and fry for 5 minutes, stirring all the time. Add rice, mix well. Pour stock, cover and let it cook until water absorbed (15 minutes). Don't stir, just shake the pan, during this process. When rice cooked, add all the spices and wine. Stir well and let it evaporate. Serve hot.

with Saffron

Paela (Pajeja)

za 6-8 osoba
1 kg Marinara mjesavine (ili sami odaberite morske plodove)
1/4 solje maslinovog ulja
2 crvena luka, sjeckana
3-4 cena bijelog luka
povrce (paprika, mahune, grasak, kukuruz...)
2-3 solje rizoto rize
4-6 solja riblje (pilece) osnove
so, biber, lisce persuna
1/2 solje bijelog vina
safron (po zelji)
Zagrijte ulje u dubljoj tavi, proprzite crveni luk, pa dodajte bijeli luk, morske plodove, povrce i pirjajte oko 5 minuta. Dodajte rizu, promijesajte i zalijte supom. Ostavite kuhati 15 minuta, dok riza ne upije svu supu. Povremeno protreskajte posudu. Kad je riza kuhana, dodajte zacine i bijelo vino . Promijesajte i ostavite da vino ispari. Sluzite odmah.

Cauliflower/Broccoli with Cheese

'Brassica oleracea' vegetable family includes cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli and collard greens. Very good for you, but unfortunately many of us (especially children) don't like the taste. Maybe this recipe helps, like it did in my household. You can use it for all of above mentioned veggies.

1 small head of broccoli or cauliflower, washed, separated
2-3 tbs water
1/3 teas salt
cling wrap to cover (if using microwave)
1/2 small onion, finely chopped
2 tbs sour cream
1 teas mustard (Dijon or German)
3-4 tbs grated cheese (Mozzarella, Tasty)
Paprika (optional) for sprinkling
Microwave vegetables for 7-9 minutes (spoon water over it,salt it, cover with cling wrap). Drain when cooked.
Prepare 'dressing' - Mix onion, sour cream and mustard. Spoon over the top of veggies. Sprinkle with cheese (and paprika) and microwave for 2 minutes more.
Alternatively, cook or steam veggies, repeat method with dressing and cheese and put in oven/grill until cheese melts.

Karfiol / Brokoli sa sirom

1 mala glavica brokolija ili karfiola, oprano i ocisceno
2-3 kasike vode + celofan za pokriti (za mikrovalnu)
1/3 kasicice soli
1/2 glavice crvenog luka, sitno isjeckanog
2 kasike kajmaka/pavlake
1 kasicica senfa
3-4 kasike ribanog tvrdog sira (koji se topi)
crvena paprika (prah) po zelji
Stavite povrce u posudu prikladnu za mikrovalnu, pospite vodom, posolite i kuhajte 7-9 minuta, pokriveno plasticnom folijom. Iscijedite vodu poslije kuhanja.
Pripremite preliv: Pomijesajte luk, kajmak i senf. Kasikom nanesite na vrh povrca, pospite rendanim sirom (i paprikom) i vratite u mikrovalnu na jos 2 minute.
ILI: skuhajte/naparite povrce, slijedite metod sa prelivom, pa zapecite u rerni dok se sir ne istopi.

Afghani Bread

My obsession with world breads continues! It's amazing that most of them use the same ingredients, but textures, shapes and tastes are so different.

3 cups flour (unbleached preferable)
1 1/3 cups water
1 1/5 teas salt
1 teas yeast
Nigella seeds
Put all ingredients in a bowl, and mix with a wooden spoon (until incorporated). Turn over on floured surface and cover to rest (45 minutes). Preheat oven to 200-220*C. Oil baking pan (like pizza pan) and quickly transfer dough onto it. Be careful, dough is very heavy/wet. Stretch the dough and press middle with your (oiled) fingers, or cut dough in a few places and lightly stretch (pic 2). Sprinkle with nigella seeds and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until golden.
Perfect to use with Dukkah.

Avganistanski hljeb/kruh

3 solje brasna
1,3 solje vode
1,5 kasicice sol1 kasicica suhog kvasca
Nigella sjeme (eh sad,...negdje kazu da je to crno sezamovo sjeme, Turci ga zovu crni kim, a negdje se govori o sjemenu luka (Stari Bosanski naziv 'Čukurek / Čurekot')
Umijesite tijesto od navedenih sastojaka; veoma je tesko i ljepljivo! Stavite na pobrasnjenu povrsinu i ostavite 45 minuta na toplom.
Zagrijte rernu na 200-220*C. Nauljite tepsiju i nadoslo tijesto prenesite na nju. Malo razvucite tijesto, i pritisnite na vise mijesta prstima, ili ga  nasjecite  i lagano razvucite. Pospite crnim sjemenkama i pecite 10-15 minuta. Perfektno da posluzite sa

Chocolate Cherry Beauties

Today is first day of Summer in Australia, and day that I usually start baking for Christmas. It's relieving to know that outside temperatures are unusually low this year. My list is including: Scottish Shortbread, Austrian 'Zimtsterne', Wiener Poppy Seed Mini Muffins, Italian 'Panetonne', Coconut Biscuits, Poppy Seed Spirals, Chocolate and Fresh Ginger Biscuits, and Sesame Wafers, Hazelnut Truffles and more (recipes coming!). At last but not at least, Gingerbread House from scratch.

185 g flour
30 g cocoa
1/3 teas salt
185 g butter, softened
105 g icing sugar
1 egg yolk
1 teas almond or vanilla essence
30 g almonds, toasted, chopped
Glace cherries for decorating
a bit of melted chocolate (to stick cherries)
Mix all dry ingredients, add butter, egg yolk and essence. Make a soft dough, wrap in cello paper and keep in a cool spot for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat oven to 190*C, prepare baking tins. Baking paper helps a lot.
Form small balls from dough, put on a baking sheet, and middle of every ball press with your finger (or shape dough into a log and then cut discs). Bake 8-9 minutes. When slightly cooled, dot a bit of chocolate in the middle and decorate with half of a cherry.
Keep in a cool spot for 2-3 weeks.

Čokoladne Ljepotice sa Trešnjama

Pecenje kolacica za predstojece praznike pocinje! Uvijek ispecem puno keksica, jer mogu dugo stajati i zgodni su za pokloniti.

185 gr brasna
30 gr kakaa
1/3 kasicice soli
185 gr putera, omeksalog
105 gr secera u prahu
1 zumance
1 kasicica esencije vanile ili badema
30 gr pecenih, samljevenih badema
malo chocolade, istopljene
usecerene tresnje za decoraciju
Pomijesajte sve suhe sastojke. Dodajte puter, zumance i esenciju i umijesite tijesto. Ostavite odmarati (zamotano) na hladnom mjesu bar 20 minuta.
Ukljucite rernu i pripremite pleh za pecenje. Od tijesta uzimajte male loptice, koje cete oblikovati dlanovima, pa svaku prstom malo pritisnite na sredini (ili formirajte valjak, izrezite na diskove). Pecite 8-9 minuta, izvadite prohladiti.
Istopite cokoladu , pa na svaki kolacic stavite malo, zatim 'zalijepite' polovice usecerenih tresanja za dekoraciju.

Havana Torte

For my mums' 70th Birthday!
Time consuming cake, that needs good planing and timing.

-Caramelized nuts:
250 g hazelnuts
100 g sugar (next time I'll put 150 g sugar)
-Gelatinous filling:
1 L milk
150 g sugar
3 packets of gelatin
1/2 L whipping cream
-Bottom layer:
6 tbs flour
100 g butter
2 egg yolks
8 tbs processed caramel/nuts mixture
-Layers 'in-between':
4 egg whites
10 tbs caramel/nuts mixture
2 tbs flour
1-First make caramel/nuts part, as you going to need it for many layers.
Put sugar in a saucepan, melt on high temperature. Don't stir, just swirl pan until sugar melted and golden brown. Add nuts, swirl to coat them and pour on AL foil to cool. When cooled, put into food processor and grind to coarse texture. Set aside.
2-Cook 0,5 l of milk with sugar. When boiled, add gelatin, mix well and add the rest of milk. Let it cool then put in fridge.
3-Meanwhile bake layers. Mix all ingredients (food processor) for bottom layer, bake 7-8 minutes on 180*C over AL foil in a 22 cm cake tin.
4-For 2 in-between layers, beat egg whites until stiff, add caramel/nuts mixture and flour. Fold in. Spread over baking (silicon) paper in 2 circles, that are smaller than first layer. Bake at 160*C, 10-15 minutes, or until golden.
When all layers ready and cooled, beat cream until stiff, add gelatinous milk mixture; watch it for right moment - when starts setting, but still 'pourable'. Mix well. Layering should be in this order:
Put first layer on bottom of a cake pan, pour 1/3 of milk/cream mixture, add first egg white layer (small-one), pour 1/3 of milk/cream , add another egg white layer, and finally pour the rest of milk/cream. Put it into fridge to set. When ready (3-4 hours), decorate the top with the rest of caramel/nuts crumbs.

Havana Torta

250 gr ljesnika
100 gr secera (sljedeci put stavljam 150 gr)
-Zelatinozna mlijecna masa:
1L mlijeka
150 gr secera
3 paketa zelatine (ili koliko je potrebno za 1,5 litru tekucine)
0,5 L vrhnja/kajmaka/slaga
Prva podloga:
6 kasika brasna
100 gr putera
2 zumanca
8 kasika grilijaza
4 bjelanca
10 kasika grilijaza
2 kasike brasna
Najprije napravite grilijaz, jer ce vam on trebati u svim fazama.
Topine secer na jakoj vatri; ne mijesajte nego posudu okrecite i treskajte na jakoj vatri. Kada postane zlatno-zuto, ubacite ljesnike. Preokrenite masu na AL foliju i ohladite. Ohladjeno sameljite.
Napravite mlijecno-zelatinoznu masu: Kuhajte 0,5 L mlijeka sa secerom, u provrelo umijesajte zelatin. Smaknite sa vatre, dobro promijesajte i ulijte preostalo 0,5 L mlijeka. Ostavite hladiti, zatim u frizider.
Napravite podlogu: Pomijesajte sve sastojke, pa na foliju/papir rasporedite smjesu u obruc koji cete koristiti. Pecite 7-8 minuta na 180*C. Ostavite hladiti u obrucu.
Napravite medju-slojeve: Umutite bjelanke u cvrst snijeg, dodajte grilijaz i brasno, pa lagano promijesajte. Rasporedite na papir za pecenje (2 kruga manjeg promjera nego obruc). Pecite na 160*C 10-15 minuta. Ohladite.
Kada je sve spremno, provjerite stanje mlijeka; treba da se pocelo zgusnjavati, ali jos u tecnom stanju. Tada umutite vrhnje/slag, dodajte mlijeko i dobro promijesajte.
Slaganje torte ide ovako:
Na prvu podlogu (koja je ostala u obrucu) nalijte 1/3 mlijecne smjese, postavite sloj sa bjelancima, naspite 1/3 mljiecne smjese, stavite drugi sloj od bjelanaca, i na kraju uspite preostali mlijecni krem. Stavite u frizider na 3-4 sata da se stegne. Kada je dovoljno stegnuto, pospite preostalim grilijazem.

Mediterranean Stuffed Vine Leaves

Vine leaves (40+)
1,5 cups rice (Basmati)+ dry stock
1/4 cup olive oil
1 large or 2 small capsicums, finely diced
1 small eggplant, diced
2 onions, diced
1/2-1 tbs 'Vegeta', or other dry stock
salt, black pepper
Cook rice half way through (3/4 water + 1 teas stock powder - 10 minutes in microwave). Let it cool.
Salt eggplant let it rest for 20 minutes, then squeeze the moisture out.
Heat oil, fry diced onions until translucent, add capsicum and eggplant. Stir fry for 2-3 minutes. Mix with rice and add spices.
Put a tbsp of filling onto each vine leaf; roll as you would spring rolls or similar. If leaves too small or broken, you have to place 2 together.
Place rolls into an oiled pot (2-3 layers), cover with a upside-down dinner plate, cover with water and boil for 20 minutes. Take care not to over salt it; some vine leaves are very salty (before stuffing them, you need to rinse them in that case). If you use fresh vine leaves, you need to precook them before stuffing.
Serve with thick yogurt or sour cream.

Mediteranske sarmice od lisca vinove loze

Listovi vinove loze (40+)
1,5 solja rize + Vegeta (ili sl.)
1/4 solje maslinovog ulja
1 velika ili 2 manje crvene paprike, isjecene na kockice
1 manji patlidzan, isjecen na kockice
2 crvena luka, sjeckana
1/2-1 kasika 'Vegete'
so i crni biber
Skuhajte rizu u pola (sa 3/4 solje vode i 1 kasicicom Vegete - 10 min u mikrovalnoj). Neka se prohladi.
Posolite patlidzane, ostavite ih 20 minuta, pa onda stisnite da se tecnost ocijedi.
Zagrijte ulje, prodinstajte luk, dodajte ostalo povrce; dinstajte jos nekoliko minuta, zacinite i pomijesajte sa rizom.
Ako su listovi usoljeni, saperite ih; ako su svjezi, prokuhajte ih prethodno.
Na svaki list stavite po 1 kasiku mjesavine, pa in zamotajte kao sarmu. Slazite u nauljenu posudu, 2-3 sloja. Poklopite sa preokrenutim tanjirom, prelijte vodom i kuhajte 20-ak minuta.
Sluzite sa kajmakom/ pavlakom/ vrhnjem/ gustim jogurtom.

Quick Sour Dough Bread

Like the taste of sour dough bread, but don't want to wait long time for starter to get sour? Try this recipe for authentic taste. Please use bakers flour (with more than 11% protein).

1 cup +1 tbs water
1/2 cup thick non-fat yogurt
1 tbs lemon juice
2 tbs oil
1,5 teas salt
2 teas salt
4 cups flour
1 1/4 teas yeast
If you're using bread machine, put all ingredients in listed order, and choose settings for white bread. Alternatively, just make the dough, take it out, shape it and let it double before baking it (180*C 35-45 minutes).
Or; Mix all dry ingredients, set aside. Mix all wet ingredients and add them to the flour mixture; knead for 10 minutes. Let it rest for 1 hour, before shaping /doubling/ baking.

Brzi hljeb/kruh sa ukusom kiselog tijesta

1 solja + 1 kasika vode
1/2 solje gustog, nemasnog jogurta/kiselog mlijeka
1 kasika limunovog soka
2 kasike ulja
1,5 kasicica soli
2 kasicice secera
4 solje brasna1 1/4 kasicice suhog kvasca
Ako koristite masinu za hljeb, sve sastojke ubacite po redu i izaberite program za bijeli hljeb. Ili, umijesite u masini, izvadite poslije 1 sata, oblikujte i ostavite da naraste , pa onda pecite u reni na 180*C 35-45 minuta.
Ako rucno mijesite; pomijesajte sve suhe sastojke, u drugu posudu pomijesajte vlazne sastojke, pa njima umijesite tijesto, koje cete 'raditi' bar 10 minuta.
Ostavite nadoci, premijeste, oblikujte; Neka se ponovo odmori/nadodje pa onda pecite (kao sto je gore objasnjeno).

Zucchini and Carrot Fritters with Beetroot Tzatziki

Delightful bites at any time and occasion!


2-4 small zucchinis
1 large carrot
1 large onion
2-3 medium potatoes
2 eggs
1-1,5 cups SR flour
1/2 cup fine corn meal
1 teas salt, pepper
oil for frying
Beetroot Tzatziki:
1 large beetroot,peeled and grated
1-1,5 cups yogurt
2-3 gloves garlic, crushed
Grate all vegetable, put salt and let rest for 10-15 minutes. Squeeze the moisture,replace into other bowl; add eggs, flours and pepper. Mix well. Heat oil in a frying pan. Place a spoonful into hot oil (I used egg rings for shape), and fry a minute each side (or until golden). Drain on absorbent paper.
For Tzatziki:
Grate beetroot, mix with yogurt and garlic.
Serve hot!

'Prženice' od Tikvica i Mrkve sa Cvekla 'Cacikijem'

2-4 manje tikvice
1 veca mrkva
1 veci crveni luk
2-3 srednja krompira
2 jaja
1 -1,5 solja samodizajuceg brasna
1/2 solje kukuruznog sitnog brasna
1 kasicica soli, biber crni
ulje za przenje
Cvekla 'Caciki':
1 velika cvekla, rendana
1-1,5 solja gustog yogurta/kiselog mlijeka
2-3 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog/sitno rendanog
Izrendajte svo povrce, posolite i ostavite 10-15 minuta. Ocijedite visak tecnosti (pritisnite rukama), dodajte brasno, jaja i biber. Umijesite. Zagrijte ulje, vadite smjesu kasikom i przite 1 minutu sa svake strane, ili dok nebude zlatno-zute boje. Izvadite na apsorbirajuci papir.
'Caciki': Izrendajte cveklu, dodajte jogurt i bijeli luk, pa dobro promijesajte.
Sluzite dok je toplo!

Tiramisu Ice Cream Torte

My son Vigor is 13!

1 sponge cake, bought or made (4 eggs, 6 tbsp sugar, 4 tbsp flour, 1 tbsp corn flour; I added 1 tsp instant coffee), cut horizontally in 2
1 cup strong coffee with 3 tsp sugar
1L (4 cups) coffee ice cream
Chocolate and cocoa for decorating
Take ice cream out of fridge to soften. Prepare cake tin (sponge has to fit in it), cover with plastic foil.
Spoon/brush coffee over each 1/2 of sponge cake. Mix ice cream well, until you achieve spreadable texture. Place 1 sponge into tin, spread 1/2 of ice cream,place another sponge, press slightly, the spread the rest of ice cream on top. Put in freezer for 2 hours. Make chocolate decorations/ shavings - your choice.
When torte has hardened, dust with cocoa and place decorations on top.

Tiramisu Sladoled Torta

1 biskvit za torte, kupljen ili napravljen (od 4 jaja, 6 kasika secera, 4 kasike brasna, 1 kasikom 'Gustina'; dodala sam 1 kasicicu instant kafe), prerezanu na pola
1 solja jake kafe, sa 3 kasicice secera
1L (4 solje) sladoleda od kafe
Cokolada i kakao za ukrasavanje
Izvadite sladoled iz zamrzivaca da omeksa. Pripremite obruc za torte u koji biskvit uklapa; oblozite folijom/celofanom.
Svaku polovicu biskvita prelijte (kasikom) sa kafom. Stavite 1 biskvit na dno kalupa, prerucite 1/2 sladoleda. Preko stavite drugi biskvit, malo pritisnite, pa onda i preostalu 1/2 sladoleda. Smjestite u zamrzivac na 2 sata. Pripremite vase cokoladne dekoracije, po vasem izboru.
Kada se torta stisnula, pospite kakao i ukrasite cokoladom.

Chocolate and Fresh Ginger Biscuits

In my grater family I have Catholics, Orthodoxes and Muslims, so celebrating our similarities and differences is something that we take seriously. It usually starts in November (my sons birthdays), and last for 3 months. A lot of biscuits is baked, eaten and given as a gift during this period.
Chocolate Ginger Biscuits are 'must-have' in my home, especially during upcoming holidays.
5-7 cm fresh ginger, peeled and grated
185 g flour
2 tbs cocoa
115 g wholemeal flour
1/4 teas salt
1/4 teas black pepper, freshly grounded
225 g butter, softened
185 g brown sugar
2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
2 teas vanilla essence
chocolate (dark or white) for decorating
Mix all dry ingredients well, add butter, ginger, vanilla and egg yolks. Make a soft dough. Using food processor is OK. Divide into 2, and make square logs. Wrap with paper/wrap and refrigerate. When hard enough, cut into 3-5 mm pieces. Bake over silicon paper 8-10 min on 180*C.
Melt chocolate and decorate top of biscuits, when slightly cooled.
Last for 4 weeks in cool, dry spot.

Keksi sa Svjezim Djumbirom i Čokoladom

5-7 cm djumbira, oguljenog i rendanog
185 gr brasna
2 kasike kakaa
115 gr integralnog brasna
1/4 kasicice soli
1/4 kasicice crnog bibera, svjeze mljevenog
225 gr putera, omeksalog
185 gr baon secera
2 zumanca, blago umucena
2 kasicice vanile
Čokolada po vasem izboru, za dekoraciju
Pomijesajte sve suhe sastojke dobro, dodajte puter, zumanca, djumbir i vanilu, pa umijesite tijesto. Podijelite na 2, oblikujte u 'kockaste' valjke. Zamotajte u celofan/foliju i stavite u frizider da se stegne. Rezite na 3-5 mm snite i pecite na papiru za pecenje oko 8-10 min , temperatura 180*C. Kada se malo prohlade, ukrasite ih topljenom cokoladom.
Traju do 4 sedmice na suhom i hladnom mjestu.

Simplified Bosnian Pita - Maslenica

As 'Bosnian Pita' is most popular page on my blog, I've decided to show simplified technique to all who want to learn making pastry, but are indecisive, because it looks difficult. This version of 'Pita' doesn't require very thin pastry, and even if the pastry tears a bit is OK, because only folding is involved. 'Maslenica' is pita with 'maslo' (Ghee); I started practicing on this sort of Pita.

Follow this recipe to make your pastry and prepare surface.
Prepare filling (your choice):
-Sauteed onions in olive oil (3), salt, pepper
-Cottage cheese 200g, 1 egg, salt (filling should be 'runny')
-Sauteed mushrooms, with some cream and salt
-Cooked mince with onion, salt pepper
This time I've chosen first 2.
When you stretch the pastry, spoon some extra oil in a thin stream (or melted butter mixed with some oil); sprinkle your filling in middle third, fold one side over it, repeat oiling/spooning mixture (now in half pastry which is folded already), fold again (another side over the middle). Do this process one more time: oil/sprinkle middle, fold one side, oil/sprinkle half fold over it. You'll get a square pita (with 9 layers). Each top (except final one) should be sprinkled with topping/filling.

Don' worry if looks 'wrinkled' or if pastry tears while stretching. This is 'Maslenica' - it's allowed, and you're practicing.
Oil top of pita. Bake at 180*C (fan forced) 25-minutes or until nice and golden.
Slice and serve with drinking yogurt (optional).

Maslenica - ili pita za pocetnike
Mnogo laksa verzija razvijanja jufke, posto je deblja i moze cak i da popuca. Ja sam se vjezbala na Maslenici, kao i mnoge druge pocetnice.
Slijedite ovaj recept za jufku, pripremite povrsinu i filing:
- sir sa jajima i kajmakom ('tecno' stanje)
- proprzeni luk sa soli i biberom
- gljive dinstane sa soli i malo kajmaka
- mljeveno dinstano meso + luk, zacinjeno
- paprike sjeckane...
Kada razvucete tijesto, koje moze ostati deblje, na srednju trecinu poprskajte nadjev i malo nauljite, preklopite jednu stranu, pa preko nje stavite nadjev i ulje. Preklopite i drugu stranu preko.(Vidi sliku gore). Sada to isto ucinite ponovo: fil na sredu, preklopi, fil i ulje ponovo, preklopi. Treba da dobijete znaci 9 slojeva, sa filom preko svakog sloja, osim posljednjeg, kojeg morate nauljiti. Ne brinite ako je tijesto popucalo, ili se zguzvalo. Tako treba, jer ste u fazi prakticiranja i dozvoljeno je. Pecite 25 -30 min na 180*C. Sluziti sa jogurtom (po zelji).

'Blind' Pie

This is an old recipe from times when families had many members and not plenty of food. It's called blind, because no one knew what they gonna get in their portion.
I would call it 'Comfort food' because it's very satisfying.

2 large eggs
1 teas salt
3-4 tbsp olive oil (or melted butter)
1/4 teas black pepper
1 cup yogurt/buttermilk
1 cup wholemeal flour
1,5 cup plain flour
1 tbs dried onions
2 medium potatoes, grated
1/4 teas baking powder
milk to need (to make consistency of pancake mixture)
Cooked chicken meat (usually from making soup)
Cumin and Nigella seeds to sprinkle
Sour cream to serve (optional)
Preheat oven to 180*C; grease an ovenproof dish.
Mix eggs with buttermilk, oil and spices, add flour and enough milk to make it 'pancake mixture' consistency. Mix grated potatoes. Pour half the mixture into pan, arrange cooked meat, and pour the other half of mixture on the top. Sprinkle with seeds and bake for 40-45 minutes. Serve with sour cream.

Ćorava Pita

Stari recept moje stare tetke; Malo mesa koje se imalo moralo se razvuci za sve clanove porodice. Da ne bi bilo ljubomore, meso se sakrivalo u tijestu, tako da niko nije znao sta ce dobiti u svojoj porciji.
2 jaja
1 kasicica soli
3-4 kasike ulja (ili otopljenog maslaca)
1/4 kasicice bibera
1 solja jogurta/kiselog mlijeka
1 solja 'crnog' brasna
1,5 solja obicnog brasna
1 kasika suhog crvenog luka (ili 1 manja glavica sjeckanog)
2 srednja krompira, rendana
1/4 kasicice praska za pecivo
Mlijeko po potrebi (tijesto treba da bude gustine kao za palacinke)
Kuhano pilece meso (obicno iz supe)
Kim i crni sezam za posuti
Kajmak/pavlaka za servirati (po zelji)
Zagrijte rernu na 180*C, pripremite posudu u kojoj cete peci.
Umutite jaja, dodajte zacine i jogurt. Uspite brasno, promijesajte,razrijedite sa mlijekom, dodajte krompir.
Uspite pola smjese u posudu, rasporedite meso po tome, pa uspite i drugu polovinu smjese preko mesa. Pospite sjemenom i pecite 40-45 minuta. Sluzite sa kajmakom/pavlakom.

'Spanish Wind' Torte

I don't know why it is called 'Spanish Wind'. What I do know is that there is no other cake/torte you can compare with this one.
Please note: Below is original recipe, which gives a huge (rectangle) torte. Pictured above is smaller, round version (9 eggs).

-3 meringue layers, for each layer you'll need:
4 egg whites
225 g caster sugar
1 teas white vinegar
12 egg yolks
1 L milk
8 tbsp sugar
5 tbsp flour
300 g hazelnuts (or other nuts), roasted, processed
1,5 cups (375 g) butter, softened
Chocolate shavings for decoration
Preheat oven to 160*C (140*C fan forced). Have 3 pieces of AL foil ready.
Beat egg whites with a high speed mixer until stiff foam forms, ad sugar spoon by spoon, add vinegar. Beat until very thick and glossy.
Mark a rectangle (30 X 25 cm) on a piece of AL foil. Spread the meringue on foil, allow a bit for spreading, and bake/dry for 1,5 hours. Repeat with 2 more meringues. If you have fan forced oven, you can bake all layers at once. Let the meringues cool in oven with opened door.
For icing, Beat egg yellows and flour with a little milk. Pour the rest of milk in a saucepan, add sugar and bring to boil. Add flour/egg-yellow mixture and cook stirring all the time. You'll get a thick custard, which you need to cool.
Beat butter, add custard (must be cool) and beat it until creamy. Add nuts and mix well.
Peel AL foil from meringues, be careful - it's brittle. Top first layer with custard/nuts mixture, top with other layer, repeat until all used. Spread filling on top and around the cake. Decorate with chocolate shavings.

Torta 'Spanski Vjetar'

-za svaki od 3 sloja
4 bjelanca
225 gr secera
1 kasicica sirceta
12 zumanaca
1L mlijeka
8 kasika secera
5 kasika brasna
1,5 puter (375 gr), omeksan
300 gr pecenih, samljevenih ljesnika (ili oraha)
Cokolada za ukrasavanje
Ukljucite rernu na 160*C, ili 140* ako ima fen unutra. Pripremite 3 komada AL folije.
Umutite bjelanca u cvrst snijeg, dodajte secer i sirce i mutite dok ne postane cvrsto i gusto. Na foliju oznacite pravougaonik 30 X 25 cm. Nanesite snijeg, rasporedite ga, ali racunajte da ce se snijeg rasiriti tokom susenja. Pecite/susite 1,5 sat svaku koru. Ako imate fen mozete sve kore susiti u isto vrijeme. Ostavite da se ohlade.
Za kremu, umutite zumanca i brasno sa malo mlijeka. U posudu stavite kuhati ostatak mlijeka i secer. Kada prokuha uspite brasno/zumanca i kuhajte dok se ne zgusne. Ohladite. Umutite puter, dodajte ohladjenu kremu, pa sve zajedno jos mutite. Ubacite ljesnike,odvojite foliju sa kora (pazljivo) pa ovime filujte tortu.
Ukrasite struganom cokoladom.

Thai Fried Rice

Quick tasty dinner made from leftovers!

2-3 portions of steamed jasmine rice (1 cup raw rice)
1 roasted chicken, shredded (or fry diced chicken meat/prawns)
1 egg (optional)fried as pancake, sliced
3 tbs olive oil
1 large onion, diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1-2 hot chillies, sliced
1 tbs thai red curry paste
1 cup frozen mixed vegetables (peas, carrot, corn)
1 tbs soy sauce
2 tbs oyster sauce
3 drops sesame oil
2-3 green onions, chopped
3-4 tbs coriander leaves, chopped
Heat oil, fry onions, garlic, chilli and vegies. Add red curry, mix well; add rice, meat,egg. Fry and stir on a high heat for few minutes, until mixed well and rice separated. Pour sauces and sesame oil, mix again. Serve sprinkled with sliced green onions and coriander leaves.

Tajlandska 'przena' riza

2-3 porcije kuhane hladne rize (oko 1 solja nekuhane)
1 peceno pile (ili proprzite komadice piletine/skampe)
1 jaje (po izboru)peceno kao palacinka i isjeceno
3 kasike maslinovog ulja
1 veliki crveni luk, isjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnutog
1-2 ljute papricice, isjeckane
1 kasika crvenog Tajlandskog karija (ne mora)
1 solja sjeckanog (smrznutog) povrca - mrkva, grasak, kukuruz
1 kasika soja sosa
2 kasike 'oyster' sosa (sos od skoljki)
3 kapi sezamovog ulja
2-3 mlada luka, sjeckana
3-4 kasike korijander lisca, sjeckanog
Proprzite luk, bijeli luk, papricice i povrce nekoliko minuta dok ne omeksa. Ubacite kari, rizu, jaje i meso. Przite i mijesajte cijelo vrijeme, dok se riza ne zagrije. Prelijte sosevima i sezamovim uljem. Servirajte na tanjir pa pospite sjeckanim mladim lukom i korijanderom.

Rainbow Torte

I avoid using artificial colours or additives in my food, but once a year it is OK, especially if it's someones wish to have it for their Birthday.
One other reason is the 'wow' factor that you get when cutting this cake.

-7 layer sponge:
7 egg whites (medium)
2 cups sugar
1 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup milk, room temperature
1/2 cup sour cream
3 cups plain flour
3 teas baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Food colours: Yellow, Red, Blue
3 cups milk
1 cup sugar
5 tbs flour
2 tbs corn flour (starch)
mint oil, or other flavouring
1 teas vanilla
500 gr butter, room temperature
Prepare as many 22 cm tins, as you have (I had two); line with baking paper, and make some extra baking liners ready (I had 4). Preheat oven to 160*C (fan forced).
Beat egg whites with a high speed, until you get a stiff foam. Add sugar, spoon by spoon, mix well. Pour butter, milk, sour cream and vanilla. Mix until all incorporated. Switch mixer off, and sift flour, baking powder and salt on top of meringue. Fold in with spatula. Divide mixture into 7 little bowls, and let the fun begin: in each bowl add food colouring until you're satisfied with shade. Be careful - use pipette or similar. Bake each colour sponge separately, 10-12 min. Repeat if you don't have 7 tins. Let it cool.
Mix flours with a little milk until smooth and silky.
Put the rest of the milk and sugar into a saucepan, bring to boil. Pour flour/milk mixture into boiling milk, and cook on slow heat, until thick. Let it cool completely (not in refrigerator).
Beat butter well, add 'custard' and beat together until you get smooth creamy texture. Top each sponge/layer with this icing, take care to put layers in order, and then spread icing on top and around the cake.
Hide colours well; it makes a nice surprise for a cutting/celebrating person when they realise all the colours inside.

Torta 'Duga'

-7 biskvitnih slojeva-
7 bjelanaca
2 solje secera
250 g maslaca, otopljenog
1 solja mlijeka, mlakog
1/2 solje kajmaka/pavlake
2 kasicice vanile
3 solje brasna
3 kasicice praska za pecivo
1/4 kasicice soli
Prehrambene boje: Zuta, Crvena, Plava
750 ml mlijeka
1 solja secera
5 kasika brasna
2 kasike gustina, ili slicno
1 kasicica vanile
ulje mentola ili aromu po zelji
500 gr maslaca
Pripremite kalupe za torte (ja sam imala 2) i oblozite ih paprirom za pecenje. Ukljucite rernu na 160 *C (sa fenom) ili 175*C bez fena.
Umutite bjelanca u cvrst snijeg, dodajte secer i jos mutite. Dodajte zatim maslac, mlijeko, kajmak i vanilu. Dobro promijesajte, iskljucite mikser pa prosijte brasno, prasak za pecivo i so na povrsinu. Lagano rucno sjedinite masu. Podijelite u 7 zdjelica i svaku obojite u jednu od duginih boja. Pecite svaku posebno 10-12 minuta. Ohladite.
Za kremu- kuhajte mlijeko sa secerom, uspite brasno (koje ste umutili sa malo mlijeka i vanilom)i skuhajte kao puding. Dodajte aromu koju ste izabrali.  Ohladite. Umutite sa maslacem u kremu, pa svaki sloj premazite ovom kremom. Ostavite za odozgo i okolo.
Sakrijte dobro slojeve, kako biste napravili pravo iznenadjenje onome koji reze!

Corn Dogs on a Stick

Something for our youngest (and those who feel young at heart).

20 cocktail frankfurts
1/2 cup coarse polenta
1/2 cup fine polenta (corn meal)
1/2 cup SR flour
1/2 teas salt
1/2 cup tasty cheese, finely grated
1/2 cup butter milk
1 egg, large beaten
50 g butter, melted
Oil for deep frying
wooden skewers
Insert skewers into each frakfurt (I half the long ones).
Combine all dry ingredients, add all wet ingredients, mix well. Batter should be thicker than pancake mix (if too thick add extra butter milk, or sparkling water).
Dip each frankfurt into batter, coat well, then slowly put into hot oil and fry for 2 minutes, or until golden. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve with tomato sauce.

Hrenovke u kukuruznom tijestu - na drski

20 malih hrenovki (ili prepolovljene velike)
1/2 solje palente
1/2 solje kukuruznog brasna
1/2 solje samodizajuceg brasna
1/2 kasicice soli
1/2 solje sitno rendanog tvrdog sira
1/2 solje tecnog jogurta
1 vece jaje, ulupano
50 gr putera, otopljenog
ulje za duboko przenje
drveni stapici (duge cackalice)
Nabodite svaku hrenovku na drvene stapice (lakse ce te prziti ako nisu predugacki).
Sastavite sve suhe sastojke, promijesajte, pa u smjesu ubacite sve vlazne sastojke. Pomijesajte dobro. Tijesto treba da bude gusce nego za palacinke. (Mozete dodati jos jogurta ili kisele vode, ako je neophodno).
Umocite svaku hrenovku u tijesto (hrenovke treba da su suhe - bolje se tijesto 'zalijepi' za njih), pa przite u dubokom ulju oko 2 minute, ili dok ne porumene. Ocijedite ih na papiru, i sluzite sa paradajz sosom/kecapom.

Raffaello Torte

November is month of Birthday Cakes in my home, as my both sons, my mother, my best friend and my mother-in-low are born in this month.
My dear friend Ann is first on the November list. I decided to make Raffaello Torte for her, because she likes coconut. Coming up in next few weeks: 'Rainbow Torte', 'Havana', 'Spanish Wind', 'Tiramisu torte'.

6 egg whites, from large eggs (or 7 small)
250 g sugar, caster
150 g coconut, dessicated
100 g flour
6 egg yolks
500 ml milk
200 g sugar
4 tbsp flour
250 g butter, soft
All ingredients should be taken out of fridge at least couple of hours before making.
Preheat oven to 160*C (150 fan forced); Prepare 2 X 22 cm cake tins, line with baking paper.
Put egg whites in a clean bowl, mix on high speed until foamy. Add sugar in a few batches, with mixer still running. You should get a thick foam. Switch mixer off, add coconut and flour on top and fold in with spatula. Spoon into prepared tins, bake 20 minutes. Take out cool on a wire rack.
While baking sponges, prepare cream.
Put 400 ml milk in a saucepan with sugar, bring to boil.
Mix egg yolks with flour and 100 ml milk into smooth mixture. Pour into boiling milk and stir all the time, until custard forms (3-5 min). Let it cool completely.
Beat butter, add custard and beat together, until incorporates into silky cream.
Spread less than half of this cream onto first layer, top with another sponge, then spread cream on top and sides. Sprinkle with coconut. Let it cool in the fridge for 1-2 hours before slicing.

In form of slices
Bake in a large rectangular tin, and spread cream on top. Decorate with coconut.

Rafaelo Torta

6 vecih bjelanaca
250 gr sitnog secera
150 gr kokosa
100 gr brasna
5 dl mlijeka
200 gr secera
6 zumanaca
4 kasike brasna
250 gr putera
Umutite bjelanca sa secerom u cvrst snijeg. Dodajte brasno i kokos i rucno sjedinite. Pecite u 2 kalupa (22cm) 20 minuta na 160*C.
Za krem, kuhajte 4 dl mlijeka sa secerom. Umutite zumanca sa brasnom i 1 dl mlijeka, uspite u kljucalo mlijeko. Mijesajte cijelo vrijeme, dok ne postane gusto kao puding. Ohladite potpuno. Umutite puter, ubacite 'puding' pa zajedno mutite dok ne postane pjenasto. Ovim filujte tortu, i premazite okolo. Pospite sa kokosom.
Prije sjecenja rashladite u frizideru.

Raspberry Hazelnut Cake

My favorite nuts are hazelnuts. They go well with so many ingredients, in this case with raspberries. I made this cake for a house warming party. Everyone was delighted by the taste.

6 eggs
2 cups caster sugar
250 g butter, melted
2/3 cup sour cream, warmed
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup SR flour
1 cup hazelnuts, roasted and processed into meal
300 g raspberries, fresh or frozen
250 g cream cheese
2/3 cup icing sugar
2/3 cup milk powder
Preheat oven to 180*C (160* fan forced). Prepare 22 cm cake tin.
Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy, add melted butter and sour cream. Mix well, then sift flours on top of mixture, add hazelnut meal; fold in slowly by hand (spatula). Finally add raspberries and pour into tin. Bake for 1 hour (or more) or until inserted toothpick doesn't come out clean.
For icing - put all ingredients into a bowl (cream cheese should be soft -room temperature), mix on a high speed until soft and fluffy. Spread cake with icing, and decorate with raspberries if desired.

Kolaci sa Malinama i Ljesnicima

6 jaja
2 solje secera
250 gr maslaca, otopljenog
2/3 solje kajmaka/pavlake
1 solja brasna
1/2 solje samodizajuceg brasna
1 solja ljesnika, pecenih i samljevenih
300 gr kupina/ crvenih malina
250 gr krem sira (Philadelphia)
2/3 solje prah secera
2/3 solje mlijeka u prahu
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C (160 sa fenom). Pripremite kalup za tortu 22 cm.
Umutite jaja sa secerom u pjenu, dodajte otopljeni puter i kajmak. Promijesajte. Na povrsinu prosijte brasna, dodajte ljesnike, pa lagano rucno sjedinite. Ubacite maline, promijesajte i sve prerucite u kalup. Pecite oko sat vremena ili duze(provjerite sa cackalicom).
Za kremu - mikserom sjedinite sve sastojke, pa premazite kolac po povrsini i okolo. Mozete ukrasiti sa malinama, po zelji.

Oven Baked Rainbow Trout

I was born far away from any sea, but we had (still have) beautiful rivers full of this lovely fish. This is a simple way to prepare and enjoy it.

2 Rainbow Trouts (1-1,5 kg)
1/3 cup olive oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
corn flour (fine polenta) for dusting
salt and pepper
Wipe (scaled) trouts, salt and pepper inside and out. Mix oil and crushed garlic; brush fish with with this, leaving most of the garlic inside. Dust well with fine polenta, pour some more olive oil on top, and bake for 40-45 minutes on 180*C.
Best served with corn bread ( recipe below).

Pastrmka iz rerne / peci
Ovu ribu najradije jedem...vjerovatno jer sam rodjena na kontinentu.

2 pastrmke (do 1,5 kg)
1/3 solje maslinovog ulja
2 cena bijelog luka
kukuruzno brasno, sitno
so i biber
Obrisite ociscene ribe, posolite i pobiberite sa svih strana i unutra.
Pomijesajte ulje i protisnuti bijeli luk, pa ovime premazite ribu, nastojeci da vecina bijelog luka ostane unutra. Pobrasnite sa svih strana, nauljite i pecite 40-45 minuta na 180*C. Najbolje je servirati sa projom / kukuruznim hljebom (recept ispod).